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Example sentences for "hemlock"

Lexicographically close words:
hemisphere; hemispheres; hemispheric; hemispherical; hemistich; hemlocks; hemm; hemmed; hemming; hemoglobin
  1. He had soaked hemlock leaves in water and drank it, and thought that was better than water in warm weather.

  2. A rustling was heard in the hemlock branches, and a striped squirrel peeped down at her.

  3. Such a noise as broke out then had never been heard in the wood since the oldest hemlock was a baby, and that was a long time ago.

  4. This they did by steeping hemlock in pails of hot water and, while the patient sat in a chair by the fireside, a blanket was spread about him and pinned close to his neck.

  5. Sarah bound a slice of pork around it and Samson built a camp by the roadside, in which, after a good fire was started, they gave him a hemlock sweat.

  6. Under the blanket they put the pails of steaming hemlock tea.

  7. Her lips were slightly parted, and the song which Sarah had listened to afar off broke from them--a sad pleasant strain, that blended in harmony with the rippling waters and the gentle sway of the hemlock branches overhead.

  8. The delicious light broke, like a smile from heaven, over the still bosom of the waters, and flickered cheeringly through the dewy branches of the hemlock which shadowed the prostrate hunter.

  9. The hemlock that was green has died at the top since then.

  10. It is there that we are going with our rods and reels and traces To a silent, smoky Indian that we know, To a couch of new-pulled hemlock with the starlight on our faces, For the Red Gods call us out and we must go!

  11. The thick bark of hemlock is good to make glowing coals in a hurry; so is that of hard woods generally.

  12. Hemlock knots are worthless and hard as glass--keep your axe out of them.

  13. Few at home realize that these are merely tents, and sometimes very poor ones, the wounded lying on the ground, lucky if their blanket is spread on a layer of pine or hemlock twigs, or some leaves.

  14. Now, I’ve got a whole lot of hemlock bark on the edge of the bank on my point, where you can go to it with the gundelow--enough to cover three such houses.

  15. He had a floor of hemlock boards, rough from the saw; they had a heap of grandchildren, every one of them barefoot.

  16. He then strewed some hemlock brush on the floor to sleep on.

  17. The satin shine of holly, the glimmer of pearly mistletoe, the odor of spruce and pine, and heavier scent of hemlock bewitched the castle throughout with their fragrance.

  18. The spicy breath of the wreaths of hemlock was deliciously sweet.

  19. The mirrors were dark with the velvet rounds of hemlock from which the miserable face of scandal, the sardonic face of divorce, under the conditions of the present domestic situation might well grin satyr-like from the Christmas wreaths.

  20. No shadows lay now on the lawn; and from where she sat Ellen could see the great hemlock all silvered with the moonlight, which began to steal in at the window.

  21. Wait till you see the hemlock branches bending with a weight of snow, and then, if you don't say the winter is beautiful, I'll give you up as a young lady of bad taste.

  22. The woods were now all brown stems, except here and there a superb hemlock and some scattered silvery birches.

  23. The pine and hemlock and fir were easily learnt; the white birch, too; beyond those, at first, she was perpetually confounding one with another.

  24. Now he will see my face, and I know it is cross," thought Jill, as Ralph went round the last circle, leaving another line of sparks among the hemlock boughs.

  25. A green drugget covered the floor like grass, rustic chairs from the garden stood about, and in the middle of the room a handsome hemlock waited for its pretty burden.

  26. Finding the boat too sunny at times, the boys cut long willow boughs and arched them over the seats, laying hemlock branches across till a green roof made it cool and shady inside.

  27. This tree is known by the following names (Sudworth): Western Hemlock, Hemlock Spruce (Cal.

  28. The broad, flat leaves of trees such as oaks and chestnuts gave rise to the former term, while the narrow resinous leaves of the pine and hemlock gave rise to the latter.

  29. Dol, who now sat serenely on his bough, with a firm clasp of the hemlock trunk, and a reckless enjoyment of the situation which far surpassed his companion's.

  30. Now he heaped it high, throwing on without stint withered hemlock boughs and massive logs, which were soon wrapped in a sheet of flame, making an isle of light amid a surrounding sea of impenetrable darkness.

  31. The brute stood off for a minute, then charged the hemlock furiously, and butted it with his antlers till it shook to its roots, the sharp prongs of those terrible horns coming within half an inch of Dol's feet.

  32. Upon a gray pine stump, beside the blaze, which he was feeding with a hemlock bough, sat a battered-looking yet lively personage.

  33. Occasionally from an overburdened birch or hemlock branch the accumulated snow would fall with a dull crash.

  34. At present prices of oil," summarized Spurrier, "the development back of Hemlock Mountain wouldn't pay.

  35. In terms of dead reckoning, Berlin is as far from Hemlock Mountain as Hemlock Mountain is from Berlin, but in terms of human relations Glory felt the distance as infinitely greater than did her husband.

  36. I have now all the options we need on the far side of Hemlock Mountain," Spurrier summarized at last.

  37. The oil development of fifteen years ago never crossed Hemlock Mountain.

  38. He had crossed Hemlock Mountain and struck into the hinterland at its back.

  39. Sleepy reporters yawned at the press tables as the clerk droned out his sing-song, "An act entitled an act conferring charter rights upon the Hemlock Pipe Line Company of Kentucky.

  40. A furriner come ter town yistidday, an' sot out straightway acrost Hemlock Mountain fer old Cappeze's dwellin' house.

  41. That trickle of water might come to the gorge from a spot back in the laurel where, under the shelter of a felled hemlock top, some one tended a small "blockade" distillery; some one who resented an invasion of his privacy.

  42. The grass beyond was brilliant green, all powdered with hemlock flower; and the sun made a deep track in the avenue, along which the cows were trotting home to be milked.

  43. Poisoning with water hemlock undoubtedly occurs more frequently than shown by any record.

  44. The fresh juice of Conium maculatum was used in the preparation of the famous hemlock potion which was employed by the Greeks in putting their criminals to death.

  45. One of the most serious instances of poisoning of this sort is that from the use of the spindle-shaped roots of the deadly water hemlock (Cicuta maculata) allied to the more famous but no more deadly poison hemlock.

  46. The active principle of this cicuta is the volatile alkaloid canine, common also to the poison hemlock (Conium macula turn L.

  47. And in that he read: "The water hemlock (Cicuta maculata L.

  48. So they crept out, and saw that the thick hemlock growing beside the big rock was covered with small birds.

  49. By the light of a great fire of drift-wood on the beach the little scow was partly loaded, and then all hands went for the last time to their mattresses of hemlock boughs.

  50. And Jim scrambled up the hemlock trunk, fearless of a tumble.

  51. Then with a hemlock broom Katy swept the floor, and spread down the canvas as a carpet.

  52. Here we planted our flag of smoke and feathered our nest with balsam and hemlock boughs and ferns, and laughed at your four walls and pillows of down.

  53. After a week of baiting in this manner, and on the eve of a light fall of snow, the trapper carefully conceals his trap in the bed, first smoking it thoroughly with hemlock boughs to kill or neutralize the smell of the iron.

  54. Our course was along the trail of the bark-men who had pursued the doomed hemlock to the last tree at the head of the valley.

  55. The balsam and the hemlock heal his aches very quickly.

  56. At dusk a balsam was felled, and the tips of the branches used to make a bed, which was more fragrant than soft; hemlock is better, because its needles are finer and its branches more elastic.

  57. Another place it was shingle, shingle; everybody was shaving hemlock shingle.

  58. A decayed hemlock is draped as if by hands for some solemn festival.

  59. The caterpillar of Astrarche feeds on the hemlock stork's-bill (Erodium cicutarium).

  60. It feeds on the flowers of the hemlock water dropwort ([OE]nanthe crocata) during June and July.

  61. There was little underbrush; the forest of spruce and hemlock was first growth.

  62. In each was an immense chimney-piece, a cooking-stove, and a bed stretching the width of the house on the floor, with a mattress of hemlock boughs.

  63. In the tent, stretched out on some hemlock boughs which they had cut before leaving, they found poor Fenn.

  64. Fenn wanted to disobey, but he found he was weaker than he thought, so he was glad to stretch out on the blanket, spread over the fragrant hemlock boughs.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hemlock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.