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Example sentences for "flinging"

Lexicographically close words:
flimsy; flinch; flinched; flinching; fling; flings; flint; flintlock; flintlocks; flints
  1. With a quick flinging swerve, they cast themselves to the side of safety and the foot would come loose with the "cloop" of an opening bottle.

  2. For one instant the multitude stood silent, then with a howl of anger and disappointment they were flinging themselves upon him.

  3. Then flinging down the huge crow-bar, he fled for his life, the ink-black water hissing and spurting at his heels.

  4. He was flinging tinware about the kitchen with a fine disregard of the din or the dents, and whenever the blue cat ventured out from under the stove, he kicked at it viciously.

  5. The herder bolted coffee and coarse food until he was filled, and went away to his dreary day's work, telling Ford to make himself at home, and flinging back a hope of further triumphs in pinochle, that night.

  6. But this animal had no intention of taking his departure with propriety or tranquillity: he pranced and shied, flinging out his heels as he wildly danced round to every point of the compass, in a circle.

  7. That settles it," he said, flinging the end of the net overboard.

  8. The Carquinez Straits were a welter of foam and smother, and we came through them wildly before the wind, the big mainsail alternately dipping and flinging its boom skyward as we tore along.

  9. Rachael got into bed, flinging two or three books down beside her pillow and lighting the shaded lamp that stood at the bedside.

  10. Carol said eagerly, flinging down her wrap, to turn and twist before a door that was a solid panel of mirror.

  11. Could Magsie run up the steps of the Washington Square house, gather the cream of the day's news from the butler in a breath, and, flinging off furs and wraps, catch the two glorious boys to her heart?

  12. Then the incense rose to the sky, flinging around a grateful odour, whilst the din and confusion of the overwhelming throng that closed the march, evinced the interest which the scene excited in the minds of the people.

  13. The mounted hunters at the same time had galloped around the outside, and flinging themselves from their horses, took their stations, at intervals from each other.

  14. But swifter still the stroke of the armed paw that dashes the horror aside, flinging it mangled in the dust.

  15. Beyond the outer and lower cliff valley-surfaces appear miles away, flinging up broad gleams of cane-gold; further off greens disappear into blues, and the fantastic masses of Carbet loom up far higher than before.

  16. The La Guayra had gained fully two hundred yards when the handsome passenger made his final largess,--proving himself quite an expert in flinging coin.

  17. There stood Dave, skillfully flinging gayly colored hoops over a post at some distance from him.

  18. It was heartening to see the flames leap up, flinging wide their gorgeous banners of heat and light, and in their glow the tenderfoot ranger rapidly recovered his courage, though his teeth still chattered and the forest was dark.

  19. Flinging open the door, we saw Fritz von Tarlenheim stretched, fully dressed, on the sofa.

  20. The rigor of the season had now begun to relent, and the ice-locked Ohio was flinging off its wintry fetters.

  21. Bess, flinging an arm about the girl and drawing her to the bed.

  22. Oh, come on, girls," she added, jumping up and flinging off her hat and coat.

  23. In a moment her fear changed to flaming indignation, and she sprang forward, flinging herself before the bag and pushing the man away from her with furious, impotent little fists.

  24. Maybe that's why we are all so happy," said Bess gaily, flinging her arms about her chum.

  25. The American tars had climbed the masts and were firing down with muskets and flinging down hand grenades, until all the British had to run from the upper deck.

  26. And as the Merrimac drove on, a dynamite mine under the water went off behind her, flinging the water into the air, but not doing her any harm.

  27. Flinging off the heavy weight, Decatur rose to his feet.

  28. He slipped his arm round her waist to support her and at the touch she came forward, flinging her arms round him as her head drooped upon his shoulder and she burst into a fit of wild, tempestuous weeping.

  29. He had a capacity for open rebellion, or thought he had, and believed that he would have enjoyed flinging his glove in the face of the world, and defying opinion.

  30. He stopped and picked up a cobble-stone as he spoke, flinging it after his escaping prey.

  31. Myles, flinging down the block again and turning to his two friends.

  32. For the pressure of her hand and kind looks did stir my smouldering passion and fan it to a flame, so I had much ado to restrain myself from flinging my arms about her waist and drawing her to my breast.

  33. Perhaps you'll answering for their flinging the captain overboard when the time comes?

  34. I couldn't eat anything," David said decisively, flinging himself into a chair, only to get up and walk restlessly about again.

  35. Flinging a heavy spray back over Gale the boat sped eagerly through the water.

  36. She walked to the closed Venetians to look out upon the world and checked herself upon the very verge of flinging them open.

  37. Was death perhaps no more than the flinging off of grotesque outer garments by the newly arrived guests at the feast of living?

  38. Fortner angrily, snatching up a pine knot from his feet and flinging it at the beast, which vanished into the darkness with another curdling scream.

  39. At the curb market the brokers were shrieking and flinging their frantic signals in the air.

  40. He sprang to the nearest window and smashed it with quick blows from a hoe standing near; then, flinging up the sash, dived in.

  41. Then he would whip his arm in the air, flinging some of them off to patter on the dry ground.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flinging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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