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Example sentences for "repression"

Lexicographically close words:
represse; repressed; represser; represses; repressing; repressions; repressive; represt; reprieve; reprieved
  1. The unions become the apparatus of revolutionary repression against undisciplined, anarchical, parasitic elements in the working class.

  2. The more ferocious and dangerous is the resistance of the class enemy who have been overthrown, the more inevitably does the system of repression take the form of a system of terror.

  3. As long as class society, founded on the most deep-rooted antagonisms, continues to exist, repression remains a necessary means of breaking the will of the opposing side.

  4. At different times the bourgeoisie combined the red-hot irons of repression in different proportions with methods of moral influence, and, first of all, the teaching of the priest.

  5. Repression for the attainment of economic ends is a necessary weapon of the Socialist dictatorship.

  6. The bourgeois army is the apparatus of savage oppression and repression of the workers; the Socialist army is a weapon for the liberation and defence of the workers.

  7. Thrasea, Helvidius, and the opposition, were compelled to study repression rather than fulness.

  8. The forced repression of so many years had matured, not quenched, the talent of the greatest writers.

  9. The sense of sin and crime and danger, the humiliation and repression and distress to which the unfortunate pariahs of inverted sexuality are daily and hourly exposed must inevitably deteriorate the nobler elements in their emotion.

  10. Finally, as regards the onanism which is a marked characteristic of some adult Urnings, this must be ascribed in most cases to the repression of their abnormal instincts.

  11. A return to the earlier policy of repression was made under Valentinian I.

  12. What was the reason of the air of repression and strain which from time to time flitted across her face?

  13. The lines of strain and repression over which she had sighed more than once before now had surely deepened during the last weeks!

  14. In the year following the insurrection, an act was passed for their repression in the House of Lords, and was sent down by the king to the Commons.

  15. He sneers at her "tenderness" towards high-born traitors, and never ceases to reproach her with her one act of repression after the Yorkshire rising.

  16. It would have probably been unsafe for the crown to attempt dictation or repression at such a time, if it had desired to do so.

  17. The means of repression which Spain had often urged had not produced the results desired: they had only delayed the total ruin of the nation.

  18. Measures of prevention as well as measures of repression are needed.

  19. I have not the least doubt in my mind that the nation has triumphed over the repression which was started and continued to kill the soul of the movement.

  20. So far as repression is concerned, it is easy to answer the question.

  21. During the period of repression which began about this time last year, it was this issue which pressed itself on our attention.

  22. This policy of repression was supported and in some cases instigated by the Moderate Leaders who are in the Executive Government.

  23. The State's duty in the case would be the same, though no such results were to follow, for the State has other duties to perform besides the maintenance of peace and the repression of crime.

  24. But this system of lawless and unrighteous repression nursed a deep spirit of revolt against constituted authority in the heart of the people, and among the younger minds a kind of passion for the most extreme and forbidden doctrines.

  25. Since Annette had lost her grandmother, she had lived in an atmosphere of coldness and repression and was growing prematurely cold.

  26. The repression of the nobles was a similar statesmanlike achievement, and one made in the face of redoubtable opposition.

  27. Henry, however, and the bishops whom he most trusted wished repression to be accompanied with reasonable explanations of the doctrines and practices enforced.

  28. And it was largely this new policy of repression that forced the warring labor groups in 1875 to meet in conference at Gotha and to unite in one organization.

  29. The general strike will last a short while, and its repression will be impossible; as to intimidation, it is still less to be feared.

  30. They follow the first part of the program as far as repression is concerned, but they find it impossible to follow the second because all sorts of inherited notions deter them.

  31. His measures of repression against the recalcitrant party in his own family culminated in the summary exile of Sourniama and all his descendants down to the fourth generation.

  32. As we shall see, there were many other and much more important factors at work in the degradation of surgery than the supposed repression of the Church.

  33. She was angry with him for forcing this repression on her; repression was not natural to this young lady.

  34. Bills for the Repression of Sedition and Treason.

  35. Not so much his words as his voice and his eyes told her of a love deeper in him and stronger than she had given him credit for; he lived so much in repression and exercised so careful a guard over any display of feeling.

  36. She liked the repression no less than the feeling and was again drawn towards him.

  37. His stony look of repression had left him.

  38. It seemed as though some resistance in him was breaking down, as though the years of repression were falling away.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "repression" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.