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Example sentences for "rapping"

Lexicographically close words:
rappee; rappel; rappeler; rappelle; rapper; rappings; rapport; rapporte; rapporter; rapports
  1. He gave me a lusty rapping thwack on my back,--what then?

  2. At night the king plays at commerce and backgammon, and the queen at quadrille, where poor Lady Charlotte runs her usual nightly gauntlet, the queen pulling her hood, and the Princess Royal rapping her knuckles.

  3. He did not wake until morning when there came a violent rapping on his door.

  4. He came rapping at her door, and by dint of apologies, remonstrance, and commands, brought her out, and induced her to spend the evening in his company.

  5. He answered hotly, and ended by rapping out with a contemptuous click of the tongue: "Upon my word, Dick, you look at the whole thing like the tradesman you are!

  6. Mahony had just secured his premises for the night, when there came a rapping at the back door.

  7. While he was rapping with the knuckles on the panel, one of the blinds was pushed aside and Mrs. Glendinning came out.

  8. Paul; and he turned his head slowly to where Hugh stood, holding the pen in one hand and rapping the table with the knuckles of the other.

  9. Go on," said Hugh, rapping the table with his finger-tips.

  10. We must take that train," said Aldo, getting up and rapping his saucer for the waiter.

  11. I should have succeeded too, but just as I was in a doze there came a loud rapping at the door, and Dick Parmiter danced into the room.

  12. He was in her bedroom at ten o'clock, still active in his efforts to set her mind at ease, when a sharp rapping was heard on the door of his sitting-room adjoining.

  13. He rose with considerable ease and dignity and called the house to order by rapping sharply on Dolly's desk with the brass top of an inkstand.

  14. Again the low rapping was heard, and Tom knew that some response must be made.

  15. The rapping was not repeated, and no sound could be heard outside the door.

  16. The rapping upon the door was quickly repeated, and the voice of some one outside could be heard.

  17. Reaching his hand up above the boards, he found a copy of a school text-book on algebra, and brought it down with him, rapping it against his hand and blowing the dust off it.

  18. All the sheriff's rapping was in vain; it was impossible to arrest and fine everybody.

  19. This horseman, after the fashion of the age, carried his luggage in a pair of saddle-bags, which kept time to his horse's trot by rapping against the flaps of his saddle.

  20. On the 16th we sent the Cook with a note to the Pimple telling him that the spook-board had been rapping and tapping and making curious noises all night, and we thought the Spook wanted to communicate something.

  21. Very little ground is covered at a single table-rapping séance, and at the end of the allotted hour the sitter has usually a number of questions he still wishes to put.

  22. Some intuition bids her be the one to respond to the rapping that presently sounds out.

  23. She walked rapidly along the path to the Smoke House; was soon rapping at the heavy iron door of the laboratory.

  24. His chatter fretted her like the rapping of a branch on the window of an invalid.

  25. With this iron the blind man kept up a continual rapping on the flagstones as he slowly advanced.

  26. Just then Rollo heard a rapping sound upon the stone of the sidewalk near him.

  27. Every one hearing this rapping looked up to see what it meant; and, perceiving that it was a blind man, they moved to one side and the other to make way for him.

  28. He came rapping at the dining-room window like anything, and it woke me up.

  29. Rapping sharply on the door of his lodgings, he was admitted by an Armenian servant, and at once strode into his sitting-room.

  30. Someone was rapping on the floor below them, someone who called in low tones for admission.

  31. Again and again Nicole heard the rapping of bullets into the log wall near Frank's head as he fired steadily at Indians charging from the trading post buildings they had captured.

  32. A sharp rapping at the bedroom door brought an end to his new surge of desire.

  33. I muttered, sharply snapping, "Why the deuce do you come rapping, rapping at my Office-door?

  34. She was silenced altogether by a rapping sound that would not be denied.

  35. There was a loud rapping on the door below, a stifled scream from Neb's wife at the foot of the stairs, and then a sharp, commanding voice sounded outside.

  36. It was a sharp rapping on the outer door.

  37. The speaker was about to resume, when he was prevented by a sharp rapping on the stair below.

  38. He asked me to sit with him alone, when the table began rapping out a number of consonants--a farrago of nonsense, it appeared to me, and I stopped and said so.

  39. Before I began this chapter, I had an argument with that friend of mine called Self (who has but too often worsted me in the Battle of Life), as to whether I should say anything about table-rapping or tilting.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rapping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accent; banging; blasting; bursting; chatter; colloquy; comment; communication; communion; conversation; converse; discourse; elocution; exchange; explosive; gab; intercourse; palaver; parole; popping; prattle; rapping; speaking; talk; talking; tap; tapping