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Example sentences for "quota"

Lexicographically close words:
quorums; quorundam; quos; quosdam; quot; quotable; quotannis; quotas; quotation; quotations
  1. The quota of saloon-keepers remains the same.

  2. Failing to contribute their due quota to the production of food, these late-comers have ruptured the equilibrium between field and mill, and made the high cost of living a burning question.

  3. In Boston, those of Irish parentage produce two and one-half times their quota of paupers.

  4. The grant of autonomy was an effective check on this continued waste, otherwise the contribution of a fixed quota would soon have reduced the Irish Government to insolvency.

  5. Truth ere now has been elicited by means of error; and Animal Magnetism, like other errors, may yet contribute its quota towards the instruction and improvement of mankind.

  6. He accepted a choice cigar--there were certain luxuries in which Don Roberto never economised--and added his quota to the anecdotes of the hearthstone.

  7. Mrs. Wragge contributes her quota to this prodigious enterprise.

  8. Instead of having the regiments completed agreeable to the requisitions of Congress, scarce any State in the Union has at this hour one-eighth part of its quota in the field, and there is little prospect of ever getting more than half.

  9. At each meeting every member shall contribute two sextaria of barley meal, and every knight one, together with his quota of honey.

  10. As it was about to be lowered away it was found that the craft contained one more than its full quota of passengers.

  11. As each of the boats was filled with its quota of passengers the word was given and it was carefully lowered down to the dark surface of the water.

  12. But, there was no fear of our alarming the enemy with the noise of our preparations, not even when the boatswain's mates added their quota to the din after the bugle was sounded.

  13. The southern loyalists are willing, as I understand, to furnish their share of the tax for the support of the war; but they should also furnish their quota of men, which they have not thus far done.

  14. It was not long after each army received its quota of Phalanx soldiers, before the white troops began regarding them much as Napoleon's troops did the Imperial Guard, their main support.

  15. South; and a quota from the Quartermaster Corps in Florida.

  16. This was the last selected quota to be received directly into the regiment, for, thereafter, the Depot Brigade received all the newly selected men.

  17. After, what seemed like hours to the recruits lined-up, roll of the seven hundred was called, divisions made, and the first quota of Battery D was marched to 019.

  18. Battery D was filled to full war-strength during the first week of July, just before departure, when the outfit received a quota of 150 men who came to the regiment from the Depot Brigade.

  19. In Kentucky, said reports, the quota of the state was complete by May 26, and the governor had to stop the volunteering by proclamation.

  20. Three hundred thousand nine months' volunteers were called for by President Lincoln, and proclamation was made that if the necessary quota from each State was not filled by the fifteenth of August, 1862, a draft would be resorted to.

  21. They were absolutely good for nothing when we were in camp but to furnish the company's quota for the guard-house, and when an emergency required their services they were either drunk or in the hospital by reason of their excesses.

  22. It was not an unknown thing for men to manage to get themselves sold out under these laws, thus evading payment of obligations and at the same time securing a certain quota for themselves, which the law allowed.

  23. The seventies found few or no rural districts without a quota of half-grown lads and lassies unable to read and write.

  24. Mayence slowly turned his head, and looked upon the colleague at his right, as much as to say, "Do you wish to add your quota to this inconsequential talk?

  25. These were floated down the Main to Mayence, and there received their quota of a hundred men each.

  26. If, however, the lands of the commune are more than sufficient for the wants of the population, the soldiers and their heirs shall receive a quota double that of other participants.

  27. The said quota shall be equal to that which shall be established for all heads of poor families not proprietors, and said quotas shall be drawn by lot.

  28. Whoever shall have fought for the country shall have a certain quota of land from the communal national domain, to be divided by law among the citizens of the commune.

  29. Governor Shorter made a report showing that the finances of the state for 1861 were in good condition, and advised against levying a tax on the people to pay the state's quota of the Confederate tax.

  30. Not that this deceived the Confederate administration, but the large estimates sounded well in the governor's messages, and when there was a dispute with Richmond about the quota of the state.

  31. Colonel Thomas led out his quota of men to repel the Indians in 1776, and shared the privations and dangers connected with the expedition under General Williamson into the heart of the Indian territory, in the autumn of that year.

  32. He said that he had helped to enlist a good many fellows for the war, and had paid money to fill up the Moffitt County quota under the later calls for troops.

  33. But I helped to fill up the quota at every call, and when the volunteering stopped I went round with the subscription paper myself; and we offered as good bounties as any in the State.

  34. The quota for Illinois had been fixed at six regiments.

  35. Others began to arrive, for, as the clamor increased, every cabin in the settlement yielded up its quota of eager assistants.

  36. At noon the boys had not succeeded in securing their quota of game.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quota" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adjunct; allotment; allowance; apportion; bit; bite; budget; chunk; commission; complement; component; contingent; cut; deal; destiny; detachment; detail; divide; dividend; division; dole; end; fate; fraction; half; helping; installment; interest; item; lot; measure; meed; mess; modicum; moiety; parcel; part; particular; percentage; piece; portion; proportion; quadrant; quantum; quarter; quota; rate; ratio; ration; remainder; sample; section; sector; segment; share; slice; stake; stint; stock; subdivision; subgroup

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    quotation from; quotation marks; quotations from