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Example sentences for "three minutes"

  • A little boy three years old, was left alone for two or three minutes, during which time he obtained possession of a lucifer match, and struck a light by striking the match against the wall.

  • Moreover, the nurse should be careful not to allow the child to remain on his chair more than two or three minutes at a time.

  • Cut an onion in two; take one-half of it, dip it in table salt and well rub, for two or three minutes, the chilblain with it.

  • In three minutes I was alongside, and reaching out for the tender.

  • Little by little and pausing for two or three minutes on each landing, I crept quietly down stairs.

  • The wood was old, frail, and half rotten,--in three minutes I had the point of the blade through.

  • Before she leaped out Terry had glanced at her clock; she had made the trip of forty miles in exactly fifty-three minutes.

  • Two or three minutes later it broke out again, but it was evidently somewhat farther off; and so it went on, with intervals of silence, but ever getting farther away.

  • I suppose you won't be above two or three minutes.

  • On nearing the landing place the pinnace paused, for two or three minutes, for those on board to listen; and as all was quiet, steamed alongside.

  • Next boil the soup for two or three minutes; rub it through a tammy or hair sieve, with a wooden spoon, and add as much broth as will make it a proper thickness, i.

  • In about two minutes turn them with a fork, and you will find them browned, and swollen or risen in two or three minutes more.

  • She stood just in front of the seat for two or three minutes, listening intently in the misty darkness.

  • It seemed to fade away after she had gazed at it for two or three minutes; a world opened out before her, and she saw a barrier, like a long deep trench, stretching into a far distance.

  • After I had been there two or three minutes I felt there was some one else in the mosque.

  • He returned to the living room in two or three minutes.

  • Twenty-three minutes of this eternity was consumed in waiting for his order to be served and seven minutes in disposing of the meal and paying his check.

  • By eleven o'clock he was at Notting Hill; in the drawing-room, he sat alone for two or three minutes.

  • Astonishing what one can do in three minutes!

  • Bella, we have twenty-three minutes to get to the railway station.

  • In two or three minutes he lifted this, and a plant four or five inches high was seen.

  • Bathurst was silent for two or three minutes.

  • Two or three minutes passed, and then Bathurst, who was staring up into the darkness, could make out the end of the pole with the seat upon it, but Rabda was no longer there.

  • A quarter of an hour later a cloud of dust along the road betokened the approach of the Dak Gharry, and two or three minutes later it dashed up at full gallop amid a loud and continuous cracking of the driver's whip.

  • She returned, however, in two or three minutes, accompanied by, without exception, the most lovely being it has ever been my happy lot to behold.

  • She remained silent for two or three minutes.

  • On returning to the drawing-room Varvara Petrovna was at first silent for two or three minutes, and seemed to be looking for something on the table.

  • She stood over him for about three minutes, almost holding her breath, and suddenly she was seized with terror.

  • In two or three minutes it will be ready to serve.

  • When the pie is baked take from the oven just long enough to spread the meringue over the top, and set back for two or three minutes, leaving the oven doors open just the least bit, so as not to have it brown too quickly.

  • Fill prunes with one large browned almond and one-half marshmallow or with another prune, roll in granulated sugar, and when all are finished, put in oven for two or three minutes.

  • Hector sat silent for two or three minutes.

  • Two or three minutes afterwards he returned with the host, the man who had gone out before, and two others.

  • In two or three minutes he came up with the column of horse.

  • Two or three minutes later a sailor, halting at the door, looked at Sam, then wheeled about to the marine.

  • Give Williamson two or three minutes more," begged Hal.

  • Hullo," muttered the submarine boy, two or three minutes later.

  • Mrs. Morris was perpetually getting up, feeling in her pockets, going to cupboards, leaving the room two or three minutes, and trotting back again.

  • She sauntered round the rooms for two or three minutes longer, then withdrew and returned to her hotel.

  • Leaving me on the flagstones, Lindsay now descended into the area; but in two or three minutes returned, and motioned me with his finger to come to him.

  • On gaining the extremity of the room, Cromwell stood for two or three minutes, still keeping his back to Lady Rae, with arms folded, and drooping his head, as if musing deeply.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three minutes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    nought else; sliding scale; three and; three blades; three cheers; three cloves; three colours; three crowns; three different; three fathoms; three girls; three horses; three hundred thousand dollars; three measures; three million; three nights; three places; three regiments; three rows; three table; three tablespoonfuls; three volumes; three wheels; three white; three yards; wedding ring