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Example sentences for "against their"

  • Of all men on earth, these men will have least to say for their sin, or against their condemnation.

  • Not because it is truth or goodness, but because it is against their carnal, worldly interest and inclination.

  • Secondly, And for the defence of truth and godliness, against their words, or ill examples.

  • For Souldiers are never so generally unjust, as to side with their Captain; though they love him, against their Soveraign, when they love not onely his Person, but also his Cause.

  • But yet if they judge not according to that he tells them, they are not subject thereby to any penalty; unlesse it be made appear, they did it against their consciences, or had been corrupted by reward.

  • Because he was obliged to take pity on the forsaken nun.

  • A dangerous example of anti-Trinitarian tendencies had shown itself in Luther’s immediate circle in the person of Johann Campanus, a native of the diocese of Liege, who had been a student at Wittenberg since 1528.

  • They therefore dropped their own arms, and endeavoured to seize the pikes and turn them against their enemies.

  • I shall make my self understood by the following Example.

  • The name of Roger of Coverley applied to a 'contre-danse' (i.

  • He may thus drag England into a war, and of course this country, against their will.

  • It should, therefore, guard us against their abuses of power, within the field submitted to them.

  • If it be against their inclination to determine it, would it be agreeable to them to refer it to the new government, by some resolution, which should show they have not meant to disallow it, by passing it over?

  • Had the latter come down on the Federal rear while Hill moved against their front an easy success would in all probability have been the result.

  • Suppose the king should require the colonies to grant a revenue, and the parliament should be against their doing it, do they think they can grant a revenue to the king, without the consent of the parliament of Great Britain?

  • I tell them the English have no slaves, and that it is against their religion, but that some other Christian nations have slaves.

  • Not being infidels, the same objection does not exist against their innovations as against us Christians.

  • They shall be set before the LORD, at the day of judgment, and the witnessesi shall say, These are they who devised lies against their LORD.

  • Their predecessors formerly devised subtle plots against their prophets; but GOD is master of every subtle device.

  • They have therefore the strength to resist doing what is against their principles.

  • They can never have persuaded themselves that they ought to do what is against their conscience, and also the source of misery and ruin for themselves, and all their class, who make up nine-tenths of the population.

  • They impair and take away the charter; and they appropriate the property to new uses, against their consent.

  • The second act makes further provisions for executing the objects of the first, and the last act authorizes the defendant, the treasurer of the plaintiffs, to retain and hold their property, against their will.

  • By the acts, nine other trustees and twenty- five overseers are admitted, against their will, to divide these franchises and immunities with them.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "against their" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against domestic; against each; against her; against him; against his; against slavery; against thee; against their; against them; against whom; also they; bank account; boat was; clothing should; destroy slavery; erect position; fine style; food processing; inverted cone; just received; many nations; once made; sensible objects; water surface; would soon; would willingly