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Example sentences for "inviolate"

Lexicographically close words:
invincible; invincibly; inviolability; inviolable; inviolably; invisibility; invisible; invisibly; invita; invitation
  1. The general government, to which the great trust is confided of preserving inviolate the relations created among the States, by the constitution, is especially bound to avoid in its own action any thing that may disturb them.

  2. Their nominations were immediately rejected, a second time, and the seal of secrecy preserved inviolate upon the reasons of the rejection.

  3. Hope and high faith inviolate of distrust Shone strong as life inviolate of the grave Through each bright word and lineament serene.

  4. They were his ancestors who had kept Montvilliers inviolate as it was to-day, his fathers who had fought in the forefront of the battle, thrusting back their foes at the sword's point.

  5. That it had fallen behind the times in this manner may have been a potent factor in keeping it inviolate and independent.

  6. Always the essential changes that follow changed conditions, and always the downward pull of inviolate home-tradition, to hold back evolution when it could.

  7. May we not hope for some development of home life by which we may outgrow forever these coarse old customs, and learn a true refinement which keeps inviolate the privacy of both soul and body in the home?

  8. But the conversation which her ladyship had with me was all pro-matrimonial, and would not have suggested to the stranger that she was an ancient maiden of inviolate chastity.

  9. Here then is the abode of inviolate sanctity!

  10. Amidst wars and tumults, and the depredations of banditti without and around, it remains secure and inviolate and inviolable.

  11. She is a precious jewel in the crown, And none hath more inviolate faith maintained Towards the kings, thy royal ancestors.

  12. The royal arms of France are hung Fast by the throne of God; and ye as soon From the bright wain of heaven might snatch a star As rend a single village from this realm, Which shall remain inviolate forever!

  13. Promise me that in future you will try to keep it like that Christian temple, pure and inviolate from all imprecations and rebellious words.

  14. Surely thine hour has come, thy great wind blows, Far off, most secret, and inviolate Rose?

  15. A bedroom cannot remain an inviolate sanctuary when it affords the only means of access to the bathroom or is a short cut to the kitchen.

  16. Impressing one's existence on so lovely and inviolate a thing as this.

  17. There is also the demand that we retain inviolate the social means for successful family life.

  18. In the field of child-labor we have model laws, not always well enforced, laws that aim to keep inviolate for childhood at least a few years of schooling.

  19. He preserved inviolate the doctrines set forth in the Nicene confession of faith, yet he held communion with those who had corrupted that faith.

  20. The difference is altogether in the different age of the two parties, and nothing in the nature of the rights; the rights are the same rights; and are to be preserved inviolate for the inheritance of the minors when they shall come of age.

  21. The minority think, on the other hand, "We are resolved to hand down inviolate to our successors the inheritance of eighteen centuries, bequeathed to us by our predecessors.

  22. Sometimes she thought that she could never say them; that her life was secure only within some pure, charmed circle of inviolate silence; that her wisdom lay in simply trusting him to understand her.

  23. Anne, left in her charmed, inviolate circle, surrendered sweetly to the spirit of Westleydale.

  24. But, though her body yet moved in its charmed inviolate circle, he felt dimly that the spiritual barrier was down.

  25. All powers vested in the Governor of the State would be strenuously exerted to preserve peace and maintain inviolate the honor and integrity of Maryland.

  26. And this fire was considered as the most precious and sacred gift from one person to another, binding them in bonds of inviolate friendship for that year, certainly; with a hope that the same might endure through life.

  27. Since the evidence was purely circumstantial, there must be no flaw in its cable of assumption, it must be logically inviolate within itself.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inviolate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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