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Example sentences for "crash"

Lexicographically close words:
crapes; crappie; craps; crapulous; cras; crashed; crashes; crashing; crashings; crasis
  1. Both Japs saw that a midair crash was about to take place, and both frantically tried to swerve off into the clear.

  2. The next instant came a loud report from upstairs, then a crash as of a falling body on the lattice-work of the verandah, and directly after a dull thud outside the window.

  3. As she finished these words Granmar threw her scaldino suddenly into the centre of the kitchen, where it broke with a crash upon the bricks.

  4. The darker storm had broken upon them immediately afterwards with a terrible sound and fury; but the boys had barely heard the crash in the sky above them as they carried Griff through the stony little street.

  5. The life guards rode up; and the rushing of the crowd, the crash of the carriages, the prancing and restiveness of the startled horses, and the quarrelling of the coachmen and the Bow Street officers, produced a scene of uproar.

  6. A simultaneous crash resounded through the city, as down toppled many a roof and pillar!

  7. And if suddenly out of the black silence there burst the jagged glare of rifles and the crash of a volley, followed by the yell of an attacking foe, the steadiest troops may be thrown into confusion.

  8. About six heavy firing was heard in its direction; an hour later came the crash of a furious fusillade, in which the growl of the Maxim could plainly be heard.

  9. The strident crash of the Maxims in the enemy's lines was not the least unnerving of the dangers which had to be faced.

  10. Then followed the fearful crash of the common shells.

  11. Scarcely had she finished speaking, when, without an instant's warning, the timber through which they were passing suddenly seemed one mass of blinding flame, while almost simultaneously came the deafening crash of the thunder.

  12. While we were waiting there we heard the crash of shrapnel coming through the glass roof.

  13. The steamer's engineer was sitting by his levers, reading the sporting page of his favorite daily, when he heard a crash and found himself on the engine-room floor.

  14. Smithy, as they saw Bumpus move around the tree, and heard a loud crash when the head of the charging cow smashed against the covering object.

  15. He doubtless imagined that he would feel the crash of that butting head against his person before he had ascended five feet, and this completely rattled him.

  16. Once or twice he looked up, as a coal fell with a soft crash from the fire, as a thin creeper tapped sharply on the window pane.

  17. We had been some weeks at sea when, during a dark and blowing night, a terrific crash was heard.

  18. Some kind of strange crash and rumble within the tree suddenly interrupted his reply.

  19. After that, it rose somewhat again, and the third decade of the century, in the middle of which occurred the great speculative crash of 1825, was on the whole a hard time for the working classes.

  20. The sound of their muskets reverberating with a great crash against the opposite houses gave reason to dread that a surprise of the same kind was taking place on that side.

  21. I thought at first that the insurgents were replying with cannon on their side, but I ended by seeing that I was deceived by an echo which repeated with a terrible crash the sound of our own gun.

  22. The crash of something in the gallery jerked his attention away.

  23. Since Jimmie was still in the seat, this was not easy, but somehow the other one had managed, not only to take over the controls, but had been able to bring the ship down in a crash landing.

  24. Hear the loud crash of yon huge fragments fall, The pealing answer of each desert hall; The night-bird shrieking from her secret cell, The hollow winds, the tale of ruin tell.

  25. Then, with a last drunken hiccough, I flung the bottle clean against the window, and heard it crash through, and fall to the ground below.

  26. I heard him splutter out an oath as the table went over and the glasses fell with a crash to the floor.

  27. And in their historic crash the national states have pulled down with them the national Socialist parties also.

  28. But the more terrible will be the crash of the governments when the people, deafened by the thunder of the cannon, realize the meaning of the events now taking place in all their truth and frightfulness.

  29. The heavy cloud which had brooded so long over the doomed king broke in lightning crash on the disastrous field of Gilboa.

  30. With what a shout of proud confidence and triumphant memories of a hundred fields comes, ready and full, the crash of many voices in the answer, "Jehovah strong and mighty, Jehovah mighty in battle!

  31. But first I----" What further Peter Polk had to say was drowned out by a violent crash of thunder.

  32. His cries were cut short by the crash as the sloop struck.

  33. It seemed almost sacrilege to disturb the repose in which this building lay, and to remove its burial shroud, but soon, amid the ringing of the axe and machete, and the crash of falling trees, this feeling wore away.

  34. Many of them had hachas, or small axes, and the crash of falling trees was like the stirring noise of felling in one of our own forests.

  35. Without waiting to explore the rest of the ground, we set the Indians at work, and in a few minutes the stillness of ages was broken by the sharp ringing of the axe and the crash of falling trees.

  36. Immediately all the band gave sound, and then, with blare of brass and the crash of drums, the glory of the parade burst upon Plattville.

  37. There was a startling answer; a lance of living fire hurled from the sky, riving the fields before his eyes, while crash on crash of artillery numbed his ears.

  38. Then, suddenly, there was a crash about seventy yards from our tents, and two more near the horse-lines.

  39. Ten minutes later there was a tremendous crash as if a star had fallen on top of us.

  40. Laura supported his head, and was deeply occupied in talking to him, when suddenly a broad flash of lightning glared into the room, followed by a crash of thunder, that seemed to crack the very heavens.

  41. Amidst the rush and roar and crash of battle, every fibre of the brain is intensified and highly wrought, and receives the scenes and events of the hour with the accuracy and permanency of the camera.

  42. Paul had just time to extricate his feet from the stirrups when Falcon fell with a crash by the roadside.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crash" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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