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Example sentences for "hefty"

Lexicographically close words:
heern; heers; hees; heft; hefted; hegemony; hegge; heggs; hei; heiau
  1. Eric Greenwood was a hefty man, whereas the midshipman was a mere slip of a youth.

  2. The hefty spar stood the strain, but not so the bitts.

  3. The crew look to be pretty hefty chuckers-out," remarked Fuller ruefully, as he looked at the stalwart Danes.

  4. Hefty had hooted hoarsely: "Ya-a-as you are, you big bluff!

  5. Well, as observed heretofore we had took a hefty job that day, and we proceeded first to the Educational Buildin'.

  6. But I sez: "Josiah, we will begin this hefty job right, we will go to meetin'.

  7. It wuz a hefty job, and if Josiah had been judge I wouldn't let him undertook it, or if he had I'd had him set an equal value on what God and nater and human affection had made equal.

  8. The Deekin wuz too indignant to reply, and ez it involved a pint altogether too hefty for his limited intelleck, I took it up.

  9. But these questions are altogether too hefty for the Demokratic intellek, and I fling em out for the considerashen uv the few Post Masters we get from the Union ranks.

  10. The Confederacy wuz whipped back, but it still swears hefty oaths that it wuz right all the time.

  11. Likewise, I notist that the latter set uv patriots talked more hefty uv the necessity uv sustainin the policy uv our firm and noble President, and damned the Ablishunists with more emphasis and fervency than the others.

  12. He was a hefty yooth in his day, but he died this mornin.

  13. We had a guard of honour of about ten hefty constables, and for us, as for the great ones of the town, the traffic was held up that we might pass.

  14. He takes the first--a hefty leg of mutton.

  15. A hefty seafaring Dane whom I once met told me he loved the times when his boat brought him to London--by which, of course, he meant Shadwell.

  16. You'll recollect awhile back I was mentionin' that folks in Siquaw Center had warned ol' Colonel Wadbury not to build a hefty house on shiftin' sand that was lower'n the sea.

  17. Amongst the second-class passengers were a score or so of hefty lads going out to Australia to try their luck there, and they resented the action of the ship’s officer as strongly as I did.

  18. There are about twenty of us in it, all big, hefty chaps.

  19. He was evidently the owner of the house on the opposite bank, and looked hefty enough to lift a tram.

  20. I made it jest hefty enough for you to carry, not a bit heftier, no more nor less.

  21. And then bimeby along come a man that had sech a hefty, hefty bundle!

  22. One of our number, a hefty Cockney, besides being in full marching order, had a bag of bombs and a couple of screw pickets.

  23. Directly behind the officer was a hefty Guardsman playing "Tipperary" on a concertina.

  24. Suddenly we saw him approaching with a hefty looking German whom he had evidently taken prisoner.

  25. It was good to be alive; to be one of that brigade of fine hefty fellows on the edge of the great adventure, when they would join in the greatest sport on earth.

  26. Hefty men lay huddled helplessly on their bunks and others moped about searching for the drier, warmer corners.

  27. The Deacon swore Some hefty swars and sot the clutches Of law to work; but seed no more The chap thet sold him thet thar "Duchess.

  28. In thet thar empty vat he slid, An' Deely shet the hefty lid.

  29. You can rest there a spell, seein' you was simple enough to lug that hefty young one clear across the meadder.

  30. Gordon let him go, and with a hefty boot sent him flying into the cloisters.

  31. Buller's sent in Crampin and Mitchell first, two hefty footballers, with strong wrists and no science, who had run up some big scores in the preliminary rounds.

  32. At about three o'clock in the morning I was aroused by a somewhat hefty banging on the door.

  33. I happened to be waiting for just that, so I managed to attach myself to his wrist with some vim and give it a fairly hefty wrench.

  34. You said I was large an’—an’ hefty fer my age.

  35. You know I’m six, an’ Peg says I’m hefty for my age.

  36. I’m too big an’ hefty to kiss people for thank you.

  37. It did beat all, as I told Josiah, out to one side, to see such hefty principles and emotions in such a little body.

  38. I felt that I would bear them 2 errents of hern on my tower side by side with my own private, hefty mission for Josiah.

  39. So with sithes that could hardly be sithed, so big and hefty wuz they, I commenced to make preparations for embarkin' on my tower.

  40. Then sitting down beside her he leant over sideways and picked her up bodily, clear from the ground into his arms; no mean feat with a toilet jug full of water, let alone with a hefty maiden weighted with grief.

  41. Loved the rarity of her beauty, and the vitality of her body, loved the extreme care she took not to allow her fingers to touch his when passing a cup or a hefty sandwich.

  42. Many of them looked ill and starved, but others were tall, stout, hefty fellows, who should have made good fighting men if they had any stomach for the job.

  43. One of them, a fine, hefty fellow, strong as a sapling, could hardly speak to me above a whisper.

  44. The bunkhouse fairly erupted angry collegians, boiling out like bees swarming from a disturbed hive; Hefty Hollingsworth, the Herculean center-rush.

  45. The difference makes, needless to add, for an immediate and hefty profit, yet it is in (often worthless and vicissitudinal) local currency.

  46. I'm lighter than any of you," Kyla called shrilly, "and not hefty enough to be any use on the ropes!

  47. I motioned to Lerrys to make his end of the rope fast around a hefty tree-root, and shouted, "Are you hurt?

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hefty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.