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Example sentences for "does appear"

  • To such, it does appear to me, Jesus would say: "Let my Father's children have a share of it.

  • Whilst it is the duty of the housekeepers to look after the purity and order of the church at all times, still it does appear that a special eye should be had on the body at the times of our love feasts.

  • It does appear to me that this change is quite as rational, quite as harmonious with man's common sense, as anything that he does in the daily course of his life's experiences and operations.

  • Either the Secretary has produced the proof of this authority, or he has not complied with the order of the House; it does appear that he has gone beyond it in making the drafts complained of.

  • On the contrary, it does appear to me, that the opposite exposition has an inevitable tendency to consolidation, and affords just and serious cause of alarm.

  • Do you know, Jack, I was thinking of that during the whole time of the meeting; and it does appear to me that there is a way open by which we may precipitate the crisis.

  • It is not my province to suggest remedies; but it does appear to me that the original fault is to be found in the system which has caused this unnatural pressure of our population into the towns.

  • I am sure I am grateful for it; I am sure it is very agreeable, but still it does appear to me to be very odd.

  • And now I think of it, it does appear to me very strange how we have all become suddenly such intimate friends.

  • It does appear to me that the offer which I have made you is worthy of a little more consideration.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "does appear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another matter; cold solution; continued she; contributory negligence; country folk; deeply affected; does appear; does best; does not; does not include industrial lines broad; does occur; does the; does well; does when; each with; electoral college; enjoy himself; ghost story; including petroleum; knaw what; length said; private inquiry; rifle grenades; sais pas; states that; your hands