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Example sentences for "fretting"

Lexicographically close words:
fretful; fretfully; fretfulness; frets; fretted; fretty; fretwork; freudig; freundlich; freut
  1. A few minutes more and the fretting horses settled down into a steady gallop.

  2. With a curious smile he bent forward and patted the neck of his fretting horse, which was fidgeting badly.

  3. Take my word for it, she isn't worth fretting over.

  4. The very suggestion that she should be really in trouble, that care should be fretting her, was torture to him.

  5. I shall die of fretting for the Park, and when I am dead you will perhaps be satisfied.

  6. Are you fretting because you can't go to-night to meet your cousin?

  7. Haven't I told you, many a time, that you ought to help each other along, instead of scolding and fretting at each other.

  8. The rest were constantly fretting Allen, the steam woman, because she asked it of them.

  9. An observer of Mr. Pole might have seen that he was fretting at a restriction on his tongue.

  10. It is a blank period in the career of young creatures when a fretting wretchedness forces them out of their dreams to action; and it is then that they will do things that, seen from the outside (i.

  11. So he tortured himself, fretting himself with such questions, and finding a kind of enjoyment in it.

  12. How trivial it all must be, what I am fretting about now!

  13. He has never been rich enough to live out of the country, and he has never stopped fretting for the things that aren't here.

  14. Ever since that night, three years ago, when you and he quarrelled and you went away, I think he has been fretting about you.

  15. The sea was fretting at its base, just as Mrs. Shelley says it did when the Don Juan disappeared.

  16. May was simply fretting herself sick; she wanted to be ill, I think, so as to punish me for my obduracy.

  17. Esther, after a consultation with Meg, gave permission; the child was fretting herself thin and pale, and any change did her good.

  18. Something is fretting my ownest mother," she whispered under her breath, and then she took her mother's soft hand and covered it with kisses.

  19. But what are you fretting your head over that verse for?

  20. The roots and seeds hereof boiled in wine or water, are with good success used by them that have excoriations in the bowels, or the bloody flux, by qualifying the violence of sharp fretting humours, easing the pains, and healing the soreness.

  21. And the juice, decoction, or powder of the dried herb is most singular to stay the malignity of spreading and fretting cankers and ulcers whatsoever, yea in the mouth and secret parts.

  22. It also doth much good for the shingles, ringworms, and in all running, fretting and corroding ulcers, applied thereunto.

  23. And it is very available in staunching of blood and to dry up the fluxes of humours in old fretting ulcers, cankers, &c.

  24. If it be dropped into old fretting ulcers, it cleanses out the moisture, and brings up the flesh; because you cannot have the leaves green all the year, you may make an ointment of them whilst you can.

  25. It stops bleeding, both inward and outward, helps cankers, and all fretting sores and ulcers; it abates the heat of choler, thereby preventing diseases arising from choleric humours.

  26. The decoction, with some honey put thereto, is good to stay gangrenes and fretting ulcers, and to wash those that are subject to nits and lice.

  27. After one has been fretting about business all day, about getting on, meeting obligations, and parrying dangers, I do not know what one would do if it were not for such pacific corners.

  28. I think she is fretting because we have not heard from my brother for rather a long time.

  29. Now, Lizzy Payson, where's the use of fretting so?

  30. It was one of those books which sorrowing, Mary-like women read to each other, and which lured many a bustling Martha from the fretting of her care-cumbered life to ponder the new lesson of rest in toil.

  31. At one spot she came at length to a pause, having lost sight of her husband, fretting that she could not find him.

  32. A steamboat came fretting up the stream; when it had passed under the bridge, its spreading track caught the reflected gleams and flung them away to die on unsearchable depths.

  33. Her attendance was of the kind which inspires trust; Lydia, always fretting herself into the extreme of nervousness if her dear one lost for a day the wonted health, was thankful she had not to depend on Mrs. Jarmey's offices.

  34. Will all the fretting and anxiety in the world make you one foot or one inch taller than you are?

  35. On one occasion an intimate friend of his was fretting somewhat at not being able to put a cross on the grave of a relation, because the rest of the family disliked it.

  36. He is not forever fretting as to his progress, or looking back to see how far he is getting on; rather he goes steadily and quietly on, and makes all the more progress because it is unconscious.

  37. Why should I be fretting all me life about what can't be helped.

  38. It's been fretting me more than I knew to be shut up here among all these wonders and not knowing a thing.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fretting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ablation; abrasion; abrasive; annoying; anxiety; anxious; attrition; bothersome; breathless; chafe; disquieting; distressing; disturbing; dressing; eager; eagerness; erasure; erosion; excited; excitement; filing; fretful; fretfulness; fretting; friction; galling; gnawing; grating; grazing; grinding; harassing; harassment; haste; hasty; impatient; impetuous; irritating; lather; plaguing; rasping; restive; restless; restlessness; sanding; scouring; scrape; scratch; scratchy; scrub; squirmy; stew; stinging; sweat; torment; tormenting; troublesome; uneasiness; uneasy; unquiet; upsetting; wear; worry; worrying