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Example sentences for "concussion"

Lexicographically close words:
concurrent; concurrently; concurring; concurs; concursus; concussions; condamnation; condemn; condemnable; condemnation
  1. As he was only in his slippers the concussion was unpleasant, and the baron rubbed his toe for a good while.

  2. The concussion put out the lamp, but as soon as it was lighted again Guy ran up to see the result of his attempt.

  3. The concussion failed to rouse the sleepers, and Guy was hesitating whether he ought to do so or not when a faint sound came indistinctly to his ear.

  4. Meanwhile, his two enemies could hardly have gone a dozen steps upward when there came a most deafening concussion close by, and a shower of dust and flying fragments of masonry scattered itself round Douglas, nearly blinding him.

  5. The concussion seemed to have temporarily cut off the reasoning part of her brain leaving a direct connection to her vocal cords.

  6. She had a concussion from the blow, that much was obvious.

  7. For a moment the roar and concussion produced consternation.

  8. The concussion knocked me to my knees, and my comrade sprawling on the ground.

  9. Presently there was a deafening concussion like the shock when a giant gun is fired.

  10. After the concussion came a roar that grew into an overwhelming din, and they braced themselves against the strain; one could not bear that appalling noise very long.

  11. In three minutes the earth shook with the tremendous concussion of two hundred pieces of artillery.

  12. The concussion crushed in the broad side of the house as if it had been pasteboard.

  13. The concussion shattered all the houses in the immediate vicinity.

  14. Everything points to severe concussion of the brain, and yet there is not the slightest trace of violence; there is no suggestion of a blow, or fall, or anything of that kind.

  15. It is practically impossible even for the cleverest surgeon to guess it is concussion of the brain, since there are no signs of violence.

  16. This time, when Tom pressed the button there was such a tremendous concussion that several, who were not prepared for it, were knocked back against their neighbors or sent toppling off their chairs or benches.

  17. For, while I have absolute confidence in my cannon, and I know that it is impossible to burst it, the concussion may be unpleasant at such close range.

  18. I want the concussion to be scattered through it all at once.

  19. A roar such as had never deafened human ears before thundered from earth to heaven, and a vast column of pale flame leapt up with a concussion which seemed to shake the foundations of the world.

  20. There's a concussion here," said the doctor.

  21. The patient usually forgets everything that occurred for some little time before the accident, in cases of concussion of the brain.

  22. Bird fell headlong, and the concussion of his head upon the floor did the rest.

  23. The slight concussion so produced, reached her nerves instantly; provided always that some part of her body touched the floor on which such experiments were tried.

  24. There were four doors to our Tye Khana, half glass, and the concussion covered us with the glass, and shook one of the doors off its hinges.

  25. Consider the items: Concussion of the spine.

  26. It was fortunate I did not get concussion of the brain--I came within an inch of it: the hair of my head brushed the ground.

  27. His attention was called to the fact, and at the moment he looked behind a shell was fired from this gun, the concussion as it passed over him causing a prickly sensation in his right eye.

  28. But he gave it as his opinion that the boy was labouring under a severe concussion of the brain, and that Mr Bailey's mortal course was run.

  29. He had a couple of ribs broken, a broken leg, concussion of the brain and general shock.

  30. A shell landed near and the concussion blew whole panels out of each car and killed the two men.

  31. At the present moment a howitzer is going strong behind this, and the concussion is tremendous.

  32. Those conditions would at first instance inevitably produce a monstrous burst of static and an implosion to cause an earth-shock and a concussion wave audible at eighty miles distance.

  33. It made an earth-shock and a concussion wave, and it battered your ship until it went out of control.

  34. We shall knock it to bits ourselves in not much longer with the concussion of our own guns if the Turks don't hit us," he said.

  35. A terrible cut," he said, in answer to my inquiring eyes, "and concussion of the brain.

  36. There is no fracture; all this is the result of concussion of the brain, I should say, and we can only hope that nature is slowly and surely repairing the injury.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concussion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abrasion; blemish; blow; break; brunt; bump; burn; cannon; carom; chafe; check; chip; clash; collision; concussion; crack; crackle; crash; craze; crunch; cut; encounter; fracture; fray; gall; gash; hurt; impact; incision; injury; jar; jolt; jounce; laceration; lesion; meeting; mutilation; onslaught; percussion; puncture; rent; repercussion; run; rupture; scald; scorch; scrape; scratch; shock; slash; smash; smashing; sore; stab; tear; trauma; wound; wrench