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Example sentences for "debacle"

Lexicographically close words:
deathward; deave; deaved; deaw; deawn; debajo; debar; debark; debarkation; debarked
  1. Recurring to the debacle of 1866, it should be mentioned that the catastrophe was largely due to the failure of the Agra Bank, when all railway works were suddenly suspended, and the colony was plunged into the depths of extreme depression.

  2. The work of the coalition of 1890 having been accomplished, Ministers had exhausted their popularity; yet the probability is that but for the financial debacle the end would not have come quite so soon.

  3. What is the reason for this--for the human debacle of our carriers following so closely upon the physical, and in many cases responsible for it?

  4. The position of the short-line railroad in our rail transport debacle is even worse than that of his bigger brothers.

  5. Up to that time we had had almost every thing difficult and disagreeable in our railroad debacle except physical violence.

  6. Campbell on the following morning, I proceeded down the river to meet him: the whole valley was buried under a torrent or debacle of mud, shingle, and boulders, and for half a mile the stream was dammed up into a deep lake.

  7. For a short time, when Washington's men were in flight after the debacle of their defeat in New York City, the government of the United Colonies had held session in this Hudson River town.

  8. That was one way of putting it, but both Joe and the newscaster who had covered the debacle knew the reality of the situation.

  9. Recognizing that the country is menaced by a military debacle on the front and by anarchy at home, it is resolved: 1.

  10. The ability with which he and his associates performed their work was demonstrated in the complete debacle of Bulgaria, Turkey, Austria-Hungary and Germany.

  11. The debacle of the Teutonic alliance was both dramatic and unexpected, except to those who knew how desperate were the conditions in the nations that were battling for autocracy.

  12. Mr. Pope strolled into the group, with no trace of his recent debacle except a slight limp.

  13. But I am"; and seeing the light dawning in his eyes, she turned about, and went back to the debacle of her game.

  14. It seemed as though a real debacle might happen, and that they would be forced to effect a general retreat--a withdrawal more or less at ease or a retirement under pressure from the enemy.

  15. A real cause of this grand debacle therefore was the silence of our governments.

  16. Three theories on the origin of the Pampean formation have been propounded:--First, that of a great debacle by M.

  17. In addition there were other topics of extraordinary interest, for really there had been very odd experiences at Mrs Quantock's last night, when the Italian debacle was going on, a little way up the road.

  18. He was further armed by the complete knowledge of the Italian debacle of last night, which, from his knowledge of Lucia, he judged must constitute a crisis.

  19. A great deal, no doubt, was due to Foch and the unity of command; but that unity did not extend to the East nor account for the debacle of Bulgaria and Turkey.

  20. More significant of the coming debacle was the success of Horne's First Army, which now intervened and extended the line of Byng's attack.

  21. The frontier could thus have been held, and the Serbian debacle prevented in all probability.

  22. I was determined to make up for my debacle in the Mansion with Tim, win him over.

  23. The demo was a debacle -- instead of shaving off three seconds, I'd added thirty.

  24. After the debacle in Greece, he's near to becoming a laughing stock among his own kobun.

  25. These days-- particularly after the Recruit debacle had disgraced the LDP yet again-- money had to be laundered and totally untraceable.

  26. But the Russian debacle began with her defeat in Galicia in the latter part of July, and it soon became evident to the Entente that they would, before the American forces could be used, have to fight for their existence.

  27. This was, no doubt, based on a much-circulated statement that the Fifth Army debacle was largely due to German agents, dressed 224 as British officers, giving the order to retire.

  28. It was the debacle of Dorgan--the end of the man highest up!

  29. The decision of the German Higher Command to exploit to the full the Portuguese debacle resulted in the using up of nearly the whole German reserve, and undoubtedly led towards their final collapse.

  30. From this point onwards the troops had not only to fight a continuous rearguard action, but had also repeatedly to form a defensive right flank to prevent the Division from being involved in the debacle which had taken place farther south.

  31. From the midst of the debacle of Braddock's defeat rises the figure of the young Washington.

  32. On Christmas Day ominous rumours had spread in the diplomatic circle that dramatic developments in South China had come which not only directly challenged the patient plotting of months but made a debacle appear inevitable.

  33. Thus it was that, although the debacle was in reality hard upon us, it yet seemed sufficiently far off not materially to affect our daily life.

  34. He traces the growth of a revolutionary spirit in the 18th century, and points to many predictions of a debacle in 18th-century French literature.

  35. It was a return to a state of mind comparable to that which had rendered possible the debacle of the Roman Empire.

  36. It would have been a moral debacle for the French people, who had been buoyed up with false news and false hopes until their Government had fled to Bordeaux, realizing the gravity of the peril.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debacle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.