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Example sentences for "anxiety"

Lexicographically close words:
anus; anuther; anvil; anvils; anxieties; anxious; anxiously; anxiousness; any; anya
  1. As the trips through the passage-way became more frequent the dancing grew in vigour and hilarity, until by the time supper was announced the stiffness had sufficiently vanished to give no further anxiety to the committee.

  2. She shared Mr. Craig's anxiety but not his gloom.

  3. There was a kind of dreadful anxiety on every face--a tightening of the muscles round the eyes and mouths, as though the same horrible fear fixed the same mark there.

  4. We go tottering round the room, taking things up and putting them down again, in a nervous anxiety to do something.

  5. To write it all out may help the restlessness and anxiety and--yes--the panicky fear that rises in my throat like nausea.

  6. I began to feel a sharp anxiety as to what they would find.

  7. Grandmother noticed that its color was black as ink, and she felt a thrill of anxiety run down her spinal column as she poured it into the cups.

  8. I want to hear that out," and Fred looked the picture of anxiety and interestedness.

  9. But she instinctively detected a slight shade of anxiety or uncertainty in his tone.

  10. His distress is probably due to anxiety about her health.

  11. My next anxiety was lest the fact that the dead man had come to the building to see me should become known.

  12. I had determined to bury my suspicions, and my anxiety for her health helped me to do so.

  13. His anxiety to go to the Derwents had tempted him to use it before it was sufficiently strong; consequently, he had strained it, and would now be laid up with it for some time longer.

  14. Fred had mentioned that at times May seemed alarmingly oblivious to what was going on around her, and I now noticed with profound anxiety that she appeared entirely unconscious of the departure of her mother and friend.

  15. Uncle Tom's anxiety over the prospect fell from him like a wet blanket.

  16. Still it was with some anxiety that Frank made his way the next morning to the office of Squire Ashmead.

  17. Mrs. Bogardus's face had settled into lines of anxiety printed years before, as the creases in an old garment, smoothed and laid away, will reappear with fresh wear.

  18. His anxiety had not been groundless: a lonely man runs many risks in the frozen North.

  19. Andrew was, however, consumed by an anxiety which would brook no delay, and when he had with difficulty replaced his snow-shoes he looked up at his companion.

  20. Just then the roar of a fresh rushing of waters was borne up to them, and Carnally was filled with anxiety as he leaned over the edge of the pit.

  21. It was an object of anxiety with this truly maternal friend to save her from all unnecessary mortification, at the same time she earnestly desired to see her tractable, humble, and gentle.

  22. Whoever and whatever she was her anxiety was not personal.

  23. But there was both fear and anxiety in her manner.

  24. There were lines of anxiety about his eyes.

  25. One great service she was rendering has already been made clear: she wore the ring constantly, thus relieving me of the anxiety of caring for it.

  26. He knew nothing of his child's tortures, nevertheless he felt such sudden anxiety when he thought of her that his nerves were quite shaken, and he walked up and down the room in visible agitation.

  27. In the meanwhile the Pensioner was a martyr to such an extreme state of nervous anxiety that his very moustachios were affected.

  28. The anxiety and distress of the count during this time of expectancy was awful!

  29. The count looked at her with dilated eyes full of anxiety and fear.

  30. He thus let the days go by in this continual state of indecision, thinking with anxiety how enraged she would be, and like all weak natures, hoping that some unforeseen event would arrange a compromise.

  31. She pays the debt of life with the pains of travail, anxiety for the child, subjection to man.

  32. But when he turned round upon her mother and herself as they stood at his door, her spite had vanished before the sorrowful anxiety of his eyes.

  33. The great exhibit of pâte de bois shows the anxiety of the people to turn their extensive forests to good account in the markets of the world.

  34. His nervous anxiety subsided, since nothing further depended upon him till he reached town, and he sat thinking of Sissy and of that brief engagement which had already receded into a shadowy past.

  35. The rusty cap was perilously near the flame more than once, which was a cause of fresh anxiety on his part.

  36. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency.

  37. Nothing is further from my thoughts," Sir Harry answers, gently, but there is a shade of anxiety on his brow that does not clear away during the evening.

  38. What did puzzle me about it was the connection between mind and matter; why a mental anxiety resulted in a shooting pain, and why the annoyance I had lately undergone should have a tendency to develop bunions.

  39. She could not understand why she had neither message nor sign from Susan Burnet, but she hid that anxiety and disappointment under her general dignity.

  40. In my anxiety to draw Mr. Brumley as he was, I have perhaps a little neglected to show him as Lady Harman saw him.

  41. Associated with this high degree of anxiety are displacement behaviorisms, including bill-wiping, reversal of direction on a single perch, and a nervous hopping from one perch to another.

  42. If the interloper remains, the anxiety of the resident male increases.

  43. The chee of extreme anxiety is a loud emphatic buzz, phonetically ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ.

  44. Oh, his wife doesn't look sick with anxiety for nothing!

  45. The unhappy love that existed between her and Giles, the enmity of Daisy, the anxiety of the anonymous letter--these things worried her not a little.

  46. And if Lord Fordyce had not been so preoccupied with his own emotions, he would have seen an over-anxiety on the face of his friend.

  47. Michael, meanwhile, in the slow, unpleasant train, was a prey to anxiety and speculation.

  48. It seemed to them unfair that their General should be superseded just as a final advance was being made, and just as he was about to reap the fruits of all his anxiety and labour.

  49. In the armament of these works the guns were placed en barbette, as being more suitable to distant fire, and as our antagonists had no artillery with which they could reply, no anxiety was entertained as to their being dismounted.

  50. It seemed, therefore, rather hard and disheartening that the new General, who had had none of the anxiety or the toil, should appear as the Deus ex machina upon the scene, and reap all the credit and glory of the campaign.

  51. Nothing daunted, however, by these obstacles Haynes persevered, and knowing that the lives of many gallant soldiers were dependent on success or failure, redoubled his exertions, which after long anxiety and delay were crowned with success.

  52. There was, therefore, little anxiety felt for the security of the frontier, and everything strengthened Colonel Pearson in his determination to remain in his position instead of attempting to cut his way out.

  53. He became acquainted with her designs, and, grown desperate by the long-continued pressure of her intolerable tyranny, he resolved to bring the anxiety and terror in which he lived to an end by killing her.

  54. In such cases she would hastily brush her tears away, and assume a countenance of smiles and good humor, as if making every effort to be happy, though really oppressed with a heavy burden of anxiety and grief.

  55. His life, during this period, was full of vicissitude and excitement, and was spent probably in alternations of remorse for the past and anxiety for the future.

  56. And, in her anxiety and anguish, she almost smiled, in thinking that he had succeeded so quickly by his folly.

  57. But I had caught a look of keen anxiety on his face as he addressed my mother.

  58. As the canoe bearing the flag came nearer to our vessel, I saw some of the anxiety disappear from the face of Father Bourg.

  59. But he was earnestly cautioned by Captain Staunton not to mention a word respecting it to the ladies, as it was extremely desirable that they should be kept for as long a time as possible quite free from all anxiety of every kind.

  60. He returned to the deck in less than a minute, his face wearing a look of anxiety and concern which was very rarely to be seen there.

  61. I won't keep you on board here, because I can see you'd never work with me or be anything else but an anxiety to me; but there you can't do me any harm.

  62. Their chief anxiety now was how to free their two comrades; and to this they were as yet quite unable to see their way.

  63. In the meantime two of the passengers had discovered a species of amusement quite out of the line of the captain's programme, and which caused that worthy seaman no small amount of anxiety and embarrassment.

  64. The young man's perplexities were, however, neutralized for the time by his anxiety for his friend the pastor, and by the necessity of instant and vigorous effort for his rescue.

  65. The young commander's countenance flushed as he replied, "Your anxiety on my account, sir, is quite uncalled for.

  66. As the night passed away without any alarms, his anxiety began to subside, and when Sunday morning dawned, he lay down on a couch to snatch a few hours' repose before the labors of the day.

  67. Corrie, gazing at the hot giant with a look of mingled surprise and glee; for the boy's spirit was of that nature which cannot repress a dash of fun, even in the midst of anxiety and sorrow.

  68. Fortunately for the worshipers that morning, the anxiety of Master Corrie for the welfare of his fair Alice induced him to slip out of the church just after the sermon began.

  69. He passed steadily up the center of the church, and sat down beside the Widow Stuart, whose face expressed anxiety and surprise the moment she observed who was seated there.

  70. I have been beset in this manner by a Lesser Tern, so far on in the summer that I could not attribute its actions to any anxiety about either eggs or young.

  71. In their anxiety to discern the object of their abhorrence, they fall one after another into the snare, and become the prey of the fowler.

  72. But though not averse to the haunts of men, the Redstart shows much anxiety when its nest is approached, flitting about restlessly and uttering a plaintive cry.

  73. In old days, if I had a disagreeable engagement ahead of me, something to which I looked forward with anxiety or dislike, I used to find that it poisoned my cup.

  74. I was overshadowed too by a sad anxiety about one whom I loved, who was acting perversely and unworthily.

  75. But when one bears about the heavy burden of a harassing anxiety of sorrow, then the smile on the face of nature has something poisonous, almost maddening about it.

  76. An anxiety hung like a dark impenetrable cloud, a disappointment poisoned the springs of life.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anxiety" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstraction; ado; agitation; alacrity; alarm; alienation; ambition; anguish; animation; annoyance; anxiety; apathy; appetite; apprehension; avidity; boredom; bother; care; compulsion; concern; dejection; depression; desperation; detachment; disadvantage; discomfort; discomposure; discontent; dislike; dismay; displeasure; disquiet; dissatisfaction; distress; disturbance; doubt; dread; dullness; eagerness; elan; elation; emotionalism; emptiness; ennui; evil; excitement; fear; foreboding; fretfulness; fretting; gust; gusto; haste; headache; horror; hypochondria; hysteria; impatience; inconvenience; indifference; inquietude; insensibility; keenness; lather; lethargy; life; liveliness; load; malaise; mania; matter; melancholia; misery; misgiving; nausea; nerve; nervousness; obsession; panic; perturbation; pessimism; preoccupation; problem; promptness; pucker; qualm; quickness; readiness; remorse; resentment; restlessness; solicitude; spirit; spleen; stew; strain; stress; stupor; suspense; sweat; tedium; tension; terror; trouble; turmoil; twitching; uncertainty; uneasiness; unhappiness; unrest; upset; verve; vexation; vitality; vivacity; waiting; withdrawal; worry; zeal; zest