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Example sentences for "collapsed"

Lexicographically close words:
collaborative; collaborator; collaborators; collage; collapse; collapses; collapsible; collapsing; collar; collards
  1. At last the villas, and semi-detached villas, collapsed into one continuous gas-lit shop-dotted street.

  2. That end of the vault collapsed two minutes after we hauled you out!

  3. Burke, a heavy man with a lowering, bull-dog type of face, collapsed on to his knees beside Slattin, and began softly to laugh in little rising peals.

  4. Nicky-Nan watched his disappearing figure, and collapsed upon a thyme-scented hillock in sudden revulsion from a long strain of terror.

  5. She collapsed entirely, and looked round her in a flutter of fright and despair, as if to find some means of escape.

  6. When Mr. Livingstone again entered his wife's room, he found her in a collapsed state of anger and mortification.

  7. At the same moment he left the room, in time to avoid a sight of the collapsed state into which his horrified wife who did not expect such an answer, had fallen.

  8. He fell so," and suddenly he collapsed all in a heap on the path, in imitation of a man struck dead by a bullet.

  9. She is not nerve-collapsed and peeved and insincere.

  10. The boom, of course, burst of its own inflation; but it is worthy of note that the year the boom collapsed immigration reached its highest figure--four hundred thousand.

  11. Canadians have too often wakened up only at the wildcat stage, and British capital has come in to reorganize inflated and collapsed properties on a purely investment basis.

  12. As he clambered heavily through the door he staggered as though under an enormous weight, and Sitar collapsed upon the frozen ground.

  13. The final note of "Memories" died away in a diminuendo wail, and the musician almost collapsed into Seaton's arms.

  14. He flicked a finger and the body of the monarch shuddered as though an intolerable current of electricity had traversed it, collapsed and lay still.

  15. He extended his arms straight before him, the revolver slipped from his grasp, and then like a dying top he pivoted once drunkenly and collapsed upon the turf.

  16. It was the sharp crack of a revolver, and even as it spoke Maenck lunged awkwardly forward, stumbled, and collapsed at Leopold's feet.

  17. Almost as he uttered them there came a third report, and the driver, shot through the head, collapsed into a heap beside the car.

  18. The man collapsed in a heap upon the floor.

  19. With a horrible groan, the great beast collapsed into a heap--dead.

  20. Suddenly it collapsed in a heap, almost at the feet of one of the natives.

  21. The lion turned on the instant, then collapsed in a heap.

  22. One of his airships collapsed and fell with him on to the roofs of Paris.

  23. Another collapsed and fell with him into the Mediterranean.

  24. I collapsed on the rock and gasped for breath.

  25. She read it twice through, and then suddenly collapsed into an armchair in the horror of swift realisation.

  26. Bud collapsed on his stool, doubled over with mirth.

  27. Plant buildings collapsed like toy houses built of cards, while at the same time huge rocks and trees were uprooted as a yawning crack opened in the ground below.

  28. The valve line was accordingly pulled, "and immediately afterwards we heard a noise similar to the escape of steam in a locomotive, and the lower part of the balloon collapsed rapidly, and appeared to fly up into the upper portion.

  29. The bag, half inflated, was not easy to hold in position over the chafing dish, and rapidly cooled and collapsed on being removed from it.

  30. The bottle being filled with air of the density of that on the ground, and the bladder tied on in a collapsed state, the expansion of the air in the bottle would gradually fill the bladder as it rose into the rarer regions of the atmosphere.

  31. Only the last trip, one of the men collapsed under the strain.

  32. Some of it towards the last was so dishonestly built that it collapsed within a year upon its foundations, but some miles of it still stand.

  33. I got him to Bayonne, where he refused at first to eat, and was afterwards very sick, and then took him shivering and collapsed up a little branch line to a frontier place called Luzon Gare.

  34. As the last of them entered, the outer door collapsed with a bursting clangor.

  35. In the pilot-house, a figure had collapsed across the sill of an observation window.

  36. She put her hands to her eyes and then, turning her back on Mrs. Payne, collapsed on her bed, weeping bitterly.

  37. Then, in the rough arms of Biddy, she collapsed pretty thoroughly.

  38. Still, however, more blood passes into the right ventricle than the pulmonary artery, in the collapsed state of the foetal lungs, is capable of conveying away.

  39. I've reason to believe that Bolshevism has collapsed and that millions of outcast Russians are marching.

  40. Even the night-porter, who should have been on guard, had collapsed across his desk with his face buried in his arms.

  41. One man asserted that the Bolsheviks were attacking all along the Russian front; another that Bolshevism had collapsed and the peasants were massacring.

  42. She collapsed into silence, sitting lost in thought, her arms hanging limply by her sides.

  43. Had a muskrat poked its pointed muzzle over a rock, or a squirrel scuttled in that instant down the bark of a tree, he would most likely have collapsed without more ado and fainted.

  44. Hank's voice suddenly broke, he collapsed on the ground, and Cathcart somehow or other persuaded him at last to go into the tent and lie quiet.

  45. As Henry pushed back the door, she collapsed into her father's arms.

  46. Then suddenly he collapsed on the one chair in the chamber and bowed his head.

  47. Endeavoring to get within view of the buck, I sprang to the top of the ant-hill, but it was hollow, and the crust collapsed under me.

  48. Road had collapsed into the chasm on its western side.

  49. I collapsed a few hours after starting, but the other passengers were very kind.

  50. A dance was held in the evening, but it ended in disaster, for a heavy thunderstorm broke, with violent wind, and the tent collapsed on the guests.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "collapsed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.