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Example sentences for "archery"

Lexicographically close words:
archeologist; archeologists; archeology; archer; archers; arches; archetypal; archetype; archetypes; archidiaconal
  1. All peoples who use the bow in war practise archery in time of peace.

  2. Oh, archery is all the rage at Lenox," little Mr. Heller explained.

  3. Won't you come in and have a game of archery with us to-morrow afternoon?

  4. By this time the English archery was commencing to play upon them, first from the front, then from the troops concealed in the woods also.

  5. Much confusion in military history has been caused by writers attributing the archery of the Turks to the Saracens: the latter were not employers of archery-tactics, but lancers.

  6. The moral of the day had been that the archery must be adequately supported on its flanks by troops capable of arresting a cavalry charge.

  7. James of Scotland, after a similar endeavour, had resigned himself to ill success, and turned the archery of his subjects to ridicule.

  8. Mall, past the tennis-court and archery butts, where several people were practising, to the pond covered with wild fowl and overshaded with elm and chestnut that gave a thick green colour to the water.

  9. In the distance towards the archery fields and the Mall were other crowds and processions to be seen passing in and out of the trees, and another bonfire was burning in front of the mansion of the Protestant Northumberlands.

  10. At the Porte Saint Antoine he turned into the street which encircles the moat of the Bastille like a marsh, left the boulevard on his left and entered the Archery Garden, where the gatekeeper received him with every mark of respect.

  11. The note which De Mouy gave you an hour ago, behind the Archery Garden.

  12. The old archer looked on as if he would not grieve if for once his pupil should miss; while her young esquire watched her with the anxiety of one who felt that his judgment and skill in the noble science of archery were at stake.

  13. The gallant youth obeyed; when, bending gracefully forward, she fastened the silver arrow in the loop of his bonnet, and bade him wear it on every return of that day in memory of the field of archery at Castle Cor.

  14. I will see these bold outlaws shoot, and try if their archery is so fine as men say.

  15. Elsewhere we read of an archery competition which recalls the Homeric games.

  16. Under the shade of a big tree, the score board flashed forth in white letters, "Archery Day.

  17. We shoot, the same as we did on Archery Day, that is, all the eligible girls.

  18. Then there are a couple of Juniors, that have belonged to archery clubs at home, so we may pull through.

  19. Phyllis, after her failure on Archery Day, had steadfastedly refused to have anything more to do with the sport, and half the pleasure of the prospect of making the team was gone, when Janet realized that Phyllis would not be with her.

  20. And I didn't think about Archery when I talked to Taffy.

  21. Archery Day came at the end of the term, and, although the days before and after it were filled with tennis matches, basketball, and running, it stood out in importance above them all.

  22. Sally's name glittered from the smooth surface of the Archery cup, and on the Dramatic Club's, Phyllis and Daphne's names stood out.

  23. Prue had never even hit the target, but every year she tried again, for the hope that she might some day make the archery team for the old wing burned bright in her heart.

  24. She read that she was duly elected to the Archery Team.

  25. Of course, it means the Archery Team and the Dramatic Club," Janet answered.

  26. Her arm did hurt, in spite of the way she had joked about it, and she could not help thinking of the Archery contest next day.

  27. To the left the archery target blazed in its fresh coat of bright colors.

  28. Gladys had made the Archery Team as a substitute.

  29. Which one of the men or women known to be in the museum when this arrow was released has enough knowledge of archery to string a bow?

  30. Which of the men and women known to be in the museum when this arrow was delivered has enough knowledge of archery to string a bow?

  31. The police seem no nearer solving the problem now than on the night they practised archery in the galleries.

  32. Every idle wight that is lucky enough to possess an old gun or a blunderbuss, together with all the archery of Slingsby's school, take the field on the occasion.

  33. The feudal troops and the archery of England, the very soul of the army, had returned home at the end of the war, and it would now require much time and expenditure of money to collect them again.

  34. The people had followed the example, and were falling out of archery practice, exchanging it for similar amusements.

  35. As the archery was more developed, and the bow became the peculiar weapon of the English, regular practice was ordered, and shooting became at once the drill and the amusement of the people.

  36. From my experience of modern archery I found difficulty in believing that these figures were accurately given.

  37. Their losses were many, due to the skillful archery of the few within.

  38. For here you find true archery than which none can do better.

  39. He had entered himself for the archery prize and for the wrestling.

  40. If a prize shooting was determined upon in a city, messengers bore the proclamation of the council, and frequently also of the archery association, to their good neighbours far in the country.

  41. After the time of that archery court of the Magdeburgers, mutual shooting festivals are mentioned by the chronicles of other cities.

  42. Archery is having its first season in Trafton.

  43. I turn back to my roguish little pupil, now provokingly intent upon her archery practice.

  44. And now the archers shot, each man in turn, and the good folk never saw such archery as was done that day.

  45. The Chase of Robin Hood SO ROBIN HOOD and the others left the archery range at Finsbury Fields, and, tarrying not, set forth straightway upon their homeward journey.

  46. Thus it came about that when, after a while, the yeomen of the guard went to the archery field, they found not Robin and the others, and so got no cakes at that fair.

  47. So the time passed till the hour drew nigh for the holding of the great archery match in Finsbury Fields.

  48. Flo I shall be missed at the archery grounds.

  49. Ah, Mr. Trenchard, we were just talking of your archery powers.

  50. I perceive they are appearing for the archery practice.

  51. Ascham found Lady Katherine otherwise engaged, enjoying herself with the rest of the company at hunting and archery and those sports in which her mother, the Lady Frances, excelled.

  52. They sat talking for some time in the same low tone, and Tom began to forget his causes of quarrel with the world, and gave an account of the archery party from his own point of view.

  53. We are going to have a great archery party next month, and you shall have an invitation.

  54. My father said he had never liked an archery meeting so much.

  55. After all, archery is slow work," he said, when the targets were settled satisfactorily.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "archery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.