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Example sentences for "against slavery"

  • The churches he thought were derelict, in that they did not bear testimony against slavery.

  • Against slavery he struck as with a battle ax.

  • It was equally plain that the sentiment against slavery in the North had increased greatly in distinctness and intensity.

  • He would not speak for or against slavery.

  • All men, forsooth, must vote for the constitution, whether they like it or not, in order to be permitted to vote for or against slavery!

  • In his letter of acceptance Douglas rang the changes on the sectional character of the doctrine of intervention either for or against slavery.

  • During the presidential campaign, he said, the struggle had been for and against slavery.

  • But the Republican leaders deprecated the affair, characterising it as "among the gravest of crimes," and denying that it had any relation to their party except as it influenced the minds of all men for or against slavery.

  • It is against slavery on the whole, and against slaveholders as a body, that we wage an exterminating war.

  • The spirit of the New Testament is against slavery, and the principles of the New Testament, if fairly applied, would abolish it.

  • But, why do these men set themselves up, in such a particular manner, against slavery?

  • Footnote 6: Mr. Bourne resided seven years in Virginia, "in perils among false brethren; fiercely persecuted for his faithful testimony against slavery.

  • Almost two years after the First Continental Congress met (the Revolution having been started in the meantime) the Declaration of Independence was adopted, but there was no expression in it against slavery or the slave trade.

  • Thomas Jefferson was the most urgent against slavery of all the founders of the nation.

  • German Emigrant, the, must be against slavery, IV.

  • Spain, testimony of, against slavery, quoted by Prescott and Mackintosh, XII.

  • The abolitionists thought that the argument against slavery could be made good, so far as this point was concerned, by either admitting or denying the assertion.

  • He quotes colleges, and churches, and patriots, against slavery.

  • You say, that if those you address were "to spend one day in the South, they would return home with impressions against slavery never to be erased.

  • But American abolitionists commenced their crusade against slavery, by charging those who sustained it, and who alone, held the power to manumit, with crimes of the blackest dye.

  • The great argument" against slavery is, according to Dr.

  • He was loath to leave Baltimore without giving this testimony against slavery.

  • The party which declares that there ought not to be any sectionalism as against slavery, has now been sundered geographically, and on this very question!

  • Garrisonism had become an influence, a power that made for liberty and against slavery in the United States.

  • Other men had spoken and written against slavery, and labored for the freedom of the slave before Garrison had thought upon the subject at all.

  • The Independent Chronicle" of Boston a plan for gradual emancipation; and on the 28th of the same month, in the same paper there appeared a communication demanding specific and immediate legislation against slavery.

  • I am against Slavery, when encountering the beast outright, or only its tail.

  • I am against Slavery, when compelled to meet it directly; and I am against Slavery in all its products and its offspring.

  • Now, Sir, I am against Slavery, wherever it shows itself, whatever form it takes.

  • She, first of all, gave the example of Universal Freedom within her borders; and ever since that early day she has taken the leading part against Slavery.

  • This was the first open word against Slavery in the District since the breaking out of the Rebellion.

  • I always felt that he cared nothing for or against slavery, except as it gave him a vantage- ground on which to parade his own virtue and sneer at our iniquity.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "against slavery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against domestic; against him; against his; against the; against thee; against their; against them; against whom; baptized every; considerable difficulty; demonstrative pronoun; improve the; later times; length remarked; married man; moral distinctions; nutritive value; only apparent; other days; own life; play ball; rimmed glasses; strict neutrality; why you; yellow paper; yet more