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Example sentences for "subdivision"

Lexicographically close words:
subditos; subdivide; subdivided; subdivides; subdividing; subdivisions; subdominant; subdorsal; subdual; subducted
  1. This subdivision of particles may be continued to an indefinite degree.

  2. The subdivision of a poem like the Iliad or Odyssey among different and necessarily unequal performers must have been injurious to the effect.

  3. By a curious custom (arising in I know not what form of jealousy or caprice), the subdivision was wantonly made more disastrous.

  4. When the work of subdivision was completed, the syndics and other parish officers were notified of the tax laid on their parishes, which were thenceforth liable for the amount.

  5. For example, in each province a claim must be laid out as a subdivision of the usual public survey and is normally 40 acres in extent.

  6. The claims are often of zigzag or L shapes, but the locator is enabled, at the extra expense of subdivision surveying, to avoid filing upon, and paying for, much ground that he feels is not desirable in a placer claim.

  7. Then, secondly, the emanation, being a gas, is very convenient for subdivision into a large number of very small tubes according to the dosage required.

  8. For the Yo-ki-ah linguistic subdivision of the Northern Pomo as presented by Merriam the collective population is thus estimated at 2,950.

  9. Thus it is necessary to consider each subdivision or subtribe separately.

  10. Six more times the subdividing process was repeated, and each subdivision had its corresponding row.

  11. This prevented the subdivision of estates and the growth of a large body of small farmers or freeholders owning their own land.

  12. Heretofore differentiation--the subdivision of workers into a continually increasing number of groups of specialists--has been the rule.

  13. In addition to the publications of learned societies, there are journals devoted to each scientific specialty, which seem to propagate their species by subdivision in much the same way as some of the lower orders of animal life.

  14. Territorial subdivision carried out to the uttermost, and its principle confirmed by the equal division of property generally, must result in the degeneracy of the nation and the death of the Arts and Sciences.

  15. The Institut might be the central government of the moral and intellectual world; but it has been ruined lately by its subdivision into separate academies.

  16. The earliest attempts at subdivision of the Chalk formation initiated by Wm.

  17. Up to 1866 it remained a subdivision of Saran.

  18. This cannot be the case with the stars of the second subdivision (II.

  19. This is probably not the case with stars of the third subdivision of Type I.

  20. He was a man of the eagle-hawk totem and belonged to the tribal subdivision called Yibai.

  21. And still the skies grew brighter, the storms grew less, the earth grew warmer, and "the evening and the morning" constituted the sixth subdivision of time.

  22. The third subdivision was that in which the continents cleared themselves more and more of the floods, and the increasing light and warmth called forth grass and the {p.

  23. The next subdivision of time was that period, still in the twilight, when the floods fell and covered a large part of the earth, but gradually gathered themselves together in the lower lands, and left the mountains bare.

  24. The first subdivision was, as I have said, that of the twilight age, when light began to invade the total darkness; it was subdivided again into the evening and the morning, as the light grew stronger.

  25. This subdivision consists of star plays--that is, of dramas of theatrical character--in the manufacture of which the French dramatists excel.

  26. Many of the dramas by Dumas fils show an ingenious combination of this subdivision with the anecdotal play.

  27. Has he overlooked the fact that most of the French dramas successfully adapted belong primarily to the category he condemns, and nearly all the rest to a subdivision of number three, ignored by him.

  28. Thus in all cases every household possesses at least one strip in each field; and in those cases where subdivision is necessary, every household possesses a strip in each of the portions into which the field is subdivided.

  29. The complicated process of division and subdivision is accomplished by the peasants themselves, with the aid of simple measuring-rods, and the accuracy of the result is truly marvellous.

  30. The economic position of the customary tenants was becoming worse by the operation of natural laws, for not only was the subdivision of the virgates reaching its limits, but common rights were being continuously diminished by enclosure.

  31. In the case of another subdivision of them the solitary case has been the seeing of an apparition, most commonly of some friend or relative at the point of death.

  32. In the first subdivision must be classed the Fur Moth, the Woollen Moth, and the Hair Moth.

  33. In this subdivision the sucker is composed of six bristles.

  34. The uproar caused due to the use of this subdivision by auklets created an atmosphere that made subdivision a real conservation issue.

  35. A word as to the subdivision of property.

  36. And as to this latter class there was a further subdivision into two other classes; for one section of these vessels was furnished by the Crown, no charge being made for the hire.

  37. From the produce of the seizures made by this subdivision of cruisers all remaining charges additional to those mentioned above were paid, but the surplus was divided between the Crown and contractor.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subdivision" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.