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Example sentences for "strangulated"

Lexicographically close words:
strangle; strangled; stranglehold; strangles; strangling; strangulation; strap; strapped; strapping; straps
  1. Defn: Having the circulation stopped by compression; attended with arrest or obstruction of circulation, caused by constriction or compression; as, a strangulated hernia.

  2. Strangulated hernia, a hernia so tightly compressed in some part of the channel through which it has been protruded as to arrest its circulation, and produce swelling of the protruded part.

  3. It is causatively associated with such conditions as peritonitis and peritoneal suppuration resulting from strangulated hernia, appendicitis, or perforation in any part of the alimentary canal.

  4. Intestinal fistulæ are sometimes met with in the abdominal wall after strangulated hernia, operations for appendicitis, tuberculous peritonitis, and other conditions.

  5. When the bowel is constricted, however, and its circulation interfered with, symptoms of internal strangulation come on, and are exactly like the symptoms of external strangulated hernia.

  6. In one instance obstruction of the bowel from fecal impaction was supposed to be a strangulated gut in a patient suffering from hernia: an operation was performed, the patient dying in sixteen hours afterward.

  7. The difference here is like that between strangulated and incarcerated hernia.

  8. They occasionally become so strangulated as to slough off, which effects a cure, but this is accompanied by grave constitutional disturbance.

  9. Treat all the remaining tumors in a similar manner seriatim, and then with scissors cut away the strangulated bodies to within a safe distance of the ligatures, the ends of which are now to be cut off close.

  10. Acute internal strangulation of the bowel from these causes has the same symptoms, course, and termination that acute external strangulated hernia has.

  11. In rare instances spontaneous self-reduction of external strangulated hernia takes place; the cases are exceptional, and the fact is no apology for postponing herniotomy.

  12. Then draw down each tumor, cut around its base, and tie as before; cut off the ends of the ligatures and the greater portion of each strangulated tumor, and return everything within the bowel, and follow with an opium suppository.

  13. In color they are dark red, but when compressed and strangulated by the sphincters they assume a dusky purple hue.

  14. In every case of intestinal obstruction a careful examination should be made for external strangulated hernia.

  15. In cases where the hernia is chiefly omental, the sac should be opened, lest a knuckle of bowel be inclosed and strangulated in the omentum.

  16. It is then to be pinched up and divided, as in the operation for strangulated hernia.

  17. The strangulated masses must then be returned into the bowel, and the patient kept in bed or on a sofa till the ligatures separate, which is generally not till the fourth or fifth day.

  18. In Strangulated Hernia the bowel or omentum is being nipped at the neck of the sac, and the flow of blood into and from the delicate tissues is stopped.

  19. This is also the most destructive effect of social and legal injustice; emotions are strangulated and then begin to work mischief.

  20. The operation consists in cutting down upon the strangulated bowel, thus relieving it of its constriction and facilitating its replacement.

  21. When the hernia has become strangulated and cannot be returned by manipulation, a surgical operation is necessary.

  22. It was a case of strangulated hernia which protruded under the ribs, the so-called lumbar hernia.

  23. They also suffer much oftener than white people from strangulated hernia, in which the intestine becomes constricted and blocked, so that it can no longer empty itself.

  24. On August 15th I had to operate on a case of strangulated hernia which had been brought {56} in the evening before.

  25. The man who in August was freed from a strangulated hernia collected 20 francs among his relations, "in order to pay the Doctor for the expensive thread with which he sewed up my belly.

  26. Let not the sun go down upon your--strangulated hernia," is the maxim continually impressed upon medical students.

  27. So now, the moment a man feels that his rupture is a strangulated one--rupture is far rarer among women--he begs his friends to put him in a canoe and bring him to me.

  28. In some hours the clearest infusion begins to grow turbid, and is found to be filled with a multitude of little organisms of an extreme tenuity slightly strangulated at their centres.

  29. A very old woman was operated upon in the North London Hospital a few days ago, for strangulated hernia of several days standing.

  30. The tumour, along with the protruded portion of bowel, may become strangulated if not replaced.

  31. By steady perseverance, whilst the patient is in the bath, a great majority of strangulated herniæ may be reduced.

  32. Purgative enemata can do little good: if in small quantity, they empty only the rectum; if large, they may reach the strangulated part, but will scarcely have the effect of extricating it.

  33. Local bloodletting can have no effect in diminishing the size of strangulated parts; though in inflammation of the contents of the tumour, without strangulation, no more powerful means can be employed.

  34. Sir Astley Cooper tied up an aperture in this manner in the human subject, in a case of strangulated hernia, and the patient recovered without a bad symptom.

  35. Its neck, besides, is firmly constricted; and the bowel may and will remain strangulated when returned along with its sac, for the peritoneum long retains the contraction at its strictured point.

  36. Were I so unfortunate as to be the subject of strangulated hernia, I should certainly have no tobacco used.

  37. William Ford, 33, an apparently healthy man, was seized with the symptom of strangulated hernia, at Harrow, December 28th.

  38. Among these, Serapion of Alexandria, an Empiric who lived in the third century before Christ, is noteworthy for having first used sulphur in the treatment of skin diseases, and Heraclides wrote on strangulated hernia.

  39. It is interesting to find that Celsus knew of the danger of giving purgatives in strangulated rupture of the bowels.

  40. Tobacco clyster is used in strangulated hernia, obstinate constipation, retention of urine, &c.

  41. It is also dropped (40 to 50 drops) on the part, to promote the reduction of strangulated hernia.

  42. In strangulated hernia; repeated in two or three hours.

  43. Woman strangulated by the bands of her nightcap.

  44. The same author mentions the case of a woman plainly strangulated by the hands and then thrown into the ditch of the fortifications of Paris.

  45. The operation for the strangulated condition.

  46. Both these orders of vessels are generally divided in the operation required for the reduction of either the inguinal or the femoral strangulated hernia; but they are, for the most part, unimportant in size.

  47. When the piles are inflamed, strangulated or ulcerated, the patient should remain in bed in a recumbent position and hot fomentations of hops, etc.

  48. Rupture is most frequently strangulated between the ages of forty and fifty.

  49. The neck of the sac is then seized with the thumb and fingers of one hand, and thus fixed, while with the other hand, the operator endeavors to return the strangulated gut by gentle pressure in the proper direction.

  50. A large warm poultice of hops over the abdomen will be found one of the best known means of relieving strangulated hernia.

  51. The worst condition of rupture is the strangulated form.

  52. As in strangulated hernia, where there is no hope except through heroic measures.

  53. Sometimes the intestines will become strangulated and colicky symptoms appear.

  54. The pig dies in great pain, but fortunately, strangulated ruptures in pigs are very rare, as the scrotum and canal which the intestines occupy relax and become very roomy.

  55. In cases of strangulated hernia, could acupuncture, or puncture with a capillary trocar, be used with safety and advantage to give exit to air contained in the strangulated bowel?

  56. Where the disease is owing to strangulated hernia, the part should be sprinkled with cold water, or iced water, or salt and water recently mixed, or moistened with ether.

  57. Could this also be of advantage in strangulated hernia?

  58. Sometimes to an introsusception of one part of the intestine into another, and very frequently to a strangulated hernia or rupture.

  59. It was taken from a woman of forty-five who was admitted into the hospital with a strangulated femoral hernia.

  60. Robson reports a case of strangulated hernia in the third month of pregnancy with stercoraceous vomiting.

  61. In 1787 Bell gave an account of a case in which a large portion of the lung protruded and was strangulated by the edges of the thoracic wound, yet the patient made a good recovery.

  62. Lane reports perforation of the rectum by the introduction of two large pieces of soap; there was coincident strangulated hernia.

  63. Rochard, who at the age of one hundred and seven was successfully operated on for strangulated hernia of upward of thirty hours' duration.

  64. Mason describes the case of a man of sixty-five who, after death by strangulated hernia, was opened, and two inches from the ileocecal valve was found an earthen egg-cup which he had swallowed.

  65. On withdrawing this instrument the right kidney was extruded, became strangulated between the lips of the wound, and caused considerable hemorrhage.

  66. Fowler operated successfully for strangulated umbilical hernia on a patient of sixty-eight.

  67. Hough mentions an instance in which, from the great pain and sudden appearance, a small tumor lying against the right pubic bone was supposed to be a strangulated hernia.

  68. The distinguishing mark of this species is the irregular, dark, twice-strangulated band of the secondaries, bordered on both sides externally by whitish shades.

  69. The caterpillars are cylindrical, tapering from the middle forward and backward, marked with lateral and dorsal stripes, with the neck less strangulated than in the preceding genera.

  70. The body is cylindrical, slender, tapering forward and backward; the neck less strangulated than in many of the genera.

  71. The very displacement itself is sometimes immediately attended by alarming symptoms, such as faintness, vomiting, cold sweats, weak irregular pulse, as seen in cases of inversion or strangulated hernia.

  72. It follows strangulated hernia, invagination, or rupture of the stomach, intestines, liver, or womb.

  73. Her old assurance had deserted her; the strangulated contralto was losing its magic power, she felt, in this degenerating England it had ruled so long.

  74. Her strangulated contralto went into every corner of the room and positively seemed to look for and challenge inattentive auditors.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strangulated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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