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Example sentences for "crowner"

Lexicographically close words:
crowing; crown; crownd; crowne; crowned; crownes; crowneth; crowning; crownland; crownless
  1. De crowner has dun und put de saddle on ole 'sametary' und de saddle-bags und de jimmyjon too, und agwine ter set on er corps fortwid.

  2. I want the Crowner to go up yonder now, and hold another inquess.

  3. Then the neighburs and the Doctor, and the Crowner come runnin' in, and I sot down by the bed and cried like a chile.

  4. Crowner Bowles was now as pleasant as he had been grumpy in the morning; and finding him so, we did our best to keep him in that humour.

  5. The Crowner said, "Now, gentlemen, in the presence of such fearful trouble and heavy blows from Providence, no man has any right to give the rein to his own feelings.

  6. And Sker being outside either parish, Crowner Bowles, on receipt of a guinea, swore down the Portreeve to his very vamps.

  7. Jury said he was a pauper wagrant, that he had committed accidental death, and the crowner sentenced him to be buried in the parish in which he was last seen alive.

  8. In course I should; it wasn't in flesh and blood not to be, and station-master and crowner are but mortal, like the rest of us.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crowner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.