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Example sentences for "lighter"

Lexicographically close words:
lighten; lightened; lighteneth; lightening; lightens; lighterage; lightered; lightermen; lighters; lightest
  1. They need this close spacing in order to serve as an adequate saddle for the main bars, as well as to furnish, with the lighter "stringing" rods, an adequate support to the slab bars.

  2. While this test may not justify the designer in using lighter reinforcement for the short way of the slab, it at least indicates a very real value for some reinforcement in the other direction.

  3. The ice is lighter than the water, Peter.

  4. This, with smooth bark and lighter spots, is beech.

  5. To his fancy, as eager at times in its morbidity as in its lighter sparkle, the shadow of death seemed brooding over the farmhouse.

  6. He told a lighter tale of three sisters whom he called Fair, Brown and Trembling.

  7. I now felt lighter at heart, ran down and waited for him at the gate.

  8. The form of the antelope much resembles that of the deer, but it is rather lighter on the legs and of a brighter hue; its weight does not exceed 120 lbs.

  9. The grass around us glittered in the darkest green, which in the distance grew lighter and lighter, till at the extreme point of sight it melted away into the blue colour of the sky.

  10. I came back from Europe to find my old friend with a lighter step and a lighter heart than in many a day.

  11. I came into town on the Pennsylvania Railroad the other day just when the emigrant lighter had tied up at the wharf to discharge its west-bound cargo.

  12. Her resolution taken, she sewed the piece of gold into her dress, and going to bed with a lighter heart sunk into a deep slumber.

  13. Lighter than a peacock's feather--a great deal lighter.

  14. The hat was of the low-crowned style then worn with a feather, and this was a long ostrich plume of the same damson tint, curling down over her hair, and shading to a lighter purple.

  15. And it has been found that green wood becomes lighter or contains less water in late spring or early summer, when transpiration through the foliage is most rapid.

  16. Wood in its quality and uses similar to the preceding, only it is lighter in color.

  17. Thus some green sticks of the otherwise lighter cypress and gum sink more readily than fresh oak.

  18. The titles are, indeed, lighter and more entertaining reading than the books themselves.

  19. In these periodicals the grave and the gay are intermingled, and when we are weary of dark intrigues and impenetrable secrets we may turn to lighter reading.

  20. But all of them are lighter to bear than my sense of guilt: that is overwhelming and enduring.

  21. So I am not sending my son, as I had arranged, and I beseech you to get me away from here: for any punishment is lighter to bear than staying here.

  22. They built an elongated oval igloe on the shore as a store to receive the lighter and, as they esteemed them, more valuable articles.

  23. No sooner have we set forward over the brow of a hill than it grows lighter on the sea horizon in the southwest, the ruins on the peak become visible, Capri is in full sunlight.

  24. Burton went back to his work in the store with a heart lighter than he could have thought possible.

  25. He had attended one of these country gatherings the previous evening, and come home considerably lighter in pocket although without any feathered trophies.

  26. Meanwhile taxation was almost constantly becoming lighter and lighter; yet still the Exchequer was full.

  27. At the same time the boys saw a man quickly climb up the stumpy mast of the lighter and cling there with one hand while he waved his cap at them with the other.

  28. They could not go to both places, as the lighter was in one direction and the dory being rowed in another.

  29. Never again will I lighter a cargo of live stock of this kind!

  30. They were soon at the side of the lighter again with their odd collection.

  31. But the story got out, for the skipper of the lighter told at the dock in Seabright how two boys had come to his rescue, and the description of them fitted our heroes.

  32. The bottom is of the heaviest tin procurable, the sides of lighter tin and seamed to be watertight without solder.

  33. He, rowing a light skiff and I paddling a still lighter canoe.

  34. Go light; the lighter the better, so that you have the simplest material for health, comfort and enjoyment.

  35. I have no fancy for sitting in a slow-moving boat for hours, dragging three or four hundred feet of line in deep water, a four pound sinker tied by six feet of lighter line some twenty feet above the hooks.

  36. Some of his pieces are filled with the tenderest pathos; and a gentle spirit, in love with justice and humanity, pervades even his lighter compositions.

  37. His lighter pieces, exhibiting his skill as a wit and punster, soon became well known and popular.

  38. On leaving college he spent five years more in study, and produced his lighter poems.

  39. Teak suggests oak, save that it is lighter and has a more uniform structure.

  40. Ash is coarser, less attractive, easier to work, tough, elastic, and somewhat lighter than oak.

  41. Needle-leaved woods are characterized by uniform fibre-conditions, presence of resins, and lighter weights.

  42. The sticks which produce the fire, when fixed in the holes and rapidly rubbed between the palms of the hands, are made of a lighter kind of white wood; they are about two feet long, and as thick as a common lead pencil.

  43. The tax was calculated, it was explained, by gravity, not by bulk, and the publican would gain most on the lighter beers.

  44. Cross-country travelling, indeed, was very bad, and the rough tracks over which the heavy stage-coaches rumbled along would have proved too much for the lighter chariots and gigs which were so popular in town.

  45. Mr. Forde's carriage was much lighter than the older hansoms, and "its merits attracted the appreciative attention of foreigners, whereby an export trade became established.

  46. And even in Johnson's day, when there were few coaches to be found in this part of the country, though a lighter vehicle called in old account books a cheas was sometimes used, public astonishment was great.

  47. Others, of a lighter pattern, were built of "slatts latticed with a willow trellis.

  48. The [Greek: apene] was a still lighter carriage.

  49. These were the apologists for the lighter waggons with large but slender wheels.

  50. Stanhopes and phaetons are also manufactured in America, though on a much lighter scale than in England.

  51. It may be that the berlin itself was taken as a model from which these lighter carriages were evolved.

  52. Thenceforth the older, cumbrous machines disappeared from the roads and made way for the lighter and more comfortable carriages which were to be seen at the time of Queen Victoria's accession.

  53. It had very curved and rather fanciful lines, seated four persons inside, and was entered by one step from the ground, carried the coachman and footman on a low driving seat, and was used with a lighter pair of horses than the family coach.

  54. The sun had already disappeared behind the blue mountain chain, and each bright vermilion ray had like a fish bone or like a peacock's feather, myriads of cross off-shoots in the shape of lighter sprays of light.

  55. One's heart gets lighter when we emerge into the more sparsely inhabited districts where fields and heavy vegetation line the road, now very wide and more or less straight.

  56. They are slung on one side under the lighter of the two loads of the pack.

  57. He had been thus crippled from birth, and still more remarkable and singular was the fact that the physician's hair was lighter than the swarthy face which it surrounded, so that he resembled a black man turned gray.

  58. The good child felt now lighter at heart since the first dreaded interview with her former teacher was over, and the terrible remembrance buried.

  59. It made Daoud's heavy heart feel a little lighter to see that they had stuck by their king.

  60. And when he was not with her, he carried her image in his heart, and his heart was the lighter for it.

  61. He held himself so perfectly erect that he almost seemed made of some substance lighter and finer than ordinary flesh.

  62. It was a shade lighter than the color of Sophia's eyes.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lighter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.