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Example sentences for "malingerer"

Lexicographically close words:
maligned; maligners; maligning; malignity; maline; malingerers; malingering; malis; malison; malista
  1. I mean to say that the material observed by me came to my notice within the confines of a hospital for the insane, and that my failure, therefore, to see the so-called pure malingerer is probably due to this circumstance.

  2. This is the experience of everyone who comes in contact with these cases, and there are others who go so far as to maintain that every malingerer of mental symptoms is mentally defective.

  3. In my own limited experience of several years with insane delinquents I have yet to see the malingerer who, aside from being a malingerer, was not quite worthless mentally.

  4. I shall not argue this point further, but merely state that it is true I have not had experience with the detected and convicted malingerer in the jail and court-room.

  5. More scientific studies of personality which led to a direction of our attention to the malingerer rather than to malingering as an isolated mental phenomenon brought with it a complete change of attitude towards the entire subject.

  6. It would simply substantiate the truth of our contention that in the malingerer we see a type of individual who is far from normal, and in whom malingering as well as frank mental disease is not at all a rare phenomenon.

  7. Meantime Hill was being left sedulously aloneā€”a treatment quite as trying to the nerves of the malingerer as what I had been through.

  8. A man who is a malingerer on the London docks would be a malingerer on the Spanish Main.

  9. The possible development of the hysteric from the malingerer by the repression of the knowledge of deceit is an idea of my own, which is not accepted by any one of importance.

  10. So I kept myself to myself and did no more any exploits, save that I did my duty as sentry wheresoever I might be ordered to go, and that I performed as any malingerer might, and as sleepily as might well be.

  11. With her irritable father to placate and wait upon, and with Ingerson's attitude toward her coming to be that of blunt possessorship, she was by turns the patient nurse to the malingerer and the cheerful heartener of the rest of us.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "malingerer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.