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Example sentences for "subdual"

Lexicographically close words:
subdividing; subdivision; subdivisions; subdominant; subdorsal; subducted; subdue; subdued; subduer; subdues
  1. In enumerative description, one element is of as much importance as another; no special feature is made primary by the omission or subdual of other qualities.

  2. It is also gained by the subdual of parts not important.

  3. The subdual of parts is accomplished by reducing to subordinate clauses, to phrases, to words, some of the ideas which in a child's talk would be expressed in sentences.

  4. The use of connectives has been discussed when treating of emphasis secured by subdual of unimportant details.

  5. The beauty and strength of any artistic product depend as much upon the subdual of the accessories as upon the intensifying of the necessaries.

  6. He has secured an exquisite emphasis by a discriminating subdual of subordinate ideas.

  7. The principle of morality was defined to be conformity to reason, and the duty of man to lie in the subdual of all passion and a composed submission to the will of the gods.

  8. She uttered a long moan, all the more terrible for its subdual to a sound that could not pass beyond the room.

  9. But her demeanour still had the air of self-subdual which seemed at moments to become a diffidence bordering on humility.

  10. Mrs. Abbott conversed in a very low voice; her manner was marked by a subdual which might partly be attributable to weariness, but seemed in a measure the result of timidity under novel circumstances.

  11. Whenever she thought of Sidney Kirkwood, the injury he was inflicting upon her pride rankled into bitter resentment, unsoftened by the despairing thought of self-subdual which had at times visited her sick weariness.

  12. In conversing with him she at times displayed a singular timidity, a nervousness, a self-subdual surprisingly unlike anything that could be expected from her.

  13. She was so much more self-possessed than of wont, and did not seem to treat him with the same deference, the same subdual of her own personality.

  14. Mr Quarmby laughed in a peculiar way, which was the result of long years of mirth-subdual in the Reading-room.

  15. And, on the whole, was there ever an age so rank with individualism as this of ours, which chatters ceaselessly of self-subdual to the common cause?

  16. Certainly it does," answered Constance, noting a pathetic self-subdual in the old lady's look and tone.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subdual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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