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Example sentences for "surgical operation"

  • The mother in due time sought to correct the deformity by having the supernumerary thumb removed by a surgical operation.

  • That chloroform or ether will suppress the consciousness of pain during a surgical operation, every reader is aware.

  • The agony may be so keen, so exquisite, so far beyond the pain of a surgical operation, that it makes itself felt.

  • Crile, the giving of morphia before a surgical operation, in order to quiet the apprehensions of the patients and so to prevent the occurrence of shock.

  • The polypi attached by narrow necks may be removed by surgical operation, but for those with broad attachments treatment is eminently unsatisfactory.

  • As a rule, they require a surgical operation, with removal of an elliptical portion of the mucous membrane or skin, as the case may be, but which requires the skilled and delicate hand of the surgeon.

  • The cases that do not require a surgical operation must, as a rule, have persistent medical treatment.

  • Indeed, Mrs. Gilman has not intended her book so much as a treatise for scholars as a surgical operation on the popular mind.

  • When the myocardial insufficiency is so marked that no medical treatment reestablishes a reasonable compensation, no surgical operation is permissible.

  • The symptoms arising from displaced bone may be relieved by surgical operation; but we must premise some observations on fracture, before speaking of the treatment necessary in such cases.

  • Cataract is not remediable but by surgical operation.

  • The distortion in question can be remedied only by a surgical operation, it having no tendency to a spontaneous cure.

  • Loss of substance, from ulceration or injury, is repaired by surgical operation.

  • Hillier remarks (Diseases of Children): "In the hospital for sick children, of the children who contract scarlatina a very large proportion have been the subjects of a surgical operation within a week before the rash appears.

  • It then came into my mind to perform a surgical operation, and this I quickly carried out.

  • The intravenous method is an impressive one, approaching in preparation almost to that which goes with a surgical operation.

  • In cases in which the head of the thigh bone, or the bony socket of the joint has become so diseased as to cause it to ulcerate and break down, all portions of diseased bone should be thoroughly removed by a surgical operation.

  • Sometimes the enlarged tonsils undergo calcareous degeneration; in this case, nothing but their removal by a surgical operation is effectual.

  • When a surgical operation is performed for the removal of the necrosed bone it is called sequestrotomy.

  • After one which I think was the worst I ever had, I consulted our family physician, who diagnosed my case as a dangerous kidney disease and said that no medicine could help me but that I must undergo a surgical operation.

  • Bigelow, the very celebrated surgeon of Harvard College, has probably received the largest fee for a surgical operation of any New England practitioner.

  • Assuming that no unfavorable effect is produced by the anesthetic and that there is no hemorrhage, the cells of the brain cannot be exhausted in the course of a surgical operation except by fear or by trauma, or by both.

  • The acute fear of a surgical operation may be banished by the use of certain drugs that depress the associational power of the brain and so minimize the effect of the preparations that usually inspire fear.

  • The exposure of a sensitive brain to the naked possibility of death from a surgical operation may be compared to uncovering a photographic plate in the bright sunlight to inspect it before putting it in the camera.

  • When women have, for any reason, had their ovaries removed by surgical operation, marked changes follow, which vary much in detail, but carry certain general similarities.

  • If a woman has had both ovaries removed by surgical operation, will this operation grow new ovaries for her, and enable her to become a mother?

  • He had been called there to perform a surgical operation, and being obliged to spend an hour or two in the hotel office before taking a return train, he became an interested listener to several stories told by a couple of drummers and myself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "surgical operation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolutely necessary; calling upon; deep enough; ere long; est une; evidence that; found near; its highest; life seemed; long last; mechanical origin; often used; open book; powdered cloves; rational beings; seek thee; significant glance; small hole; surgical instruments; surgical operation; surgical operations; surgical treatment; swing she came about; thin lines; white pigeon