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Example sentences for "squirmy"

Lexicographically close words:
squireens; squires; squirm; squirmed; squirming; squirrel; squirrels; squirt; squirted; squirting
  1. The squirmy man turned and darted toward the door, just as it burst open and Barma Shah came driving in.

  2. He and Barma Shah both grabbed for the gleaming gem, while the squirmy man took off empty-handed.

  3. I can feel the little squirmy beasts under my feet every step I take.

  4. Squirmy searched his half-dressed congregation witheringly over the tops of his spectacles.

  5. II Just before taps, after life had become subdued through study, the small red-headed form of Squirmy was observed making its way to the centre of the long room.

  6. Squirmy was to be a second lieutenant; Naughty, a first lieutenant; and Vance, a captain.

  7. Later, Squirmy gave a very helpful talk on Joseph, who was sold by his brothers down into Egypt after they had hidden him under a bushel.

  8. For my part I felt a pleasing, squirmy excitement to think that we were to walk on to the Nursery field in the company of the great Middlesex amateur; and, incidentally, I took the opportunity of measuring myself against him.

  9. The sight of him batting there made me feel another squirmy sensation at the thought that he was my especial friend.

  10. And besides, sir, they wouldn't ha' made a man feel so 'orrid squirmy like.

  11. He's squirmy and wigglesome; what do I want to play with him for, when she said I might go?

  12. No'm, for Baby Proudfit's so squirmy and wigglesome!

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "squirmy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anxious; breathless; eager; excited; fretful; fretting; hasty; impatient; impetuous; restive; restless; squirmy; uneasy; unquiet