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Example sentences for "crashing"

Lexicographically close words:
crapulous; cras; crash; crashed; crashes; crashings; crasis; crass; crassest; crassly
  1. Just as the monstrous thing dipped down out of sight there was a vicious, crashing report from its hinder part.

  2. There was a last crashing sound, and some of the blasted earth spattered on them.

  3. I'd come to the top of a hill and seen it moving through a pine-wood, crashing down the trees in front of it like they wasn't there.

  4. She started up a buck lying in the grass and watched it go crashing through the brush.

  5. A brown bear peered at them from a thicket and went crashing away with an awkward gait that carried it over the ground fast.

  6. The turmoil of the river and the crashing logs would have smothered the sound of the avalanche until it was upon the girl of the Red Mill.

  7. She was deafened by the thunder of the waters and the crashing of the logs in mid-flood.

  8. The axe struck the barrel of the latter just enough to be slightly deflected from its course and the end of the handle instead of the keen blade struck the boy a crashing blow on the side of the head.

  9. Before the Indian could regain his feet Big Pierre was on him, sending his big fist crashing full into the swarthy face.

  10. A crashing sound, as of a door rammed with a heavy timber, echoed through the corridor.

  11. They were in the front at last, for all about them was movement and turmoil, while from the fog, close at hand, came cries and groans and crashing volleys.

  12. A bomb came crashing through the roof of a house at the end of the alley and burst in the basement, showering the street with slate and plaster.

  13. Down went the shark like a lump of lead, literally felled by the crashing stroke.

  14. It was too dark to see what was happening, but Vixley's oaths led them on, crashing over chairs, creeping and fighting through the now terrified crowd.

  15. At that moment Ringa flew past her--she was thrown down and the lamp fell crashing upon the seat of a chair beside her.

  16. Johnny's horse fell crashing after, twisting, bestriding at once the other horse and the two locked and straining men.

  17. The ice, which by that time had broken up, was rolling and crashing along with inconceivable force before the impetuous torrent.

  18. A few seconds more and his canoe went crashing through the leafy screen that hid the hut.

  19. The punt whirled round, leaped over the water, dashed through the doorway, and went crashing into the staircase.

  20. There was a strong current in some places, elsewhere it was calm; but the river itself was clearly traceable by the turmoil of crashing ice and surging water which marked its course.

  21. Not even the roar of the cannon overhead and the crashing of timbers, the shouts of the combatants and the rattle of the small arms, and the braying of the trumpets and other instruments, could altogether overpower those sad cries.

  22. As the hostile fleets drew near, drums began to beat and trumpets to bray forth their discordant sounds, when, with a loud crashing roar, the artillery on both sides opened.

  23. The three Portugal ships had, however, fallen within the fire of the Red Dragon and the Serpent, whose shot crashing on board made them glad to set all the sail they could spread and draw off.

  24. The sea roared, the thunder in crashing peals rattled along the sky, and the forked lightning ran hissing in vivid flashes from out of the dark clouds along the foaming waves, and played round the ship.

  25. The army songs, the military music, the crashing applause--Lord bless me, it was unspeakable.

  26. He also partially warded off a closely following second blow, and then his own terrible fist was planted with crashing force full on his assailant's jaw.

  27. A gate was flung open, and as Peveril stumbled out of the cage he was only conscious of dancing lights, a crashing rumble of iron against iron, and a medley of shouting voices.

  28. At sound of a confused shouting from somewhere ahead of them, they stood still until, with a crashing roar that bellowed and echoed through the galleries like a peal of loudest thunder, one of these blasts was fired close at hand.

  29. While all along the great black base of the peak the white waves rushed like mighty rockets, flinging long white arms up its ragged sides and crashing together at the end in dazzling bursts of foam.

  30. And but twenty-four hours later the open switch left unguarded by a drunken laborer had sent a thundering special crashing into Hugh Worthington's special car.

  31. Two fierce strokes weakened so that the next lurch sent it crashing overboard.

  32. Behind, as when in the springtime flood the watery wall goes crashing down the valley, so spread the thousands.

  33. Would his Fortune, guider of every human destiny, bring him at last to a calm haven, or would his life go out amid the crashing ships to-morrow?

  34. The awful rumbling and crashing of collapsing rock masses was deafening in their ears as they lurched toward the cutter.

  35. An awful detonation and thunderous crashing of falling rock smote their ears.

  36. A slow, rising chant, it climbed and climbed until the basalt roof above seemed to quiver to it, crashing out with stupendous effect, a weird litany in an unknown tongue.

  37. Frank gazed intently ahead, but could see absolutely nothing, though he could hear a smashing and crashing which presently died away again on the slope.

  38. So we travelled into the night, the monotony only broken by one violent collision which shook us all flat on the floor, while arms and stores fell crashing upon us.

  39. And now the rain descended in torrents, forked lightning blinded the eyes, and the crashing thunder was deafening.

  40. They also opened their fire, and their shot came crashing on board the Thisbe, killing and wounding two or three men, but not doing any material damage to her spars or rigging.

  41. No sooner had she done so than the guns from the fort, as had been expected, opened fire, and their shot, thick as hail, came crashing on board.

  42. Just then a shot came crashing in through the side, passing just where Rayner had been standing, sending the splinters flying about in all directions.

  43. The Foxhound's guns again thundered forth, and directly after there came the crashing sound of shot, rending the stout sides of the ship.

  44. At the short distance the enemy now was from them the broadside told with terrible effect, the shot crashing through her ports and sides, while the shrieks and groans of the wounded were clearly distinguished from the Lily's deck.

  45. One of the Frenchman's masts had gone over the side; but before many minutes had elapsed, a crashing sound overhead showed that the Foxhound had been equally unfortunate.

  46. The crashing and rending sounds increased in frequency.

  47. While the crew were running them in to re-load, the enemy fired in return; their shot came crashing against the sides, some sweeping the upper deck, others making their way through the ports.

  48. As he hurried along the edge of the plains the roar of the fire became almost deafening, while the incessant crashing of trees added to the horror.

  49. The roar of the fire, and the crashing of trees could be heard for some distance, growing louder each minute.

  50. Suddenly, above the crashing of tiles, the hideous voices of Devil and demon, the prayers of the padre, sounded the silver music of the bells.

  51. He was a wise Devil--a Devil of an experience so vast that the world would go crashing through space under its weight in print.

  52. And, as Tom and the others advanced, they could hear a distant trumpeting, and a crashing in the jungle that told of the near presence of the great animals.

  53. The trumpeting increased, and the crashing of the underbrush sounded louder and nearer.

  54. He staggered and reeled crashing into a thicket, and when a minute later he strove to raise himself out of it one leg felt numb beneath the knee except for the spot where there was a stinging pain.

  55. The man went backwards, but another who carried a long gun sprang over him, and the heavy bar came crashing down on his naked arm.

  56. Then there was a crashing volley, and as the patter of marching feet commenced again Ormsgill and the priest and Dom Clemente stood looking on while a few black soldiers raised the three rude crosses.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crashing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    banging; blasting; bursting; explosive; impact; percussive; popping; proper; rapping; sensational; smashing; superb; tapping; thunder; towering