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Example sentences for "lesion"

Lexicographically close words:
lesa; lese; lesen; leseth; lesing; lesions; lesquelles; lesquels; less; lesse
  1. The treatment of secondary inflammations naturally divides itself into local and constitutional, both as regards the primary lesion and the subsequent affections.

  2. On opening the body, no lesion was observed, except that the inferior lobes of the lungs were gorged and almost hepatized.

  3. Defn: The doctrine of the localization of disease, or which refers it always to a material lesion of an organ.

  4. The principal lesion is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

  5. Defn: Neuralgia of the kidneys; a disease characterized by pain in the region of the kidneys without any structural lesion of the latter.

  6. Defn: To implant a portion of (living flesh or akin) in a lesion so as to form an organic union.

  7. In typhoid fever they become the seat of ulcers which are regarded as the characteristic organic lesion of that disease.

  8. Criminal Law) Defn: An injury to the person by which the skin is divided, or its continuity broken; a lesion of the body, involving some solution of continuity.

  9. A circumscribed elevation on the skin, mucous membrane or surface of an organ; the lesion of tuberculosis.

  10. The most common lesion is one which affects the periosteum and leads to the formation of periosteal bone.

  11. The chancre appears at the point of inoculation, and is the first lesion of the disease.

  12. The diagnosis of early cases, however, is sometimes very difficult, and even in the hands of experienced men, who have the lesion in mind, is frequently impossible.

  13. A lesion of a cutaneous or mucous surface usually attended by suppuration.

  14. A chancre or initial lesion is an infective granuloma resulting from the poison of syphilis.

  15. A chancre is not a local lesion from which syphilis springs, but is a local manifestation of an existing constitutional disease, hence excision is entirely useless.

  16. In many of these cases, especially where the lesion affects the digits, the capability of the individual is but little impaired, whilst in other cases, where bones are absent, marked deformity and impairment of function may occur.

  17. Perforating Ulcer of the Foot+ occurs in connection with lowered resisting powers of the tissues, due usually to some lesion of the nerves or vessels.

  18. The prognosis of fractures of the tarsal bones is not favorable, even though the lesion has been recognized at the time of injury.

  19. Coming in contact with the living dentin, it is easily adapted, and does not excite inflammation; it does not interfere with the process going on within the teeth to heal the lesion caused by caries.

  20. Placing cohesive gold against the dentinal walls by pounding it to heal a lesion is opposed to natural law.

  21. In this lesion some of the cardinal's friends thought they found a physical cause of those disordered peculiarities of mind of which we spoke as having been manifested in his later years.

  22. There must, then, be a dead-lock, unless some method can be discovered or devised by which the public schools can be saved without lesion either to the Protestant or the Catholic.

  23. The war has silenced the State sovereignty doctrine, indeed, but has it done so without lesion to State rights?

  24. There is no lesion to liberty in repressing license, nor in requiring obedience to the commands of the authority that has the right to command.

  25. Their success, if it could have been effected without lesion to the church, would have set Europe forward some two or three hundred years, and probably saved it from the schisms of the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries.

  26. The color also changes as the fluid increases, and the lesion appears bluish or purplish.

  27. In less than twenty-four hours the centre of the macule becomes hard; and as this hardness increases, the lesion gradually rises above the skin.

  28. This young lady, whom you see standing here, was afflicted with a very serious lesion of the marrow.

  29. Seven years ago this young lady was struck with serious paralysis, evidently due to a lesion of the marrow.

  30. To implant a portion of (living flesh or akin) in a lesion so as to form an organic union.

  31. The doctrine of the localization of disease, or which refers it always to a material lesion of an organ.

  32. Neuralgia of the kidneys; a disease characterized by pain in the region of the kidneys without any structural lesion of the latter.

  33. So many cases have occurred from this cause, that some writers, from not finding, on subsequent dissection, any organic lesion of the brain, have referred it to diseased viscera only.

  34. A diseased temperament, a serious lesion of one or more of the viscera, a gradual exhaustion of the energies of the system, may so aggravate the miseries of life as to hasten the period of voluntary death.

  35. Although after death, in many cases, no appreciable structural lesion can be detected in the cerebral mass, it would be illogical for us to conclude that the sentient organ has not been physically affected.

  36. On these points, however, anatomo-pathological information is to seek, and for that matter the direct dependence of such an habitual movement as a co-ordinated tic upon one lesion is scarcely within the bounds of probability.

  37. We can similarly diagnose an irritative lesion of the internal capsule not so much from the objective features of the convulsive movements as from accompanying indications.

  38. It would be foolhardy to deny the existence of a lesion on the ground that it was not discovered.

  39. The exact nature of the lesion is more difficult to determine.

  40. The explanation no doubt is to be sought in the law of the diffusion of reflexes, confirming the diagnosis of an irritative lesion at some point on the trigemino-facial reflex arc.

  41. Tic is a psychical affection capable of being cured, if one can will to cure it: at the worst we may fail, but there is no idea that it is indicative of a grave organic lesion prejudicial to life.

  42. There is a sort of transference of spasm, and this is of peculiar interest, inasmuch at it affords evidence that the lesion is not so restricted as one might suppose.

  43. That this hypertrophy and hyperexcitability depend on some organic central lesion is not the necessary sequel.

  44. Unfortunately no autopsy was obtained to verify the observer's opinion of a lesion in the neighbourhood of the left precentral sulcus, involving the centres for mastication and phonation, for the tongue and for opening of the glottis.

  45. In these animals, modified by heredity, the two eyes generally protruded, although in the parents usually only one showed exophthalmia, the lesion having been made in most cases only on one of the corpora restiformia.

  46. A lesion may and does appear on a part or all of the person which may appear as a growth or withering away of a limb in all its muscles, nerves and blood supply.

  47. He can begin his hunt for cause at hand, explore it carefully for wounds, strains or any lesion that could injure nerves of the arm.

  48. We are continuing with our method of "inarching" young "suckers" from below a blighted area into the trunk above the lesion, the diseased tissue of the lesion being first cut out.

  49. The skull is opened at the place indicated by the defect of speech, the lesion found where the diagnosis suggested, and the cause removed.

  50. I need not enlarge upon the different forms of special defect which come through impairment of sight by central lesion or degeneration of the visual centers and connections.

  51. The ancients were fully aware of the value of the information to be gained by searching the recesses of a lesion with a rod of metal.

  52. It frequently commences as a local lesion affecting the mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi, but it rapidly spreads, affecting the neighbouring glands, which become greatly enlarged, and extending to the pleura and lung itself.

  53. While the milk is undergoing these changes the lesion of the udder is becoming more marked, the tissue becomes less supple, and the toughness increases almost to a wooden hardness.

  54. The famous alienists of our time claim that analysis of the brain of an insane woman disclosed a lesion or a deterioration of the grey matter.

  55. It would still be a question whether, in the case of a woman possessed with demonomania, the lesion produced the demonomania, or the demonomania produced the lesion.

  56. In some cases a perinephritic abscess results from a septic plug in a blood-vessel of the kidney, or it may occur as the result of an injury to the loose cellular tissue surrounding the kidney, without lesion of the kidney.

  57. In the granular and contracted kidney the lesion in the interstitial tissue reaches a high degree of development, little renal secreting tissue being left.

  58. In primary tuberculosis, and in ascending tuberculosis, the lesion is at first unilateral.

  59. In the more common form of granular kidney the renal lesion is only part of a widespread affection involving the whole arterial system, and is not actually related to Bright's disease.

  60. The results of morbid processes in the kidney may be grouped under three heads: the actual lesions produced, the effects of these on the composition of the urine, and the effects of the kidney-lesion on the body at large.

  61. In the latter case, miliary tubercles, as scattered granules, are seen, especially in the cortex of the kidney; the lesion is likely to be bilateral.

  62. Having given drainage to the lesion by the dependent orifice in the sole, poulticing should again be resorted to and maintained for at least three or four days.

  63. This favours risk of infection of the lesion with pus-forming organisms, and so leads to a more or less pronounced lameness, a degree of swelling, heat and tenderness in the coronet above, and a certain amount of surgical fever.

  64. With regard to the lesion itself, we may term 'preventive treatment' all those measures having for their object the prevention of increase in the size of the crack.

  65. It is not sufficient to see the lesion itself disappear.

  66. That done, the lesion may be searched for and treated in the ordinary manner as described for corn.

  67. A crack of this description may even show hæmorrhage, and have been in existence for some time, without the periople itself showing any lesion whatever.

  68. When the corn is of long standing, or is due to repeated injuries on the same spot, the horn adjacent to the lesion becomes hard and dry, and often abnormally brittle, simply on account of the inflammatory changes thus kept in continuation.

  69. If the horn surrounding the lesion is not touched with the knife, but little is seen of the extent of the disease, for that removed by natural means is often very small in quantity.

  70. The lameness, however, is in no way diagnostic, and the lesion itself must be discovered before an exact opinion can be pronounced.

  71. So far as direct treatment of the lesion itself is concerned, the first step is to carefully trim away all diseased horn and freely open up the lacunæ in which the discharge has accumulated.

  72. In a complicated crack the plate serves the further useful purpose of holding in position antiseptic pledgets, and so keeping the lesion free from dirt and grit.

  73. In every case, no matter what else the treatment, the bearing of the horn adjacent to the lesion should be removed from the shoe.

  74. This may in every case be distinguished from a more recent lesion by the amount of thickening of the overhanging coronet, and the presence of an increased quantity of sub-coronary horn in the region immediately about the crack.

  75. Although commencing in the insidious manner we have described, the lesion is not thus often seen by the veterinary surgeon.

  76. Even when the condition arises as the result of fracture, the ordinary manifestations of such a lesion are absent.

  77. The horn immediately surrounding the lesion is loose and non-adherent to the sensitive structures.

  78. I will go further, and assert that this will be the rule even when the womb is displaced, or it is disordered by a lesion or disease, that is not in itself exacting or dangerous to life.

  79. Nervous or neuralgic dysmenorrhœa is very often overlooked, and treated as a local lesion of the womb.

  80. The malignant condition however has progressed without remission, though sometimes, possibly as the result of the new courage given flowing as surplus vitality into {107} the tissues, perhaps the progress of the lesion has been retarded.

  81. Their physicians were confident that with no organic lesion present the faint was a neurotic derangement and not at all a symptom of exhaustion.

  82. Except that in all such cases there is some lesion the symptoms are precisely the same as those of idiopathic tetanus.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lesion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.