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Example sentences for "slat"

Lexicographically close words:
slashed; slashers; slashes; slashing; slashings; slate; slated; slatee; slates; slatey
  1. Now you fix that slat so the bears won't leave for the next hour and we'll work on Fisheye.

  2. The foot slat has a similar hole bored 1-1/4" from the ends and centered between the edges.

  3. I'd been obliged to abandon the upper sails, while we were saving the first three boatloads; they had slat themselves to shreds before we could find time to furl them.

  4. He was running fore and aft the ship, accomplishing nothing, and chiefly whining about his sails being slat to pieces.

  5. There's a whole slat of 'em down to the house.

  6. If e was added to the nominative in forming the genitive, it is thrown away in the dative; as, slat f.

  7. The slat is fastened with round-headed brass screws on the front of the two back posts about half way between the top and the ends of the posts.

  8. The slats are best made without tenons, the whole end of each slat being "housed" into the rails.

  9. Begin to weave by laying a slat between the loose ends of each string.

  10. Push the slat up tight against the knots and cross the strings on the outer edge of the slat.

  11. Slide another slat between the two ends of each side string, shoving it close up against the crossed strings at the outer edge of the first slat.

  12. A small double point tack was driven into the upper edge of each slat about 1/2 inch from the right hand end.

  13. At the rear end these slats projected 8 inches beyond the last space block and over them a cross slat was nailed.

  14. Every day we have to go out to fight three giants--Slat Mor, Slat Marr, and Slat Beag.

  15. Now the smallest of the giants was far bigger and more terrible than anything ever the Amadan had seen or heard of in his life before, so you can fancy what Slat Mor must have been like.

  16. Johnnie had put on her slat sunbonnet and pulled it down so he could not see her face.

  17. A curtain slat could be so used, or wooden boxes will furnish raw material for such.

  18. Make a table by cutting a slat from a basket into an oblong 2 x 3 inches and glue to spool for dining-table.

  19. Illustrate by taking a long slat or lath, drive it into the ground firmly, and then, catching it by the top, push it over.

  20. Illustrate by driving a long slat or lath into the ground firmly: then catching it by the top, push it over, and it will break off just at the ground.

  21. A cheese-cloth or slat shade should be used on this plot, as the hot sun is too strong for tree seedlings when they first come up.

  22. In large plots this is provided by means of a slat covering, but in a small plot cheese-cloth tacked on strips and fastened on corner posts is satisfactory.

  23. Will you be willin' to hang 'round with us till mornin', if I buy a slat of good things?

  24. To the end of the slat bar is secured a corrugated strip, which is passed between the flange and its strip, the corrugated faces resting against each other, as shown in the right hand view.

  25. This device will hold the slats in any required position, but when the slat bar is subjected to a positive pull, the strip will slip upon the face of the flange, against which it will be held by the action of the spring strip.

  26. Defn: A block or long slat of wood, perforated for the passage of the crowfoot, or cords by which an awning is held up.

  27. A broad, flat, wooden bar; a slat or sloat.

  28. He took a slat out of the bedstead and held it under the cradle.

  29. But the machine kept whizzing round and round the room as soon as the slat was withdrawn, and Bradley, in an ecstasy of rage, flung it out the back window into the yard.

  30. I've run her slat on the Bank fer you, an' when we get thirty fathom we'll turn in like little men.

  31. Slat 'em off agin the gunnel, an' bait up, Harve.

  32. Sangsángun ta ning tumuy sa lipak arun walay masámad, Let’s blunt the tip of the bamboo slat so nobody will get hurt.

  33. The canvas had been rolled up, as it had begun to slat heavily against the masts with the heave from a long, quick swell that ran rapidly from the southward.

  34. If sails can be kept full of wind, they will last well enough with care; but let them slat for a few days, and there is more useless wear than would take place in a month of ordinary weather, with no headway to pay for it.

  35. A block or long slat of wood, perforated for the passage of the crowfoot, or cords by which an awning is held up.

  36. Ach ge maith na thugas leat, a dubhairt Maoibh is geal cruth, Ni fhoghain dhomhsa, laoich luinn, ach slat a bhuain as a bhun.

  37. That little groove shows, to the naked eye, on the end of the shortened slat and on the handle of the dagger.

  38. He made the handle from the end of a slat on the bed in the room which I occupied that night.

  39. You won't find that particular slat upstairs now.

  40. The handle of the dagger matches the wood of the slat I've just mentioned.

  41. The upper part of each slat is cut into a pyramid of steps, which are each painted of a different color.

  42. Curious wooden slat dance appurtenance made to represent lightning and its motions.

  43. I know a feller what helps clean up the Herald office where all the stuff is wrote out, and I'll get him to print a slat about the blow-out.

  44. He makes out that there was a slat of folks hangin' round the station tryin' to get a chance to see him; but that's all in your eye, of course.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.