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Example sentences for "lungs"

Lexicographically close words:
lunged; lunger; lunges; lunging; lungo; lunules; luny; luo; luoghi; luogo
  1. The air in the lungs assists them to maintain this position.

  2. An excess of this effete matter brought to the lungs is called a "cold.

  3. From the lungs the blood returns through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle of the heart, and then to the left ventricle.

  4. The lungs should be filled to their extreme capacity, one hundred or more times a day, with pure, fresh, dustless air.

  5. Sidenote: The stomach and the lungs of this leviathan] Suppose we have come to the station and are commissioned to locate the difficulty.

  6. This condition is more likely to occur among those whose lungs are weakened and who have a tendency toward consumption.

  7. From here it is forced through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where it is purified and charged with the oxygen we breathe.

  8. Consumption is an infection of the lungs by the bacteria called bacillus tuberculosis.

  9. Every cell of the lungs should be filled at every breath.

  10. She would listen to Ted, but to no one else; one of us might have shouted his lungs out, but it would not have stopped her from giving chase the moment she saw anything and keeping on till she was too dead beat to move any further.

  11. The quantity of air requisite for the renewing of the blood, and which is called the breath of life, amounts to a third of what the lungs are capable of receiving.

  12. The lungs constantly contain a quantity of air, which is the source of life and with which we cannot dispense without inconvenience to health and to the voice.

  13. The lungs are the soliciting agent, the larynx is the vibrative agent, the mouth is the reflective agent.

  14. When the lungs are thus filled with air, the sound is produced by escapement.

  15. He opposed it to the costal breathing, which brings the lungs suddenly into action by movements of the chest and shoulders, and causes extreme fatigue.

  16. The mucous membrane, the lungs and the expiratory muscles have sole charge of its transmission.

  17. The larynx might be called the mouth of the instrument, the inside of the mouth the pavilion, the lungs the artist.

  18. In a violin, the larynx would be the string, the lungs the bow, the mouth the instrument itself.

  19. A man could live just as well after his lungs had been removed as before, if he but thought he could.

  20. But as to who invented the idea of pain and whence came the superstition that we must have lungs to breathe and that the heart is necessary to life, Mrs. Eddy maintains a discreet silence.

  21. What," says Mrs. Eddy, "if the lungs are ulcerated?

  22. Mrs. Eddy's idea is that our lungs are necessary to us because we think they are, just as we think heavy underwear is necessary in winter.

  23. Peter Zudár bent low over the gap and filled his lungs with a good draught of the life-giving air.

  24. The rioters began to look at one another, and those in front envied the position of those in the rear, who could freely use their lungs without the slightest risk.

  25. The beans must be frequently removed and the bags washed, so that the hands and dress may not be soiled, nor the lungs troubled with dust.

  26. Speaking in a general way, those exercises in which the lungs and heart are made to go at a vigorous pace are to be ranked among the most useful.

  27. His lungs were again affected, and he passed the last winter of his life m the south of France.

  28. Their breath came in short gasps and their laboring lungs felt as though they were ready to burst.

  29. The moisture was being sucked from his body, his eyes stabbed with pain and his lungs ached.

  30. For a moment he paused to rest, his lungs feeding greedily on the thin, cold air, and surveyed the scene below.

  31. Thankful that he had water anyway, he stood for a moment cleaning his lungs with big draughts of mountain air; but as he stood he seemed to miss something which was or should have been a part of that early-morning stretch and breath.

  32. In the end he got the sponges, and Chief released, struggled up snorting, but apparently relieved and glad to be able to fill his lungs full once more.

  33. He had the back, and the legs, and the arms and the lungs of him, man though he was.

  34. His lungs are rather irritable, and hence he has not contracted the bad habit of smoking.

  35. Gingrass, whose lungs tired themselves out to no purpose.

  36. Tartlet exhausted his lungs blowing away at it, although his doing so was perfectly useless.

  37. What reason have we for believing, as he says, that the lungs are "strongly expanded" during the act?

  38. My own casual observation inclines me to hold that the opposite is true, that the lungs are actually collapsed in a pseudo-asthmatic spasm.

  39. While a man might have drawn a deep breath into his lungs and expelled it, neither Lee nor Trevor stirred.

  40. But now--now that Bud Lee in this mood was going straight to Rocky Bend and Quinnion, Carson filled his deep lungs with a sigh of satisfaction.

  41. This same method has been suggested for severe hemorrhage from the lungs as well as from the uterus in our own time.

  42. Induration of the lungs (tuberculosis) was regarded as incurable.

  43. The chase thus brought to a successful conclusion, or perhaps the supply of air in his lungs giving out, he returned to the upper world, and again his voice rang out through the darkness and the falling snow.

  44. His heart and lungs and all his circulatory apparatus had been so designed by the Great Architect that he might live for many minutes under water, but they could not keep him alive indefinitely.

  45. There was a ringing in their ears and a roaring in their heads, and the very last atoms of oxygen in their lungs were almost gone.

  46. From her little cell, Aurore looked over the tops of the great chestnut trees on to Paris, so that the air so necessary for the lungs of a child accustomed to wanderings in the country was not lacking in her convent home.

  47. After the brain affection inflammation of the lungs declared itself, and this rather alarmed us for two days.

  48. With coats off and collars loosened the two boys filled their lungs with the tonic air, for, in spite of the heat, a certain dryness seemed to give life and vigor to the atmosphere.

  49. They could feel that their lungs were becoming clogged with the almost impalpable dust.

  50. Meanwhile Locke, his lungs almost bursting and the blood surging to his head, had managed to free himself from his shackles and had floated to the surface of the water.

  51. Locke's lungs were almost bursting now as he struggled at his chains; his senses reeled; he thought of Eva, and redoubled his efforts.

  52. Finally, with his lungs almost bursting, he managed to free the other arm, then the rope that bound his neck.

  53. On examination, it was found that though there was a dulness in the right lung, yet the material of the lungs was not affected.

  54. In the end of December, strong oppression of the heart and an irritating cough caused some of his friends to fear that his lungs were affected; and for some weeks he was laid aside from public duty.

  55. She dropped him on the old woman's bed, and herself on the floor, her heart and lungs going wildly.

  56. Both lungs were healthy, but considerably congested in the lower part.

  57. I found no symptoms on Saturday of the brain or lungs being engorged.

  58. The lungs have been found gorged in some persons who have died of prussic acid.

  59. Is not congested lungs the cause of various modes of sudden death?

  60. Having previously examined the external parts, we opened the body, when I smelt the odour of prussic acid; the lungs were perfectly healthy, but the coverings had the appearance of inflammation.

  61. The lungs were not congested, nor was the brain.

  62. There was bloody serum in the pericardium; the lungs were distended, and some of the air cells were ruptured.

  63. Berry had omitted to state that “the whole of the lungs were somewhat congested, and the anterior part of them exceedingly so, and that the body was not decomposed.

  64. Do you not know that the lungs are very much displaced in some cases of spinal curvature?

  65. Is it natural and healthy when the lungs are congested?

  66. On the 26th of July he took a portion of the spleen and lungs of Mrs. James to London, and examined them there in conjunction with Dr.

  67. The door was closed and fastened behind him and almost before he had taken his lungs full of the clean night air (for the house had been hot and stuffy), a shadow came slouching across the lawn in the moonlight.

  68. Sparks and fiery brands rained down upon them, blistering and burning, the hot breath of the furnace drove their breath poisoned back into their lungs and scorched their bodies, but still they remained upright--and by a miracle still moved on.

  69. There is a tonic vigor in the atmosphere, which communicates itself irresistibly to one's mental state; the gladdened lungs inhale it eagerly, as a luxury.

  70. Halting at the foot of the ladder, we pour forth the "Star-spangled Banner" with the full strength of lungs inflated by patriotism, until the stirring staves ring and resound through those dim caves.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lungs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    gill; lights; lung