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Example sentences for "elation"

Lexicographically close words:
elastically; elasticity; elate; elated; elaters; elbow; elbowed; elbowing; elbows; elde
  1. Of course in the elation of the hour and flushed by success, he ignored facts which he would have been wiser to remember, and over-leapt obstacles which were not small.

  2. His abilities had been recognized in more than one counting-house, and in the general elation and success, civilities and hospitality had been showered upon him.

  3. And the young were all elation Hearing Sumter's cannon roar, And they thought how tame the Nation In the age that went before.

  4. Elation shone in his face and in the faces of all.

  5. Despite the crushing burden on her shoulders she felt an elation and a flow of spirits she had not been conscious of for years.

  6. He swung abruptly from one extreme mood to another--from mad elation to paralyzing depression.

  7. Keith caught a glimpse of that face, and a sense of reckless elation shot through him.

  8. In the deep of the night, lying on a board in the town where he had enlisted three years ago, all elation and enthusiasm gone out of him, he faced the fact that with the joy of homecoming was mingled the bitter juice of care.

  9. Some way the elation of the morning was gone.

  10. Yet the elation and the disillusion of men and women are both reflected in our laws and customs; and so far as they did not occur in other lands, they are factors in defining the great complex of our national character.

  11. At home the last trace of idealism was being destroyed and in Russia a new world was being created with all the harshness and elation of a revolutionary action.

  12. The elation of his mind was evinced upon his face.

  13. In the interval the mind of the unhappy Boer had perpetually oscillated between two poles--that of remorse, terror, and despair on the one hand, and that of unreasoning elation on the other.

  14. A feeling of relief and subsequent elation swept through his mind.

  15. In the elation of the moment, he reviews his chances of succeeding to the Chancellorship, which promised to become vacant by the withdrawal of D'Aguesseau.

  16. In the elation produced by these marks of favour the members threw off their accustomed reserve, and the proceedings of the Entresol acquired a notoriety which was little to the mind of its more cautious spirits.

  17. My elation went out like a snuffed candle.

  18. There was a little elation in her tone, but more regret.

  19. Yet in his present mood of elation he could enjoy communion even with bricks and mortar.

  20. Upon this assembly descended the news of war with the Transvaal, and for three months at least Michael shared in the febrile elation and arrogance and complacent outlook of the average Englishman.

  21. He might have been thrilled over the wild race, the reckless dash, as of unbridled horses, with which a nation long in suspense hurtled toward a finality; but it was an elation thoroughly dampened by dread.

  22. But he had felt the elation which comes to all who are cohesively striving for a single purpose that lies beyond dangerous, and as yet insurmountable, ground.

  23. The blur of shadow that marked the Devil's Cauldron touched her to an instant of foreboding, but the elation of mood persisted.

  24. But, throughout the prosecution of the task, there was none of that fond elation which had upborne him during the hours while he gathered the material.

  25. Something of her father's elation disappeared in a sigh.

  26. But out at the cemetery her queer sense of elation vanished.

  27. He was full of rare elation at thought of the good luck which had descended on the little mountain-maid, full of pleasant plans for a bright future from none of which she was omitted.

  28. A feeling of elation grew in her--elation born of her abounding health, fine youth, the glory of the scene, the high intoxication of first love.

  29. His heart beat with elation as he realized that, possibly, the scheme which he had come there to the mountains to propose to Frank, might remedy the evils of the situation.

  30. Instantly all of the signs of high elation vanished from the girl's face.

  31. Of course," said Montague promptly, and could not keep elation out of his eyes.

  32. In the fulness of their hearts Daphne and Barty squeezed each other's hand to express the joy and elation they felt at the pleasantness of everything.

  33. For there stood John March and Henry Fair in the first bright elation of their encounter busily exchanging their manly acknowledgments and explanations.

  34. It was a long time before Monday morning, but in a sudden elation he strapped his valise and said to the porter--"Grand Central Depot.

  35. And again there was the look of proud elation on Septimus Hardon's countenance.

  36. The solution of the mystery had come to him in a flash of intuition, but his elation had been brief.

  37. Of a sudden the Phantom's expression of elation faded out and a worried look took its place.

  38. He gave a hoarse shout of elation as he noticed that the boards were rotting from infiltration of moisture.

  39. She was torn in twain between elation and pangs of conscience.

  40. The look of elation which accompanied the last words brought a smile to Hope's face.

  41. The housekeeper went about her duties, and the author experienced that alternate elation and depression which follows artistic success.

  42. I hope to get there," the young lawyer answered; and as he spoke a concentration came into his face which drove the elation and everything else that was boyish out of it.

  43. This morning he had an elation of his own; it touched everything with more vivid reality.

  44. She was passing through that phase of calm elation which follows close upon the heels of a great resolve.

  45. Jean's drawl gave no hint of her inner elation at the prospect of earning so much money so easily.

  46. If Fate denies him the lustre of the crown and the elation of power, teach him to enjoy that other happiness, which--how long ago it is!

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstraction; alienation; anxiety; apathy; beatification; beatitude; bliss; celebration; cheer; cheerfulness; compulsion; dejection; delight; depression; detachment; ecstasy; elation; emotionalism; enchantment; exaltation; exhilaration; exuberance; felicity; festivity; flush; gaiety; gladness; glee; happiness; heaven; hilarity; hypochondria; hysteria; indifference; insensibility; intoxication; joy; joyfulness; jubilation; lethargy; mania; melancholia; merriment; obsession; paradise; preoccupation; rapture; ravishment; stupor; sunshine; transport; triumph; twitching; withdrawal; zest