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Example sentences for "reputable"

Lexicographically close words:
repulsive; repulsively; repulsiveness; repurchase; repurchased; reputacion; reputation; reputations; repute; reputed
  1. Brindley, a reputable bookseller of his time, and who was one of a society formed in 1736 'for the encouragement of learning,' which had a chequered and an undignified career.

  2. For nearly half a century the place has been growing in popularity as a locus standi of the reputable second-hand book trade.

  3. Needless to say, however, all reputable booksellers will take back a work which is discovered to be imperfect, provided that the volume be returned without delay.

  4. It is necessary for the collector to exercise the greatest caution in acquiring a valuable old book from any but a reputable bookseller.

  5. I formed acquaintances with the least reputable of my comrades, frequented their haunts, and imitated their habits.

  6. Still there have been developed in the other leading professions, those that are regarded as the most reputable and noteworthy, certain recognized principles which serve to guide their members in many ways.

  7. I should be glad to see recognition by the leading library schools of this work, perhaps giving students advanced credit when work has been satisfactorily done at any reputable college.

  8. Any reputable physician or any intellectual minister will advise that.

  9. Horse-racing in America is not considered the most exciting, or, for that matter, the most reputable business in the world.

  10. Would it not have been better for you had you followed a more reputable career?

  11. Yes; that fact is established by reputable witnesses; Dr.

  12. The court finds," responded the Judge, "that a clear case of house-breaking has been proven against the prisoner by reputable witnesses.

  13. I, through a decent reputable life, Was constant to plain food and a plain wife.

  14. It is said that demon worship and mock celebrations of the rites peculiar to monastic orders were the most reputable of the ceremonies.

  15. I was admiral of a canal boat in New Jersey one summer trying to earn enough money to carry my sophomore year in college, and cussing the mules ruined my hope of a reputable accent.

  16. Buckeye Lane was originally a cow-path, in the good old times when every reputable villager kept a red cow and pastured it in the woodlot that subsequently became Madison Athletic Field.

  17. In certain cities, as St. Louis, where such registration and license was for some time demanded, the foulest injuries were perpetrated upon entirely innocent and reputable women, injuries for which they had no redress.

  18. It is not alone the waifs of society who fall a prey to the seducer, but the children of reputable parents and good homes are waylaid on their way to and from school and lured to ruin.

  19. An easy, congenial, reputable employment, not requiring any special educational qualifications, why, the thing would have been cheap at hundreds of pounds.

  20. Near the close of a not at all reputable career Old Rody "found it most convenient" to marry his housemaid.

  21. We are really a reputable firm, Colonel Lowther.

  22. Promptly, two hundred most reputable citizens filed counter affidavits alleging that there was no prejudice whatever.

  23. He had a good army record, was a very reputable gentleman, highly esteemed, absolutely honest, and Mr. McKinley had made him appraiser.

  24. Suppose you and I install a hydraulic power plant and build our dam according to plans and specifications prepared by a reputable engineer.

  25. Its repute was high in the Spectator's time; and afterwards, when coffee-houses became taverns, it lived on as a reputable tavern till the present day.

  26. Handmade murder has no place in melodrama; all reputable scoundrels do their killing by machinery.

  27. She was reputable and healthy, and her father had a good reputation, but her mother had given birth to four illegitimate children before marriage, three of whom were mulattoes.

  28. The certificate of a reputable physician as to death is sufficient to authorise burial.

  29. If he is a reputable person you will be disposed to accept it; if it does not come from a reputable person, or if you are unable to discover its author, you will be disposed to reject it.

  30. An analogous delusion is traceable amongst people occupying very reputable rounds upon the social ladder.

  31. Dove Lane was no very reputable place, but it was not like the Jago.

  32. Josh was never particularly solicitous as to the children, but he saw that they were fed and clothed--perhaps by mere force of the habit of his more reputable days of plastering.

  33. Indeed, he should leave the Jago altogether, with his family, and start afresh in a new place, a reputable mechanic.

  34. I should like well to know who they are,--of what condition in life, and whether reputable as members of the class to which they belong.

  35. And even when a fish of reputable aspect is drawn out, one feels a shyness about touching him.

  36. Books discontinued the day we entered the war were sent for by reputable persons in the hope of obtaining evidence of violation of law against those issuing them.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reputable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.