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Example sentences for "crowing"

Lexicographically close words:
crowded; crowding; crowds; crowed; crowes; crown; crownd; crowne; crowned; crowner
  1. All at once, a long, deep crowing inspiration will be heard, respiration will commence again, and the whole terrible attack is overcome.

  2. A frequent symptom of the cerebral changes which take place during, and in consequence of, craniotabes is the crowing inspiration, or laryngismus stridulus, of infants.

  3. Here, perhaps, there is an allusion to the old sun of evening, and to the cock's crowing in the evening.

  4. And so of the notes of the crowing cock, the “gobbling” turkey, and the sibilant cricket, etc.

  5. Then they heard the frantic crowing and one of the novices looked for the origin of the noise and saw Lloyd and Boyce, motionless at the river's edge.

  6. The little girl from the city was with the crowing of .

  7. The crowing of the cock caused to weep bitterly.

  8. Tchu Kor words descriptive of cock-crowing or braying, they might make fowls or donkeys of themselves without hurting the feelings of others.

  9. Better to be right in the middle of the orchestra than sit next to such a mind at the theatre: the one is the soft murmur of Midsummer silence compared to the Cochin-China cock-crowing of the other.

  10. The crowing of cocks awoke here and there; a church bell or two began to sound far away over the roofs.

  11. There had been two or three cocks crowing and answering one another down by the river, and others at a distance; and they all ceased: and there had been birds chirping in the roof, and they ceased.

  12. Therewith at once arose in his brain the question: could he be the father of the little one crowing in the next room?

  13. The three vagabonds soon came near a farmyard, where, upon the barn door, the cock was sitting crowing with all his might.

  14. Now I am crowing with a full throat as long as I can.

  15. A whistling woman and a crowing hen Are neither fit for God or man.

  16. In spite of all, he retained his hold; and at the next crowing of the cock she regained her beauty, and accompanied him home.

  17. Cocks are crowing a merry mid-larf, I wat the wild fule boded day; Gie me my faith and trouthe again.

  18. He wanted to be a crowing cock, and it didn't matter if he crowed on a dung-heap so long as he crowed.

  19. He's done with politics, and he's done with crowing and with riches, too.

  20. The joyous piping of sheeny spreeuws mingled with the crowing of cock koorhans concealed amid the grass, or noisily taking to flight to fuss up half a dozen others in the process.

  21. But in the open the cock-koorhaans were crowing and squawking tumultuously, and varying bird voices piped or twittered in the cooler shade.

  22. The mention in the Gospel of the crowing of the cock recalls to my mind a very familiar Oriental expression.

  23. The first crowing is at about nine o'clock, the second at midnight, and the third about three in the morning.

  24. And how often, while enjoying a sociable evening with our friends at one of those humble but joyous homes, we were startled by the crowing of the cock, and said, "Whew!

  25. The howling of dogs, the lowing of cattle, and the crowing of cocks at night, foretell the death of some person in the neighbourhood.

  26. The wing of a bat and the heart of a lapwing repel evil spirits and wicked passions; the bustard flies off when a horse comes in sight, and the hart bounds away at the sight of a ram or viper; a lion trembles at the crowing of a cock.

  27. The crowing of hens and the whistling of maidens were listened to with as great fear as the hissing of a serpent.

  28. With little less fear are the crowing of cocks, the lowing of cattle, and the howling of dogs at night listened to.

  29. Through my helf-sleep I heard a cock crowing down at Sirilund.

  30. Surely that was something crowing again,' he said, listening.

  31. It was morning now; the cock was still crowing down at Sirilund.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crowing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.