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Example sentences for "jerked"

Lexicographically close words:
jer; jerboa; jerboas; jeremiad; jerk; jerkily; jerkin; jerking; jerkings; jerkins
  1. He looked up now; the window was still open; the ladder lay exactly where he had jerked it; evidently the robber had not descended.

  2. But the violence of his blow disturbed Desmond's own balance; he fell on one knee; his matchlock was seized and jerked out of his hand; and in a second three men were upon him.

  3. Before he was aware of what was happening, Desmond caught at the ladder by the lowest rung, and jerked it violently outwards so that its top fell several feet below the window-sill, resting on the wall out of reach of the man above.

  4. Kagax was jerked swiftly into the air, and his evil doing was ended forever.

  5. Once, as she turned toward me, one of the kittens seized a leg of the hare and jerked it savagely.

  6. After which, as if in despair, the outsider again rattled and jerked the knob.

  7. Only the tolerance of the pier employees gained them their end; the steamer was held some seconds for them; as Calendar staggered to its deck, the gangway was jerked in, the last hawser cast off.

  8. The first compartment whose door he jerked violently open, proved to be occupied, and was, moreover, not a smoking-car.

  9. Calendar jerked the words unceremoniously over his shoulder as, linking arms with Kirkwood, he drew him swiftly along.

  10. Simultaneously the mechanician whirled about, bounded eagerly across the floor, and caught Stryker at the door, his dexterous fingers twisting in the captain's collar as he jerked him back and tripped him.

  11. And he jerked his thumb towards the tower where mademoiselle was a captive, and where at night "Battista" was locked in with her.

  12. But ere she had taken three paces, she stood arrested again, her hands jerked suddenly to the height of her breast, her lips parting to let out a scream of terror.

  13. Also jerked bison beef, and the tallow of that animal, of which we purchased a small quantity.

  14. We were informed that on some particular occasion, a large enclosure was constructed in the village of the Minnetarees, which was covered with jerked meat, instead of skins.

  15. Several Omawhaws, accompanied by a Frenchman, one day passed our cantonment, on their way to the trading house, with a considerable quantity of jerked meat.

  16. English, gave one of her vigorous drives with her paddle at this moment, Samuel as near as possible got jerked head first into the Ogowe, and we took on board about two bucketfuls of water.

  17. But as the poison-laden fangs drove toward him, Jeffries Mayberry jerked his head to one side.

  18. Over his arm he carried an automatic rifle, which he instantly jerked to his shoulder as his amazed eyes fell on the extraordinary scene before him.

  19. The sight of him so startled her that she jerked the pitcher and spilled a great spot of molasses on the ground.

  20. Captain Neal will feel mean enough when he gets here and finds us all starved to death," she murmured as she jerked her pole only to find her line had caught and broken.

  21. The expressman roared it at her so that the old white horse jerked up his tired head and took two rapid steps forward, positively by his own accord.

  22. For answer, Spangler, with an oath, seized him by the collar and jerked him roughly out of the tonneau.

  23. Brisco jerked the goggles down over his eyes.

  24. Calderwell jerked the cigar from between his lips, and sat suddenly forward in his chair.

  25. Then a door was jerked open, and Bertram's voice called: "Billy!

  26. Silence followed for some time, until the steam pinnace, swerving suddenly to port to pass two trawlers, indistinct in the darkness, jerked the launch after her and waked the Fleet-Surgeon.

  27. The Orphan, not really realizing what he was doing, pointed the gun towards a white patch, and jerked both his thumbs against the button.

  28. It's twenty to six," the Sub jerked out, looking at his wrist watch.

  29. He jerked the two horses apart as the two "wheelers" behind them began to plunge, and their driver to curse as he steadied them.

  30. I can do all the doctoring I wants, and they're getting pretty short of chaps like me up there," and he jerked his thumb Krithia way.

  31. Chilcote jerked the book, then laughed with a touch of embarrassment.

  32. Again Chilcote caught and jerked at his sleeve.

  33. Here the Judge jerked his head backward in the direction of the body.

  34. On the instant she jerked her pony round, whirled her quirt cross-handed, and tore down the back-trail at full gallop.

  35. He jerked the boot in question at his friend's head, and sat down on his cot to complete his own dressing.

  36. His hand jerked sidewise and down toward the sixshooter in the open drawer.

  37. Racey, however, was a rider, and he jerked Molly's quirt from where it hung on the horn.

  38. His arms, which hung down, jerked like the arms of a doll.

  39. He jerked his axe out of the log, drove it deep into the top log toward the end, and by using the haft to cling to, crawled toward the rear of the load and looked down at the caboose coupling.

  40. Bryce jerked it loose, swung it, whirled on his pursuers, and rushed them.

  41. He sat down, crossed his long legs, and jerked a speckled thumb toward the outer office.

  42. As that last word jerked letter by letter from under the printing wheel the floor of the Stock Exchange became the rapids of a human Niagara.

  43. With a sudden gesture Chalmers caught the ends of the table and jerked it back.

  44. Tell Melville to go to hell," he jerked out, the haze clearing for a moment from his piercing, wicked eyes.

  45. Good-morning," snapped the woman, and jerked the reins again.

  46. With a spasmodic movement she jerked herself to her feet, and stood there motionless save for the wistful sweep of her eyes about the room.

  47. He saw it vanish, as if jerked under, and then struck out for the shore.

  48. The new Gefe Politico only jerked his head sideways, and took a puff at his cigarette in sign of his agreement with this method for ridding the town of Gamacho and his inconvenient rabble.

  49. She jerked her body away, threw up her whiphand, and Robert ducked instinctively; but she brought her whip down on her horse's flank instead, and raced ahead.

  50. Then the words jerked out of him by physical agony: "Der girl vas vaiting dree year, und--by Got!

  51. The horses swerved, and jerked a little squawk out of one of the girls.

  52. Mitchell jerked his head approvingly and gave a sound like a sigh and chuckle conjoined, the one qualifying the other.

  53. Presently he jerked his head, as if he felt a spasm of pain, and leaned forward to get a stick from the fire to light his pipe.

  54. Peter jerked his head again as if impatient with a thought, and reached for a fire-stick.

  55. Hinpoha tried to stroke him but he jerked away and tumbled to the ground.

  56. The woman started violently, jerked her hand back and sent the elevator down in haste.

  57. The actors in the wings, taking their cue from her speech, found the string to which the sandwich was tied and jerked it.

  58. A little boy had him, with a string tied around his neck, and when Mumbles tried to run up to me the boy jerked him back cruelly--and afterward kicked him.

  59. Wampus, chuckling gleefully, jerked the hoods off his glaring searchlights, sprang to his seat and started the machine down the road before the crack of a single revolver was heard in protest.

  60. Instantly little Wampus straightened up, grasped Tobey by the leg and with a swift, skillful motion jerked him from his horse.

  61. Here lay Hippolyte, who for eight months had jerked on the bar of a captive balloon, until appendicitis had sent him into hospital.

  62. He closed his eyes, jerked up his knees, and clasped both dirty hands over his abdomen.

  63. And he jerked his head at the screaming jay.

  64. I was just turning a page, when John Flint jerked his pipe out of his mouth, swung his arm back, and hurled the pipe as far as he could.

  65. There was a quick glance directed at the sergeant, and those who were nearest could see that, while his arms jerked and kept giving a little, the rope was playing and quivering in the light.

  66. Then the pony jerked itself free and galloped off.

  67. He jerked at the case of his field-glass and took it out again, then crossed to the other end of the roughly-made gun-platform and directed the telescope upon some object near the horizon.

  68. Then his rifle was jerked upwards to the full extent of the poor wretch's arm and fell back.

  69. As to the driver of the car ahead, he jerked at sundry levers, opened his throttle and tried to make the best of what was a hopeless case.

  70. The lever jerked violently, while the engine almost came to a stop.

  71. It jerked over, and in one brief instant the writer of the "impot" had the contents of the spoon in his lap, while some of the inky mess flowed over the table, making an excellent black map on the cloth.

  72. He cast a glance desperately over his shoulder and again jerked at his levers.

  73. He kneed the youngster unmercifully, shaking his whole body till it was a wonder his teeth were not jerked down his throat, and repeated the dose promptly.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jerked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.