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Example sentences for "crucifixion"

Lexicographically close words:
crucified; crucifiers; crucifies; crucifix; crucifixes; crucifixions; crucifixus; cruciform; crucify; crucifying
  1. So there was his cross for him; and they put it upon his shoulder, for his crucifixion was to be on the top of the hill where the others were.

  2. Yet if our will crosses God's will, crucifixion of some kind is sure to follow.

  3. The prophets had spoken of his crucifixion many hundred years before his birth.

  4. It is only through the crucifixion of Christ, that “the old man” is crucified in the believer.

  5. The Crucifixion of The Resurrection of Abraham about to Slay Christ.

  6. I am not willing to pass by mount Calvary, and Joseph’s new tomb, on my way to the field of Armageddon; nor am I willing to pause at the scene of the crucifixion and the ascension, without going farther on to the final conquest of the foe.

  7. I think we may apply this observation to the nails, the spear, and the thorns; and consequently those who worship those instruments used at our Lord's crucifixion are more wicked than the Jews who employed them for that purpose.

  8. The crucifixion will never be understood until men know that its worst agony consisted in the disbelief which first of all doubts God and then must, by all reason, doubt itself.

  9. This war is the crucifixion of the youth of the world.

  10. Even the centurion who watched the crucifixion returned to Jerusalem and said, “Truly this was a Son of God!

  11. The existence of crucifixion showed how far the shadow had advanced on the dial-plate of Rome’s history.

  12. Receiving ready permission, he hurried to the capital by the earliest ship, and arrived on the very day of the storm which had witnessed the crucifixion of St. Peter and the miraculous deliverance of the Beloved Disciple.

  13. Because it was on the day before the Crucifixion that Our Lord said "This is my body," &c.

  14. I heard afterwards that generally when the crucifixion at S.

  15. This divinity was reaching humanity through the crucifixion of the human,--that momentous demonstration of God, in which Spirit proved its supremacy over matter.

  16. The high priests of old caused the crucifixion of even the great Master; and thereby they lost, and he won, heaven.

  17. The crucifixion did not mean the Gospel's end, as the disciples thought, nor did Paul, imprisoned, lose his ministry.

  18. The Jews may have imitated the Assyrians, as crucifixion may have been adopted long before that of Christ and the two thieves (Qy.

  19. The translators of the cuneiform inscriptions represent crucifixion as the common punishment for rebellion and treason.

  20. A curious bas-relief, with the Crucifixion on one side and the Virgin and Child on the other, has been built into the E.

  21. The Crucifixion as a subject for representation on such tympana is said to be rare, the Last Judgment being the one usually selected.

  22. The crucifixion of Christ was not the result of any peculiarly unexampled wickedness on the part of individuals.

  23. Nothing but an event as real and as objective as the Crucifixion itself could have reversed for them this impression of sheer catastrophe.

  24. The imprecation of the mob at the crucifixion is sometimes strangely quoted as a divine decree.

  25. The belief that the present condition of the Jewish race is a penal infliction for the part which some Jews took at the crucifixion is not dogmatically sound.

  26. But, dogmatically considered, the subject of the crucifixion must be viewed in a deeper spirit.

  27. The Lover of Mankind on the eve of His Crucifixion said: ‘I am the Good Shepherd.

  28. Now and then the 'mysteries' or symbols of the Crucifixion went in front.

  29. From this last testimony we learn that there was a gentile as well as a Christian crucifixion at the spring equinox.

  30. But according to an ancient and widespread tradition Christ suffered on the twenty-fifth of March, and accordingly some Christians regularly celebrated the Crucifixion on that day without any regard to the state of the moon.

  31. With regard to the Roman practice the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh of March are marked in ancient Martyrologies as the dates of the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

  32. The gentile crucifixion was probably the affixing of the effigy of Attis to the tree, though at Rome that ceremony appears to have taken place on the twenty-second rather than on the twenty-fifth of March.

  33. And again, the supposition that the Blessed Virgin had no other son, seems strongly supported by the fact that at the crucifixion our Lord commended her to His beloved disciple, and not to one of St. Joseph's family.

  34. He bitterly repented, and on the third day after the Crucifixion he, again in the company of John, hastened to the sepulchre and found it empty.

  35. The best ancient chronology fixes the date of the Crucifixion in A.

  36. At the crucifixion this apostle was bidden by our Lord to regard Mary as henceforth his mother, and the writer claims to have been an eye-witness of the crucifixion.

  37. It therefore represents the crucifixion as taking place on the 14th, and tacitly denies that Christ ate the usual Jewish passover.

  38. The crucifixion of the Sun-gods is simply the power of Darkness triumphing over the "Lord of Light," and Winter overpowering the Summer.

  39. Lundy, speaking of this, says: "Why should a fact so well known to the heathen as the crucifixion be concealed?

  40. The crucifixion of "Divine Love" is often found among the Greeks.

  41. The crucifixion was not a symbol of the earliest church; no trace of it can be found in the Catacombs.

  42. The Luke narrator calls the place of crucifixion "Calvary," which is the LATIN Calvaria, viz.

  43. The earliest artists of the crucifixion represent the Christian Saviour as young and beardless, always without the crown of thorns, alive, and erect, apparently elate; no signs of bodily suffering are there.

  44. The crucifixion story, as narrated, is certainly not true, and it is extremely difficult to save the bare fact that Jesus was crucified.

  45. The tragedy of the crucifixion of Prometheus, written by AEschylus, was acted in Athens five hundred years before the Christian Era, and is by many considered to be the most ancient dramatic poem now in existence.

  46. In the face of the arguments produced, the crucifixion story, as related in the Gospels, cannot be upheld as an historical fact.

  47. The Jews could not have crucified Jesus, according to their laws, if they had inflicted on him the highest penalty of the law, since crucifixion was exclusively Roman.

  48. This was the virgin-born Quetzalcoatle whose crucifixion is represented in the paintings of the "Codex Borgianus," and the "Codex Vaticanus.

  49. We have also the testimony of the ancient disciples who lived on this continent of the crucifixion and resurrection.

  50. But the most glorious part of his mission had to be accomplished after the crucifixion and death of his body.

  51. Upon the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus, one of the grandest principles of the gospel depends.

  52. The guilt of the crucifixion rested on Jews rather than on Gentiles.

  53. Salome mentioned as one of the women present at the crucifixion (Mark 15:40; compare Matt.

  54. But few details of the actual crucifixion are given us.

  55. No Roman or Jew would have voluntarily incurred the ignominy of bearing such a gruesome burden; for every detail connected with the carrying out of a sentence of crucifixion was regarded as degrading.

  56. The maddening thirst, which constituted one of the worst of the crucifixion agonies, wrung from the Savior's lips His one recorded utterance expressive of physical suffering.

  57. Death by crucifixion was at once the most lingering and most painful of all forms of execution.

  58. The hierarchy learned to their consternation that the work they had sought to destroy through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was spreading now as it had never spread before.

  59. Tradition, originating in the writings of the early Christian historians other than the apostles, states that Peter met death by crucifixion as a martyr during the persecution incident to the reign of Nero, probably between A.

  60. The sentence of death by crucifixion required that the condemned person carry the cross upon which he was to suffer.

  61. Prud'hon, in a Crucifixion scene, hides the face of the Magdalene in her hands, and Kaulbach in his Marguerite so bends her head that her face is completely concealed from the observer.

  62. In Flanders at a little earlier period, Roger van der Weyden used the device,[b] and the Maitre de Flemalle shows St. John turning his head away and holding his hand to his face in a Crucifixion scene.

  63. But all these examples are cast into the shade by Van Dyck's Antwerp picture, than which there is certainly no more impressive painted Crucifixion in existence.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crucifixion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.