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Example sentences for "spiritual"

Lexicographically close words:
spiritous; spirits; spiritt; spiritts; spiritu; spirituali; spiritualis; spiritualise; spiritualised; spiritualising
  1. He is ready to seize both temporal and spiritual power.

  2. We may easily fail to sense those spiritual realities, which, in every age, have haunted youth and called to him without ceasing.

  3. It would seem a golden opportunity for those to whom is committed the task of spiritual instruction, for to preach and seek justice in human affairs is one of the oldest obligations of religion and morality.

  4. It is quite possible that such a spiritual passion is again to be found among the ardent young souls of our cities.

  5. Is it so difficult to utilize this ardor because educators have failed to apprehend the spiritual quality of their task?

  6. The championship of the oppressed came to be a spiritual passion with the Hebrew prophets.

  7. Without this connection, the religious teachers may have conscientiously carried out their traditional duties and yet have failed utterly to stir the fires of spiritual enthusiasm.

  8. It is exceedingly amusing, in looking over the cuts of the Lyons Dance of Death, to contrast the drollery and satire of the designer with the endeavours of the textuary and versifier to give them a devout and spiritual turn.

  9. There is a spiritual strength," said Plank timidly.

  10. I intimated that after the physical, the mental, the ethical phenomena, there remained always the spiritual instinct.

  11. It may be weakness; it may be to my shame that the cables of pride and self-respect, even the spiritual respect for the Highest, cannot hold me when this one anchor holds.

  12. And in the exquisitely spiritual honeymoon, vague as the shadow of a rainbow, is the very essence and aroma of that impalpable Paradise we women prophesy in dreams!

  13. The author has that rare combination of intellectual power and spiritual insight which casts a clear, strong light upon all subjects under his treatment.

  14. There is a symbolism, a poetic quality, a spiritual insight in the author's work that make a direct appeal to the cultured.

  15. Such permanent elements are the doctrine of God as Creator of the universe, and the doctrine of man as spiritual and unique.

  16. The day is coming when men of this mental character and rank, of this curiosity, this energy and this good fortune in investigation, will be employed in opening mysteries of a spiritual nature.

  17. A man's own proper-name is a sort of spiritual essence of him, a kind of soul to be carefully concealed.

  18. Undoubtedly magic is neither religion nor science, but in all probability it is the spiritual protoplasm from which religion and science ultimately differentiated.

  19. He admitted everything in regard to the morphological descent of man, but maintained, in a mystic way, that something else, something of a spiritual nature must have been added to what man inherited from his animal ancestors.

  20. I did not say "maintain it for the spiritual benefit of a small minority.

  21. The principle of their measure was, that the surplus funds only of the Irish Church were to be applied to popular education, after adequate provision had been made for the spiritual wants of the Protestants.

  22. No effort had been made either to overtake the religious destitution of the multitudes at home, or to follow the numerous children of the Church, migrating into distant lands, with any due provision for their spiritual wants.

  23. Noble efforts were made, under the auspices of the chief bishops of the Church, to provide for the unsatisfied spiritual wants of the metropolis.

  24. Experience teaches that our superior intellectual notions, which are near a-kin to the spiritual ideas, commonly assume a bodily garb, in order to render themselves perspicuous.

  25. However, I must tell you, that no mortal who has not sanctified himself by bridling his sensitive nature, and purifying his spiritual faculties, can be admitted to that sanctuary.

  26. Langland makes a parson confess his poor qualifications to be the spiritual guide of his flock; on the other hand he was not without skill in the sports of the field: "But I can fynde in a felde or in a furlonge an hare.

  27. Hence the correctness of the imagery used of the Spiritual City: "To work and watch, until we lie At rest within thy wall.

  28. But when St Paul's vehement argument as to the natural and the spiritual body began to make way, when men began to ask the question, "How are the dead raised up, and with what body do they come?

  29. But, with a few noble exceptions, there was nothing in the system that did spiritual service[106].

  30. But Beatrix passed her by, nor would she have any of the medicaments of the spiritual physician.

  31. Being able to come upstairs at all, he had come in the spiritual state of his stimulating experience.

  32. Long as he had sensed a certain spiritual starkness in his first novel, long as he had looked forward to his second, the vital questions concerning his new "line" had never yet been settled in his mind.

  33. At stake, no more and no less than his spiritual life and death.

  34. Here all boundary between the spiritual and the meaningless faded.

  35. And the spiritual quota was not even returned to its original starting point.

  36. Olaf Brunner experienced more physical, emotional, and spiritual torment in those thirty-six hours than he would have thought possible for any man to bear, let alone himself, and in his weakened state.

  37. I pray that you may be kept spiritual and humble: eminence in God's service is truly desirable, if the heart be kept humble.

  38. You cannot give grace; you cannot give life; and where there is no life there can be no spiritual exercise: but you may use means, although there is much prudence to be observed to avoid disgust.

  39. Make good to me this thy promise, in a spiritual and eternal sense.

  40. This principle is in its own nature perfectly pure, but the old nature, the law in the spiritual members, is as perfectly corrupt: 'in my flesh dwelleth no good thing.

  41. And O, Lord, in thine own time, and by means of thine own devising, provide spiritual instruction for teachers and taught.

  42. Unhappily there was no evangelical minister near her place of residence, which, with the want of early religious training, may account for so much darkness as to her spiritual state.

  43. Only let this life be a spiritual life, and I put a blank in thy hand as to all temporal things.

  44. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.

  45. Lord's promise, which he made to me in the days of my widowhood, and which I have made the subject of my prayers from day to day, taking the words in a spiritual sense.

  46. May the blessing of the widow and the fatherless follow him wherever he goes, and may God recompense him a thousand-fold in blessings spiritual and temporal.

  47. Thou didst put it into my heart to plead the promise in a spiritual sense; to ask, to hope, to wait for the new birth, the life which Christ died to purchase, and lives to bestow.

  48. The salvation and the life I have wrestled for, is that which Christ died to purchase, and lives to bestow--even spiritual life, and salvation from sin.

  49. In the length and breadth of the land there is not a Protestant with one spark of religiousness about him, whose spiritual biography is not in his Saxon Bibleā€{33}.

  50. It is scarcely necessary to say that in those times the Church was pre-eminent, not only having the spiritual power, but often also the secular.

  51. And lastly, it claims to have the right of inflicting spiritual punishment, of cutting off from the ordinary channels of divine life, and of simply excommunicating those who refuse to submit themselves to its formal declarations.

  52. He was ordained in 1839, and speedily distinguished himself as a pastor of zeal and eloquence, indefatigable in his labors for the spiritual and temporal welfare of his flock.

  53. In the year 1838 he entered the Christian Brothers at Cork, and after a short novitiate received the habit and the vows by which these holy men consecrate themselves to the service of their Maker and the spiritual welfare of their fellow men.

  54. They come to him for counsel in doubt, for spiritual and even temporal assistance.

  55. A few minutes of silent prayer came next, followed by the recitation of the Lord's prayer, with its spiritual interpretation as given in the Christian Science text-book.

  56. Thus originated the divine or spiritual science of mind healing, which she termed Christian Science.

  57. At once one would perceive that she had the temperament to dominate, to lead, to control, not by any crude self-assertion, but a spiritual animus.

  58. This spiritual chemicalization is the upheaval produced when Truth is neutralizing error, and impurities are passing off.

  59. In this age the earth will help the woman; the spiritual idea will be understood.

  60. Because of my own unfitness for such a spiritual animus my strength is naught, and my faith fails.

  61. Perchance some one of you may say, "The evidence of spiritual verity in me is so small that I am afraid.

  62. It would take a small book to explain fully all about it, but I may say that the fundamental idea is that God is Mind, and we interpret the Scriptures wholly from the spiritual or metaphysical standpoint.

  63. Our reliance upon material things must be transferred to a perception of and dependence on spiritual things.

  64. When the doctrinal barriers between the churches are broken, and the bonds of peace are cemented by spiritual understanding and Love, there will be unity of spirit, and the healing power of Christ will prevail.

  65. Love is the essence of social and spiritual life; and that life of unity with our fellow-men which love creates is in itself love's own reward.

  66. If we apprehend the spiritual essence of marriage we see that marriage with more than one is a contradiction in terms.

  67. To dwell in active, friendly, loving relation to all that is without; to be wedded to this goodly universe In love and holy passion, to be heirs with God of the spiritual riches it contains: this is life indeed.

  68. The love of gain is a species of moral and spiritual decay.

  69. In fact, if these relations were withdrawn, if we could attain to perfect indifference to our fellows, our life as human and spiritual beings would that instant cease.

  70. Union with God in sincere devotion to his holy will, is the "promise and potency" of harmonious relations with that whole ethical and spiritual universe which his thought and will includes.

  71. It is the condition of completeness and fullness of moral and spiritual life; and the man who will live at his best must accept these pains with courage and resolution.

  72. This necessity of complete, undivided devotion of each to each is, as Hegel points out, the spiritual necessity on which monogamy rests.

  73. The reward of communion with God and comprehensive righteousness of conduct is spiritual life.

  74. All meanness and self-seeking are punished by lack of freedom or constraint; though frequently the constraint is inward and spiritual rather than outward and physical.

  75. To such a man society, with its claims and obligations, is an enlargement of his range of sympathy, a widening of his spiritual horizon, and on that account a means of larger liberty and fuller freedom.

  76. Communion with God is the safeguard of virtue, the secret of resistance to temptation, the source of moral and spiritual power.

  77. Without ever interfering in his spiritual struggles unless he positively demanded it of her, she gave him advice as a good friend and comrade.

  78. Now the consciousness of his spiritual separation from her filled him with infinite sadness, a sadness more bitter and profound than any that had ever inspired him in his waking moments.

  79. Without departing from the truth, he related his story with a certain fancifulness, and though stating facts, mingled in psychological effects and spiritual crises.

  80. This was the known, the usual, the mother's lap from which they had sprung and in which they had grown until the time came for them to start out upon their spiritual life's journey.

  81. Nevertheless he was aware that his spiritual life had entered a new phase.

  82. The old indigenous culture of China has become rather dead; its art and literature are not what they were, and Confucius does not satisfy the spiritual needs of a modern man, even if he is Chinese.

  83. But reverence for spiritual beings was not an active part of Confucianism, except in the form of ancestor-worship, which was part of filial piety, and thus merged in duty towards one's neighbour.

  84. Young men under thirty have often come in contact with Western ideas at a sufficiently early age to have assimilated them without a great struggle, so that they can acquire knowledge without being torn by spiritual conflicts.

  85. In answer to a question, he gave the following definition of wisdom: "To cultivate earnestly our duty towards our neighbour, and to reverence spiritual beings while maintaining always a due reserve.

  86. It is hard for those who have never laboured wearily after the glimmering feet of the bearer of the Cup, who have never touched even the hem of her garment, to understand the spiritual possession of one under the vow.

  87. There is a sense of something wanting in the book--something lucid and spiritual (is it Conviction?

  88. Must an intensive culture with spiritual aims be sacrificed to a vulgar exploitation of physical resources?

  89. To such, Douglas must have seemed unemotional, unsensitive, and lacking in spiritual fineness.

  90. Felpham is a sweet place for study, because it is more spiritual than London.

  91. But this is no easy matter to a man who, having spiritual enemies of such formidable magnitude, cannot expect to want natural hidden ones.

  92. But if we fear to do the dictates of our angels, and tremble at the tasks set before us; if we refuse to do spiritual acts because of natural fears or natural desires; who can describe the dismal torments of such a state!

  93. Brother Medardus," said the guardian, "we are informed that a dying man desires your spiritual assistance, and the last unction.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spiritual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airy; angelic; anthem; arcane; astral; awesome; awful; bodiless; cantata; canticle; celestial; cerebral; characteristic; chorale; church; churchly; clairvoyant; conceptual; constitutional; discarnate; disembodied; divine; doxology; ecclesiastical; eerie; emotional; esoteric; ethereal; extramundane; extraterrestrial; ghostly; godlike; godly; good; gospel; heavenly; holy; hymn; immaterial; impalpable; imponderable; incorporeal; ineffable; inexpressible; insubstantial; intangible; intellectual; intelligent; internal; introit; inviolable; inviolate; mass; mental; metaphysical; mysterious; mystical; noetic; occult; offertory; oratorio; paean; passion; phantasmal; phantom; pious; preternatural; psychic; psychical; psychological; pure; rational; reasoning; religious; requiem; righteous; sacred; sacrosanct; saintly; seraphic; shadowy; spectral; spiritual; spiritualistic; subjective; sublime; superhuman; supernatural; superphysical; telepathic; temperamental; thinking; transcendental; unearthly; unembodied; unextended; unhuman; unspeakable; unsubstantial; untouchable; unutterable; unworldly; venerable

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    spiritual activity; spiritual beings; spiritual body; spiritual character; spiritual consciousness; spiritual death; spiritual evolution; spiritual exercises; spiritual existence; spiritual experience; spiritual freedom; spiritual history; spiritual house; spiritual kingdom; spiritual life; spiritual matters; spiritual nature; spiritual perception; spiritual power; spiritual religion; spiritual sacrifices; spiritual sense; spiritual songs; spiritual truth; spiritual understanding; spiritual world