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Example sentences for "troublesome"

Lexicographically close words:
troubled; troubler; troublers; troubles; troublesom; troubleth; troubling; troublous; trough; troughs
  1. This jealous little wretch has the wise forethought, when the box in which he builds contains two compartments, to fill up one of them, so as to avoid the risk of troublesome neighbors.

  2. The Dyaks tell of old Orangs which have not only lost all their teeth, but which find it so troublesome to climb that they maintain themselves on windfalls and juicy herbage.

  3. They all capture their prey while upon the wing, and naturally destroy large numbers of troublesome kinds.

  4. He got rid of these troublesome followers.

  5. The Indians were still troublesome at times.

  6. And now tell me, you wise fool, with how many troublesome cares your mind is continually perplexed; heap together all the discommodities of your life, and then you'll be sensible from how many evils I have delivered my fools.

  7. Or beget pleasure in another that is troublesome to himself?

  8. But this of mine proceeds from a certain gentleness and uprightness of mind and comes nearer to virtue than its opposite, austerity, or a morose and troublesome peevishness, as Horace calls it.

  9. Invite a wise man to a feast and he'll spoil the company, either with morose silence or troublesome disputes.

  10. If disfranchisement meant annihilation, selfishly, I might be glad to get rid of this troublesome question in that way, the task of ruling this country would then be a far easier one than it is; but it does not mean annihilation.

  11. Of the fungoid diseases affecting bulbous plants happily there are few; and even these are not troublesome to any alarming extent in the open air.

  12. It is not, however, essential to lift the corms in the autumn and store them in sand except in very cold parts where protection would be troublesome perhaps.

  13. The Mississippi gallinipper is adolescent compared to the Troublesome mosquito.

  14. The Grand is brown, Williams' Fork is gold color; the Troublesome is so thick that you can stick a knife into it, turn it round and see the hole.

  15. It is somewhat troublesome to lay concrete in very cold weather, because of the danger of freezing and cracking.

  16. The man who possessed them tried his best to get rid of the troublesome articles, but they always returned.

  17. Surely the glory of finally getting rid of and burying a long and troublesome matter should be as great as that of making an important discovery.

  18. The chair was some eighteen inches away with its back towards the table, so it was a little troublesome for him to get his feet first on the bar and then on the table.

  19. But the eternal increateness of matter seems as troublesome to conceive as its having been created out of nothing.

  20. He went, visibly relieved at having accomplished the awkward and troublesome task of welcoming his guests.

  21. Uncle Arno declared yesterday that these great parties were a troublesome duty, imposed on him by his position.

  22. And the tiresome voice persisted in dragging up other troublesome thoughts from the depths of consciousness.

  23. Sydney looked beautiful enough as their ship steamed into the bay to pay them for their troublesome voyage.

  24. Walking here was not so troublesome and Jean managed fairly well, though her feet hurt her cruelly and toward the last Kadok had to help her along.

  25. Madia sativa, Molina, is one of our most troublesome species, because its viscid secretion is so very abundant.

  26. The flowers are unfortunately followed by very troublesome burs, which are much dreaded by sheep-herders.

  27. And in that kingdom, Gibraltar, the rock of Tarik, was the most troublesome of Moorish strongholds.

  28. In answer to Augustine's question whether he suffered from bodily weakness, Francesco admits that his body, if a bit troublesome at times, is very tractable as compared with many of those he sees about him.

  29. Few have suffered more keenly than Petrarch from a troublesome form of self-consciousness.

  30. Nothing displeases me more than display, for not only is it bad in itself, and opposed to humility, but it is troublesome and distracting.

  31. Now that illustrious maestro, Mr. Jack Becker, has both genius and ingenuity, for he has succeeded in dispensing with the aforementioned troublesome auxiliaries of his art.

  32. For his reserve took the alarm at a step upon the stairs, and he distrusted that he would be set down for a troublesome intruder.

  33. It has been a troublesome office,” he continued, almost pettishly.

  34. When these are finish'd, they look very finely, though they must needs be very troublesome to make.

  35. Our martyrs are troublesome people, troublesome both to themselves and to their generation.

  36. Perhaps the faculty he had always possessed of forgetting troublesome matters helped to make his last days happy.

  37. But it was probably negotiated for the purpose of securing an ambitious title on the one hand and on the other making a troublesome neighbor a tributary kingdom.

  38. This vicious custom was encouraged by the Fujiwara, because it placed greater authority in their hands, and left them to conduct the administration without troublesome interference.

  39. The emperor took a singular and effectual method to settle the troublesome and personal questions that arose.

  40. The soil and bushes everywhere swarmed with large and troublesome ants, and enormous earthworms.

  41. The lateral streams (of a muddy opal green) had cut beds 200 feet deep in the soft earth, and were very troublesome to cross, from the crumbling cliffs on either side, and their broad swampy channels.

  42. My former knowledge of him gives me means of binding him to me by very strong ties; and I will acknowledge that never was there man to all appearance so well calculated to remove a troublesome friend or a pertinacious enemy.

  43. We had a troublesome sail--and now I must hurry on board again, for the wind has changed.

  44. Nothing in Spain was as troublesome nowadays as the busybodies would have one believe—not even the beggars.

  45. He’d simply have to accept you as Cristóbal, although he might find Cristóbal rather like that troublesome Marqués de Casa Triana.

  46. And what a convenient place it would be to keep a troublesome person.

  47. But perhaps Lady Vale-Avon expected such a move on the part of the troublesome young officer; and by way of precaution she had crowded near to the girl in the tonneau.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "troublesome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adverse; aggravating; annoying; antagonistic; arduous; awkward; besetting; bothersome; burdensome; choking; clumsy; conflicting; contrary; counter; crosswise; crushing; detrimental; difficult; disquieting; distressing; disturbing; exasperating; forced; fretting; galling; grueling; harassing; hard; harmful; heavy; hefty; hostile; importunate; importune; impracticable; incommodious; inconvenient; inhibiting; inhibitive; inimical; irksome; irritating; killing; labored; laborious; miserable; niggling; obstructive; onerous; operose; opposed; opposing; opposite; oppressive; painful; pesky; pestering; pestiferous; plaguing; prickly; provoking; punishing; repressive; restrictive; rigorous; sinister; sore; stifling; strained; strangling; stressful; suppressive; taxing; teasing; tender; thorny; tiresome; toilsome; tormenting; tough; troublesome; troubling; troublous; trying; ugly; unfavorable; unhandy; untoward; unwieldy; uphill; upsetting; vexatious; vexing; wearisome; worrying; wretched