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Example sentences for "archeologists"

Lexicographically close words:
archenteron; archeologic; archeological; archeologique; archeologist; archeology; archer; archers; archery; arches
  1. Most probably, some of the Russian archeologists will protest against the opinions I maintain, that is to say, the opinions of the Hindu archeologists, and will treat me as an ignoramus, outraging science.

  2. What a treat one of the machine-made men of to-day will be to the archeologists of the year 3000, when they chance upon a well-preserved specimen, with all his patents thick upon I him!

  3. In the year 1653 archeologists and historians throughout Europe were greatly excited over one of the most interesting finds of ancient relics ever recorded.

  4. All was of a species of sandstone that has withstood the elements moderately well, especially if, as archeologists assert, the ruins represent a city founded some three thousand years ago.

  5. Archeologists had cleared a considerable square in the wilderness, still within the holdings of the fruit company, felling many enormous trees; but the place was already half choked again with compact undergrowth.

  6. The age of the Tyuonyi construction has been fairly well established by the tree-ring method of dating, so widely and successfully used by archeologists in the Southwest.

  7. Before entering upon a description of the life and times of the early Bandelier dwellers, it may be well to discuss briefly the efforts of the archeologists and others who have built up the picture of this long-lost culture.

  8. Because of the great numbers of skilfully worked baskets found in their homesites, archeologists have named these people Basketmakers.

  9. This is the only locality in the State where these stone hearts have been found, and archeologists believe they are the product of the early Indians.

  10. Positions of skeletons and types of artifacts found in the different strata of the few mounds excavated in this area lead archeologists to believe that the mounds were built for burial purposes.

  11. From excavations made in similar mounds along the lower Sheyenne River (see Side Tour 8A) archeologists believe that most of these tumuli were built for burial purposes.

  12. The extensive mounds and earthworks found in the eastern half of North Dakota have been only imperfectly investigated so far, partly because archeologists have but recently recognized the possibilities of the area.

  13. Archeologists have discovered pictures of the ancient Egyptian loom, and of Penelope's, and there is but little change from the times of these ladies to our days.

  14. This indicates to archeologists the original purpose of the hanging.

  15. Many archeologists and literary men before him had visited the moat of the great fortress at Baalbek.

  16. Archeologists tell us that there have been found in the Mississippi Valley the remains of two distinct prehistoric races.

  17. Pseud-archeologists descanted on the Mound Builders, that once inhabited the land, and they told of swarming populations who had reached a high condition of culture, erecting temples, practicing arts in metals and using hieroglyphics.

  18. It has been an elementary principle among archeologists that proper burial of the dead is an indication of intell-- "Hell!

  19. Archeologists today discovered the traces of a crude civilization dating at least seven thous--" Donatti groaned.

  20. Thus it appears to be pretty well proved that in ascribing chronological dates to Indian antiquities, Anglo-Indian as well as European archeologists are often guilty of the most ridiculous anachronisms.

  21. Moreover, Western archeologists keep to their own counsel, and will accept of no other but their own conjectures.

  22. Where even such veteran archeologists as General Cunningham do not seem above suspicion, and are openly denounced by their colleagues, palaeography seems to hardly deserve the name of exact science.

  23. Even if Western archeologists or numismatists took it into their heads to change the date of our Lord and Glorified Deliverer from the 7th century "B.

  24. One group is composed of Western historians with their suite of learned Ethnologists, Philologists, Anthropologists, Archeologists and Orientalists in general.

  25. And, having no Past to record themselves, the European critics, historians and archeologists have not scrupled to deny one to others--whenever the concession excited a sacrifice of biblical prestige.

  26. Archeologists have long called these early inhabitants of the area "Basketmakers" because of the variety of beautiful baskets and sandals which they wove from fibrous plant materials.

  27. The last point might seem strange, except for the fact that even today, 40 years after Morris' work and despite endless searching, archeologists have located few Chaco-type burials in Chaco Canyon itself.

  28. At Bat Cave in New Mexico, archeologists have uncovered a primitive type of corn which was grown at least several thousand years before the birth of Christ.

  29. Today archeologists have such a tree-ring master chart which extends back to the time of Christ for the San Juan area.

  30. Having spent the winter of 1915 in New York City at Columbia University, Morris was well acquainted with the leading archeologists at the American Museum of Natural History.

  31. Whatever the burial customs of the Chaco people may have been, they have eluded archeologists for many years.

  32. Liking to classify and categorize the remains they study, archeologists first divided this broad Pueblo period into five substages labeled Pueblo I, II, III, IV, and V.

  33. Archeologists have dug up some unusual burials from this period.

  34. What the early hunters may have looked like no one really knows, for archeologists so far have not found a single undisputed trace of their physical remains.

  35. The decision finally arrived at by the courts--that the Place des Vosges must be kept intact as originally planned--gave joy to the hearts of all true Parisians and archeologists alike.

  36. The archeologists coming to Compiègne first notice that all its churches are "malorientées.

  37. Archeologists and geologists are all agreed that he arrived at the close of the glacial epoch, long after the disappearance of the prehistoric animals which Dr.

  38. Thus far, the quipus in possession of our archeologists have been of no particular aid in deciphering the history of their makers.

  39. In 1955 archeologists unearthed a circular-shaped pit which contained charcoal, burned oyster shell, iron ore, pieces of smelted iron, and slag.

  40. In 1955 archeologists discovered the site of an early seventeenth century forge or smithery near historic Jamestown church.

  41. The deer mound at the home of Mrs. Train is a clan emblem but archeologists believe the effigy in Man Mound Park an Indian deity.

  42. Indians are divided into clans and most effigy mounds are believed by archeologists to be the emblems of these.

  43. These are often accompanied by inscriptions in low relief, with the peculiar Mayan characters which some archeologists call "calculiform hieroglyphs" (v.

  44. These curious buildings, though now prehistoric, in a sense, are believed by archeologists to be later than the Spanish conquest.

  45. Trained in the precise methods of the physical sciences, he had long fought against the fascination of the immense puzzles which the archeologists were trying to solve, but no man could long escape.

  46. Dreyer and his fellow semanticists were assigned with the archeologists to examine the records they had salvaged from the fire in the hopes of finding a clue to the Dragboran world and the weapon that might be there.

  47. Of all the archeologists he had met, Underwood had taken the greatest liking to Terry Bernard.

  48. Even if the Stroids were somewhat anthropomorphic in makeup as the archeologists believed, there was no indication that their minds would not be so utterly alien that no bridge would even be possible.

  49. Underwood had always thought of archeologists as befogged antiquarians poking among ancient graves and rubbish heaps, but now he knew them for what they were--poets in search of mysteries.

  50. The younger archeologists labeled him benevolently Papa Phyfe, in spite of the irascible temper which came, perhaps, from constantly switching his mind from half a million years ago to the present.

  51. It would be a project for a thousand archeologists for a hundred years to examine and analyze such ruins as those down there, yet a hundred of us propose to do it in weeks--hiding from a deadly enemy at the same time!

  52. You may be right," said Phyfe, "But we archeologists work with facts, not guesses.

  53. At the sight of it, Underwood could almost understand the thrill of discovery that impelled these archeologists to delve in the mysteries of space for lost kingdoms and races.

  54. Evidently part of the building was abandoned long before it burned, for archeologists found that charred roof timbers had fallen on some floors already covered with drifted sand and dust.

  55. In refuse dumps near the dwellings, archeologists have found quantities of broken pottery--it is principally through a study of these dumps that the chronology of Indian occupation in this area is revealed.

  56. LORD BACON In the Summer of 1934 a group of archeologists set to work to explore the site of the first permanent English settlement at Jamestown Island, Va.

  57. Archeologists unearthed only a few metal parts from wagons and carriages--reminders of a day when horses and oxen were indispensable animals in the Virginia settlements.

  58. A strange discovery was made here in 1955 while the foundations were being examined by archeologists for measured drawings.

  59. But archeologists have found more than objects at Jamestown.

  60. So small is the inter-columnar space that archeologists incline to the belief that in this one Doric temple there were triglyphs only over the columns, and not also between them as in all other known cases.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "archeologists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.