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Example sentences for "strangling"

Lexicographically close words:
strangest; strangle; strangled; stranglehold; strangles; strangulated; strangulation; strap; strapped; strapping
  1. Bear Cat's breathing was a hoarse and strangling agony, but his fists battered like unremitting flails against the ribs and kidneys of his antagonist.

  2. There would be the clutch of longing, strangling his heart and gnawing at his stomach.

  3. Distinctly he heard a gasping and strangling from where McCan slept.

  4. Their own lung-strangling began, and they were racked and torn by a dry cough, spasmodic and uncontrollable.

  5. Above the strangling line which went round his neck the muscles were thick and swollen and the glands of the throat congested into monstrous lumps.

  6. Mitsos looked at him in surprise, and saw that his face was deadly pale, and a strangling anguish gripped at the muscles of his throat.

  7. If the boat were sunk by a submarine or a mine, death in the strangling seas would be preferable to any more of this drifting among the strangling problems of a life that held no promise of happiness for her.

  8. He fought on for his life, beating the strangling water from his lips, and tearing furiously to reach the pile, where, perhaps, he might be able to hold on till help came.

  9. But with the strangling clasp of Ahmed Ben Hassan's hands upon him the love of life waked again in Ibraheim Omair and he struggled fiercely.

  10. It was an awesome sound, like a man strangling to death in chicken-fat.

  11. I think it's an unconscious protest against the fetters of a society which is slowly strangling them by--" Malone said good-by in a hurry and left.

  12. Of three days, I have had two good ones; the third even has not been very bad; a slight attack of suffocation not to be compared to the sensation of strangling which a Paris winter brings on.

  13. What a ridiculous creature was a great lady of that period, and how clear as day does it appear from this story that nothing but strangling could have had any effect on a beast like Peter III!

  14. Do you recollect an ostrich at the Jardin des Plantes, which you came near strangling with rye bread in the time when you used to adorn the place with your presence?

  15. Randel seized the bread first of all, and broke it with as much violence as if he were strangling a man, and then he began to eat it voraciously, swallowing great mouthfuls quickly.

  16. Still the Sicilian clung to the rope which was strangling him.

  17. There's dirty work afoot,'" he quoted in a strangling voice.

  18. Gilhooly had a knee on my breast and was strangling me with fingers of steel.

  19. He bore me down and came within one of strangling me.

  20. Strangling with blood, Jim opened his eyes and saw the old woman creeping nearer through the gray light of the dawn.

  21. The suddenness of my attack took him completely unawares; and the strangling nature of my grasp paralyzed him.

  22. Wolfert heard the plunge, and a kind of strangling bubbling murmur, but the darkness of the night hid every thing from view, and the swiftness of the current swept every thing instantly out of hearing.

  23. I sprang upon him with the blood-thirsty feeling of a tiger; redoubled my blows; mangled him in my frenzy, grasped him by the throat, until with reiterated wounds and strangling convulsions he expired in my grasp.

  24. Somewhere behind a screen a clock began wheezing, as though oppressed by something, as though some one were strangling it.

  25. He felt that the infuriated crowd was twining round him like a many-coloured snake, strangling him, crushing him.

  26. As soon as I had made the fellow fast I looked down and found moaning on the ground a poor woman, who explained with tears and broken words that the man had been in the very act of strangling her.

  27. It told of strangling the child, of robbing the friend; and was going on to tell God knows what other horrid deeds when my sister stopped It.

  28. She gazed in silence a moment, then gave a great strangling gasp of surprise and recognition.

  29. St. Leon leaned on his elbow and watched the door impatiently, his breath coming and going in great strangling gasps--his heart full of trembling anticipation.

  30. But nevertheless, as she lay upon the little velvet pillow, and wept her rare tears were strangling sobs, the very ache of her wound had a strange savour that she would not have exchanged for any past content.

  31. He raised his hands and pulled fiercely at his collar as if already the rope were round his neck strangling him.

  32. On the widest and midmost band is the figure of Jupiter; beneath him is Diana; and, lastly, the infant Hercules strangling the serpents.

  33. It was gone, and across the two yards intervening he saw young Reid writhing in the grip of the monster who was strangling out his life.

  34. Swan Carlson, Mackenzie believed him to be, indulging his insane desire for strangling out the lives of men.

  35. Here before his eyes was a man who had come to grips with Swan Carlson, and had escaped from his strangling hands to eat his breakfast with as much unconcern as if he had no more than been kicked by a mule.

  36. Mackenzie's unexpected renewal of the fight surprised Carlson into releasing his strangling hold.

  37. The furious creature had Reid by the throat in the grip Swan had taught her, strangling out his life.

  38. Swan bent over the basin, snorting water like a strangling horse.

  39. There must have been surprising power in that slender arm, or else its strength was multiplied by the frenzy of the strangling man, for the woman dropped as if she had been struck with an ax.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strangling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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