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Example sentences for "suffocating"

Lexicographically close words:
suffixed; suffixes; suffocate; suffocated; suffocates; suffocation; suffocative; suffragan; suffragans; suffrage
  1. Means Coals, which exhale an impure, fetid, and suffocating Sulphur.

  2. But what with the suffocating perfume of ambergris (or it may have been frankincense), my incredible surroundings, and the buzzing of my maltreated skull, I simply could not think connectedly.

  3. It came that morning--a wall of sand so high as to shut out the sunlight, so dense as to turn the day into night, so suffocating that I thought I should never live through it!

  4. I suppose the suffocating perfume of the burning incense was chiefly responsible, but at this point I realized that I was becoming dizzy and that immediate departure into a cooler atmosphere was imperative.

  5. Thanks--no," said he in a suffocating voice.

  6. Next day, it was all day long as if the silence and darkness of the night were still suffocating her.

  7. Slavish conformity to the soddening, mind-suffocating routine prescribed by custom for the comfortable classes.

  8. There was a pause, a silence so profound that it seemed a suffocating force.

  9. Amy felt weak, sick, sinking, suffocating in a whirl of doubts and fears.

  10. He is either in a stupor from the effects of the suffocating smoke that filled the close room in which he was found, or else in a faint.

  11. The suffocating fumes of the sulphur match did their work, and Boxer gasped for breath.

  12. The long wagon-trains of lumber, and the occasional traveler's tarantass rumbling along to the discord of its duga bells, were enveloped in a cloud of suffocating dust.

  13. The air of that beautiful valley was suffocating on account of the stench they emitted, and the river was poisoned by the heaps of bodies that had been hurled into it.

  14. In an instant I remembered that on account of the suffocating atmosphere I had unwrapped my haick from about my mouth, thus allowing my features to remain uncovered.

  15. Dead and wounded lay everywhere, and through the suffocating smoke the fire of the rifles now seemed yellow where in the darkness it had appeared blood-red.

  16. At the ordinary temperatures chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas of strong, suffocating odor.

  17. The first recorded use of suffocating gases in warfare was about 431 B.

  18. So saying, the fellow let fly an egg at me, the which, striking the board within an inch of my face, filled the air with suffocating stench.

  19. The movable contents of the room were not easily examined, as each object on the floor was buried under a mound of heavy, suffocating dust.

  20. Just to be free again from the sensation of stifling in trivial things, of suffocating in the monotony which rushed over one like a torrent of ashes.

  21. Then Patty fell on her knees beside the couch where he lay, and a silence that was almost suffocating closed over the room.

  22. Yet each man urged his steed to its utmost capacity as if with a set purpose, and hardly looking to the right or left they passed by, leaving only a cloud of suffocating dust that hung listlessly in the still, hot air.

  23. Suffocating fumes eddied through the ammunition hoist into the confined space.

  24. At this instant a load of hay was passing along near Temple Bar, when Alexandre called attention to the suffocating cries of a man in the centre of the hay.

  25. The blissful certainty overwhelmed her with suffocating violence, and now she could see nothing, for two eager arms had clasped her and pressed her closely to a throbbing heart.

  26. The uniform, unvarying stream of hot air from a Russian stove vibrated around him with suffocating sultriness, increased by the fragrance of numberless flowers grouped in hot-house fashion in the lofty windows of stained glass.

  27. I turned automatically at the pump; and we silently awaited the last suffocating moment of our final doom.

  28. And always the suffocating awareness of pressure.

  29. The only reason all of us weren't destroyed at once is that they were slowly suffocating as they fought.

  30. The mouth of a pit--a pit of endless depths of suffocating darkness, and this darkness and the suffocating poisonous density of the air of it increased with the depth.

  31. So up and down he rose and fell between the grinning faces and the suffocating darkness, each time weaker, more unable to fight upwards to life, each time sinking deeper, staying longer in the stifling depths.

  32. The heat in these provinces is terrible during the summer, and the latter district is further exposed to the Scirocco winds of the Gulf, carrying with them suffocating sand clouds.

  33. With perspiration streaming down my cheeks I took the photographs here reproduced, and then proceeded to a yet hotter small room--as suffocating a place as one may wish to enter in one's lifetime, or after!

  34. After enduring for some time the broiling and suffocating feeling attendant upon such an atmosphere, he rose to endeavour to open the window of the apartment, and thus to procure a change of air.

  35. She fell with a piercing and dreadful cry between the shriek of pain and the sound of laughter when at its highest and most suffocating height.

  36. Through these the sun's rays could find many paths to the ground, and there was suffocating heat.

  37. The bears, which are very intelligent beasts, employed this method of suffocating their prey.

  38. Should I put it on and run for the doctor for the child, or stop up the broken pane with it to keep the snow from blowing in, or wrap it round the child, because the poor thing was suffocating with its throat?

  39. They are nearly all volatile, and have a powerful suffocating smell which irritates the eyes and respiratory organs.

  40. Chlorine is a gas of a yellowish green colour, and has a very suffocating and characteristic odour.

  41. Hydrochloric acid is a colourless gas having a pungent suffocating odour and an acid taste.

  42. In spite of being tepid it relieved the dry, suffocating feeling in her throat and refreshed her.

  43. Vexation and anger were suffocating me; I was hardly able to stammer a few disjointed words.

  44. I felt as if something were choking me, suffocating me.

  45. I tried to drink the punch that was before me, but it was impossible for me to swallow; I had not dined, but I had been suffocating since the morning.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suffocating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    breathless; censorship; close; humid; muggy; oppressive; penetrating; pungent; reeking; repression; sharp; smashing; smudgy; sticky; stifling; strangling; strong; stuffy; subdual; suffocate; suffocating; sultry; suppression; sweltering; throttling; unventilated