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Example sentences for "crown"

Lexicographically close words:
crowding; crowds; crowed; crowes; crowing; crownd; crowne; crowned; crowner; crownes
  1. At four o'clock in the morning a policeman, flashing his lantern in Crown Court, found a window open at the back of Lamb and Drummond's premises.

  2. By a cunning ruse Foster stole the duplicate, and on the night of the robbery he exchanged it for the real picture, while Nevill engaged the watchman in conversation in the Crown Court public-house.

  3. Hawker, while prowling about, saw Stephen Foster emerge from Crown Court, but thought nothing of that circumstance until long afterward.

  4. The Rembrandt was on an easel in a large room back of the shop proper, and from it a rear door opened on a narrow paved passage leading to Crown Court; the inmates heard no noise in the night.

  5. We never knew that he was in the habit of going nightly to the public house in Crown Court.

  6. The morning and the evening sun shoot across it, and the front windows look on the great green crown of Mount Peak.

  7. The youth, with a cotton crown on his head, is at once sprinkled with holy water and baptized while some children carefully wipe his feet and march round him holding torches.

  8. Finally the animal was cut in pieces, beginning at the thigh, which was considered the choicest part, and to crown the occasion its lungs and intestines were removed.

  9. Hardly had he ascended the throne than he lost his crown through the artifices of his second wife.

  10. The Kmer roof is a kind of ogival dome recalling the edifices of the Arabs, while the Hindus crown their quadrangular pyramids with a four-sided cone.

  11. The child, dressed in a long white robe studded with small pieces of metal, advances towards the priest who shaves the crown of his head and lays the hair removed on a snow-white linen cloth.

  12. Behind the head an imperial crown was exhibited on a chair of state.

  13. The hatred of which, in general, Roman Catholics were the objects, centered on the prince, from whose succession to the crown the restoration of the old religion of the country was anticipated.

  14. They were obliged to clean the streets, and the latrines of the Crown Prince [The heir to the German throne had his headquarters at that time in Charleville, the captured French town to which the Americans were taken.

  15. In this way he had stripped him of one hundred-crown note after the other, until by Christmas nothing was left.

  16. I'll pay it for him," said Lars Peter, putting the crown on the table.

  17. The doctrine of the resurrection of the body, and its physical immortality, sets the last crown of honor upon it.

  18. Yet I wish to crown this chapter by an account of the training of an animal of very different size--the cat.

  19. Their parent is now dwelling in glory, having a crown of righteousness upon his head; and he will be there to welcome them as they pass off one after another from this into the next world and to take them by the hand.

  20. That rival was honored, while the mistress was wronged and scorned; her crown was of briars, while gold the rival's brows adorned.

  21. A page bore a crown of laurel leaves, which the head chamberlain set upon her head with appropriate ceremonial words.

  22. Jerry, you goose, you act as if you had been engaged by the Crown Prince to stage the Coronation.

  23. Maclise, exceedingly bald on the crown of his head.

  24. Your account of the Cornishmen gave me great pleasure; and if I were not sunk in engagements so far, that the crown of my head is invisible to my nearest friends, I should have asked you to make me known to them.

  25. Camille was picturesque from the crown of his flaxen head to the soles of his brown boots; his pallor was interesting, his blue eyes remarkable; he habitually wore rust-coloured velveteen; he smoked cigarettes incessantly.

  26. Andatevi con Dio," she replied, and then laid the pale flowers and the shimmering green crown of leaves down upon the still breast.

  27. He wore the red lucco, but had declined to crown himself with laurel.

  28. It will consist of 18 volumes, Small Crown 8vo, at 2s.

  29. Jackanapes, after "one crowded hour of glorious life," earned his crown of victory.

  30. I'd a letter the other day, my dear, to describe a white Crown Imperial--a thing that has never been!

  31. He has lots of books, and has put them at our disposal--and, to crown all, has offered to teach us Hebrew if we will teach him German this winter.

  32. A stately flower, which formerly held a much more respected place in the garden than it now occupies, is the Crown Imperial (Fritillaria imperialis).

  33. Yet somehow it had begun to seem possible lately that a miracle might happen, that summer might drift on and on through the months--a final upheaval to crown a wonderful year.

  34. So by the margin of the pool the same desires stir within one, and because ants' eggs do not splash, and look untidy on the surface of the water, there must be a gleam of gold and silver to put the crown upon one's pleasure.

  35. Troops were summoned by the crown to put down the rebellion, and more than fifty thousand mercenary troops from foreign states were engaged by the King to take the place of the French troops, whom he distrusted.

  36. This was not a legislative body, but an assembly of representatives from the nobility, the clergy, and the common people, sometimes called by the crown when it needed assistance, the commons always being in the minority.

  37. The history of England, and of every free country, abounds with the example of statutes enacted when the people or their representatives assembled, but never executed when the crown or the executive was left to itself.

  38. My crown I am; but still my griefs are mine.

  39. I have called just now from my study, to ask what sort of ware it was, and the lady who sets me right says it was Crown Derby.

  40. While talking, the girls had been busily plaiting garlands of oak leaves, and now they proceeded to crown each other, and hang long wreaths on neck and arm.

  41. For German unity depends on it, and without the imperial crown it will always be merely nominal, or precarious.

  42. But as we no longer live in the days of Günther of Schwarzburg, when the choice of Emperor was a serious business, the imperial crown ought to go alternately to Prussia and to Austria, for the life of the wearer.

  43. A fee of a half-crown is payable for each of the last two tests.

  44. Then was the sacred bracelet put upon his arm, the crown on his head, the sceptre in his hand, after which the mass proceeded.

  45. Better lose my crown then and become a subject, with a subject's liberty to love.

  46. So great was the physical strength of the combatants that arms and legs were mown off by a stroke, and men were cloven in two, from the crown downwards, by the sweeping blows of the deadly steel.

  47. In his style of tattooing, for instance, which seemed rather incomplete; his marks embracing but a vertical half of his person, from crown to sole; the other side being free from the slightest stain.

  48. Here am I vexed and tormented by ambition; no peace night nor day; my temples chafed sore by this cursed crown that I wear; while that ignoble wight Manta, gives up the ghost with none to molest him.

  49. From the middle of the crown rose a tri-foiled spear-head.

  50. During his sublunary career, having been attached to the household of Media, his grateful master had afterward seen fit to crown his celebrity by this posthumous distinction: a circumstance sadly subtracting from the dignity of an apotheosis.

  51. The crown of the island prince was of the primitive old Eastern style; in shape, similar, perhaps, to that jauntily sported as a foraging cap by his sacred majesty King Nimrod, who so lustily followed the hounds.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crown" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    crown piece; crowned emperor; crowned head; crowned king; crowned with