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Example sentences for "grinding"

Lexicographically close words:
grinde; grinded; grinder; grinders; grindeth; grinds; grindstone; grindstones; gringo; gringos
  1. Happily the later years of the noble, self-denying inventor were spent at least free from the grinding penury and privations of his years of uncertainty and toil.

  2. The last volley had swept the deck clear; one by one had dropped below to escape that fiery shower: and alone at the helm, grinding his teeth with rage, his mustachios curling up to his very eyes, stood the Spanish captain.

  3. The rattling musket-fire became a grinding roar, and the deeper note of artillery boomed into the tumult.

  4. Between three and four the shock came--a hideous grinding noise, a strain and shiver of the whole ship, and she struck violently against a great rock.

  5. Bones of men and horses lay scattered and heaped; grinding and crunching them under foot fought the skeletons.

  6. Give me my daughter," she suddenly screamed, grinding her teeth.

  7. The charge was fixed at “one shilling and no more for the grinding of one load containing six bushels or twenty-four pecks of malt of Winchester measure,” instead of the twenty-fourth part which had previously been taken.

  8. Lord La Warr promised that no more mills should be erected within or about the manor of Manchester, and thus ensured to the schools the monopoly of the grinding of the corn and malt for the town.

  9. The Duchy Court of Lancaster upheld the rights of the monopolists, and actually prohibited the use within the town of even a hand mill or quern mill for the grinding of either corn or malt.

  10. They were ordered not to receive any corn or malt for grinding from any of the inhabitants of Manchester.

  11. The exception was made on the ground that the mills were adequate to the task of grinding all the malt needed.

  12. What pains did I not take to teach them a method of grinding their barley with more ease, and of fanning it!

  13. During eight days I spent in Guadnum, she employed me in grinding some corn.

  14. I feel very miserably;--they must have been grinding it at home.

  15. How could she understand the poverty and grinding hardship of his boyhood struggle when the only time he could snatch from his work he must spend on his books, while she was growing up in the banker's home?

  16. Down the steep flank of the mountain, with screaming, grinding brakes, they thundered and clattered into the narrow hall-way of Devil's Canyon with its sheer walls and shadowy gloom.

  17. Her mother was very busy meanwhile, grinding the corn for tortillas.

  18. Doña Teresa waved good-bye to them from the trough where she was grinding her corn.

  19. His princely mansion was locked up--his estates left to the management of a grinding steward; and the world utterly forgot the self-created alien from his country.

  20. Before his arrival, even, he was to be elected president of the new China, in the recently captured Nanking--where a National Assembly in cropped heads and frock coats already would be grinding out fresh tangles of legislation.

  21. Within the social hall the second engineer--a wistful, shy young Scot--had brought his battered talking machine to the dining table and was grinding out a comic song.

  22. Footnote 405: In the Life of Charles Darwin there is an interesting letter, in which he laments the gradual decay of his taste for poetry, as his mind became a mere "machine for grinding out general laws" from a mass of observations.

  23. By far the most unwholesome work is the grinding of knife-blades and forks, which, especially when done with a dry stone, entails certain early death.

  24. Knight has often told grinders who came to him with the first symptoms of asthma that a return to grinding means certain death, but with no avail.

  25. There was a grinding noise as the shoes took hold on the wheels.

  26. Suddenly there came a terrible crash, a grinding sound and a rending and tearing.

  27. In addition to wheels with bevel shaped grinding surfaces, as represented in the engraving, the company also make wheels with round grinding surfaces, and this kind is always considered best for large saws.

  28. The dialyte telescope; practical details of the mechanical operations of construction, such as lens grinding and shaping; washing flour of emery, tests for correction.

  29. Work was grinding her down, she thought--work and discipline.

  30. The weeks went steadily on with a slow grinding power, as it felt to Matilda.

  31. Wheat grain, by the processes of grinding and sifting, is resolvable into two distinct parts--bran and flour.

  32. At one time her anchor was dragged along with a grinding noise, two flukes being broken off.

  33. Unfortunately, however, bread had become scarce, and there was no means of grinding wheat.

  34. Each family has a mill for grinding the kernels into meal, while for beating it into hominy they use a crude mortar, made perhaps by burning a hole in the top of a block of wood.

  35. Hard Times My new master I shall never forget; he had black eyes and a hooked nose, his mouth was as full of teeth as a bull-dog's, and his voice was as harsh as the grinding of cart wheels over graveled stones.

  36. I thought it very dreadful, but the cows went on eating very quietly, and hardly raised their heads as the black frightful thing came puffing and grinding past.

  37. To do this I jagged the mouth of my musket barrel about, grinding each jag into a sharp tooth with a hard stone, by which contrivance I made a tool to serve in place of an augur.

  38. She has Lewis de Pino," says I, grinding my teeth in rage, "and has no further need of me.

  39. It is probable that advantage was taken of the abundant water-power to establish in these towns mills for the grinding and cutting of their glass.

  40. The grinding down of the surface and subsequent polishing, as in the case of glass cut into facets, would fall into this division.

  41. Already in the fourteenth century the water-power of Alpine streams had been applied to the grinding and polishing of glass, as, for example, at Cortina d'Ampezzo in the Italian Tyrol.

  42. In a general way we may say that there has always been a distinction between the mechanical processes of grinding and polishing and the more delicate and artistic work of the engraver.

  43. They were without exception broken fragments, not improbably 'wasters,' thrown aside possibly by those who were employed in grinding them.

  44. Presently he heard the wagon creaking, its wheels sinking through the mud and grinding upon the solid ground beneath.

  45. The rail curved under the strain, then the boat slid forward, grinding on the sand.

  46. In Nepal, however, they have in some measure made a further progress than in India, as they have numerous water-mills for grinding corn.

  47. He not only scourged the Brahmans to make them disgorge his money, but he took the image, and, grinding it to pieces with excrement, threw the fragments into a river.

  48. In Grinding Malts he notifies well to prevent a foul Drink.

  49. When your Malt is ground, let it stand in Sacks twenty-four Hours at least, to the end that the Heat in grinding may be allayed, and 'tis conceived by its so standing that the Kernel will dissolve the better.

  50. A little further, there was a light in a flour mill, which was grinding away as hard as it could go, being driven by a small water turbine.

  51. Most likely, by grinding secretly at night, it is possible to escape the Government's taxes on flour, but needless to say we did not stop to make inquiries.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grinding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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