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Example sentences for "shall carry"

  • A steam vessel proceeding under sail only, but having her funnel up, shall carry in daytime forward, where it can best be seen, one black ball or shape 2 feet in diameter.

  • So you see we have the State Convention committed to the right side, and I do believe we shall carry it.

  • With the help of God and Lucy Stone, we shall carry Kansas!

  • As long as it remains the law of the land, however, I shall carry out my constitutional duty and administer it.

  • Happily, I shall carry with me from the public theater other sources, which those who love their country most will best appreciate.

  • If it is one year only and he had let it go waste, and he shall return, one shall give his field, his garden, and his house, and he shall carry on his business.

  • If a ganger or a constable who is diverted to the fortresses of the king, his son be able to carry on the business, one shall give him field and garden and he shall carry on his father's business.

  • Peletiah struggled to his feet and gasped, "I shall carry it," and put out his hands.

  • I shall carry it now," announced Rachel, gathering up the little pat, safe in its white cloth.

  • I shall carry it," declared Peletiah doggedly, and bringing his pale eyes to bear on her face, while he stood still in his tracks.

  • I have already told you that I shall carry a supply on board the schooner which I propose to purchase, but I shall also obtain the best of weapons for ourselves, and in any case we shall carry with us a pair of heavy revolvers.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shall carry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    been made; shall break; shall bruise thy head; shall cause; shall ever; shall first; shall get; shall kill; shall know; shall leave; shall make; shall perish; shall prepare; shall read; shall remember; shall ride; shall save his people from their; shall see; shall stay; shall still; shall suppose; shall take; shall treat; shall turn; shall vote; state for foreign and political affairs