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Example sentences for "mountebank"

Lexicographically close words:
mountainy; mountance; mountayne; mountaynes; mounte; mountebanks; mounted; mounteth; mounting; mountings
  1. Disguised as a clown, he attended the fancy-dress ball, and in the character of a mountebank collected a group of ladies and gentlemen around him while he related with the inimitable skill of a buffoon a romantic narrative.

  2. Persuade the worthy mountebank either to come back or fight at once on whatever ground I find him, and assume to be a gentleman--for once!

  3. Do, I entreat you, look as if you were not a mountebank mouthing at a crowd.

  4. Sink the accursed murderer and mountebank in the depths of the Ionian sea.

  5. Upon inquiry I found this grand equipage belonged to a mountebank named Smith.

  6. Her majesty sure was in a surprise, Or else was very short-sighted, When a tinker was sworn to look after her eyes, And the mountebank tailor was knighted.

  7. Incited by emulation, artists arrived from all parts to contest the prize, among whom a well-known witty Mountebank gave out that he had a new kind of entertainment that had never yet been produced on any stage.

  8. The Mountebank grunts away at first, and calls forth the greatest clapping and applause.

  9. The people cried out that the Mountebank had imitated the pig much more naturally, and hooted to the Countryman to quit the stage; but he, to convict them to their face, produced the real pig from his bosom.

  10. Remembering his mountebank days, he had but to hold a little performance in the public square.

  11. It is not often that we have the honor of entertaining a mountebank at court.

  12. It was great fun to play at being a mountebank once more for the people who loved him!

  13. Thus placed, the wretched mountebank was made to traverse the streets of the town, his progress meanwhile being enlivened by the hooting and shouts of the children, and the ironical jeers of the populace.

  14. For when any mountebank appeared in the city of Montpellier, the magistrates were empowered to set him astride of a meagre, miserable ass, with his face to the animal's tail.

  15. For they will often prefer a mountebank or witch before a learned physician.

  16. If he has not, it would be well, if not profane, to witness it; for never before has he seen such mountebank tricks.

  17. When he was being trussed up he had remembered an old trick taught him by Sherebiah, acquired during his mountebank days, when he had mystified rustic spectators by escaping from ropes tied by the most expert hands in the village.

  18. Precedent's slave, this mountebank decides As great Authority, not Reason, guides.

  19. The mountebank stops for a moment at an elevated part of the mountainous road from where the plain and the hill on which the burg is built can be seen.

  20. I forbid you--the mountebank has placed himself under the protection of Chram and of us, his men.

  21. Feeling reassured, the latter resumed their way and, out of prudence, walked a few paces ahead of the mountebank at what they considered a safe distance from the bear.

  22. When it was decided that you were to be the mountebank and I the bear, we had to find a good-sized bear, and kind enough to let us have his head, jacket and hose.

  23. Chram, he is a strolling mountebank with his animals.

  24. Now, boys, I promise you that after the King has enjoyed himself, I shall request the count to have the mountebank sent to this part of the house with his animals, so that you also may be amused by him.

  25. They are proceeding along a path, which, a few paces ahead of him, runs into the road on which the mountebank is walking.

  26. Count, the poor mountebank has placed himself under my protection.

  27. The steward approached his master and said: "Seigneur, the mountebank with his bear and monkey are ready.

  28. Finally, in order to complete the scene, I just learn that a mountebank with a dancing bear and a monkey has been let into the burg.

  29. I told the mountebank that I would not hinder him from earning his living.

  30. The Arts are already almost lost among the writings of mountebank authors.

  31. A variety of their mountebank tricks are going on in different parts of the scene.

  32. This print is entitled "A Mountebank Painter demonstrating to his admirers and subscribers that crookedness is y^e most beautifull.

  33. Oh yes, I was married at a village near Bury, in Suffolk; I was travelling as a mountebank at the time.

  34. When the legions return with that mountebank at their head let them find Dea Flavia Augusta and her lord the acknowledged masters of Rome.

  35. And now the imperial mountebank was coming home himself, having ordered his triumph as he had stage-managed his deeds of valour.

  36. The Cæsar had returned from Germany and Gaul having played his part of mountebank upon the arena of the world.

  37. He was such a born mountebank that he could even act the part of kindness and benevolence, and he acted it at this moment so realistically that the ignorant, confiding girl was taken in by his tricks.

  38. If he is a mountebank I am afraid he's a very dangerous one.

  39. That was what I knew of my poor, cheap, fiddle-playing mountebank of a father.

  40. One would think a mountebank was coming instead of John Ball!

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mountebank" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    artist; bluff; charlatan; cheat; clown; conjurer; dancer; fake; fraud; geisha; humbug; hypocrite; impersonator; impostor; mace; magician; malingerer; mountebank; mummer; musician; performer; phoney; phony; poser; pretender; quack; ringer; rogue; sham; sharper; singer; slicker; stripper; swindler; thief; twister