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Example sentences for "realize"

Lexicographically close words:
realities; reality; realizable; realization; realizations; realized; realizes; realizing; reall; really
  1. Now, the force of these passages cannot be properly appreciated unless we realize to ourselves the dread in which the war-chariot was held by the foot-soldiers.

  2. At the end of four months the sheep they had bought at eighty piastres will sell for one hundred and forty, or will realize one hundred and fifty.

  3. Even to ourselves these passages are significant enough, but to the Jews and the inhabitants of Palestine they possessed a force which we can hardly realize in this country.

  4. On emerging again into the open street, I could hardly realize my escape, for if there had been a single projecting stone to stop my progress, the camel would have struggled to get free, and my chest must have been crushed in.

  5. When we remember that they are so minute that they can only be seen by the use of the highest power of the microscope we can realize something of the magnitude of the task.

  6. But it is only in recent years that we have begun to realize the really important part that insects play in relation to the health of the people with whom they are associated.

  7. Forget for a moment the multitude that need his compassion and the disciples who share his sympathy, and try to realize his deep, personal love for you.

  8. The greatness of my indebtedness I will not fully realize till I stand upon the yonder shore, and perhaps not even then.

  9. However, she was cool headed enough to realize that the situation was not shaping up well for her father and Jerry.

  10. I realize you've had an unpleasant time of it so far, Penny.

  11. I didn't realize I was staring," Penny apologized.

  12. Penny, you don't seem to realize what a narrow escape we all had.

  13. So cleverly was this information secured that the informer failed to realize she was being "put through the third degree.

  14. Some people laugh at what we call work, but they don't realize that playing is the hardest kind of work.

  15. Ducks are less frequently raised than chickens and often realize good returns.

  16. Owners are doubtless in some instances indifferent about fires in their wood lots, because they do not realize that these may do great harm without giving striking evidence of the fact.

  17. By the time the crops were ready to gather and market he came to realize that the cost of production must come under the amount received from the sale of the produce so as to prevent loss.

  18. Those who have seen for threescore years the ever-increasing flow of boys and girls from the farms to the cities, greater in proportion to the rural population than in any other age, realize the necessity for aid in this direction.

  19. Beside the savage desire within him to realize the enormities which he brooded on nothing was sacred.

  20. I am glad if you begin to realize your duty," said this inconsistent woman.

  21. And not until that moment did Gay realize how highly he valued his popularity.

  22. We can't realize just what it is to be young and full of life.

  23. Then somebody was wise enough to realize that the children were courting lung fever and rheumatism.

  24. When I think of the oaks at Bracken and see these, it is difficult to realize that they are all trees and all sprung from acorns.

  25. We hoped that Mrs. Rand would realize that to make fifteen per cent.

  26. Yes I did, but I did not realize it until tonight when I saw you for the first time with your hair tucked up, and dressed in an evening dress.

  27. I remind myself of the Irishman who had raised a particularly fat pig from which he expected to realize great wealth.

  28. Do you realize that our vacation is more than half over?

  29. Why could he not realize that I was nothing but a little girl who occasionally played lady?

  30. He was powerless now either to move or speak, and only when the work was accomplished did the boys fully realize that they had, perhaps, injured themselves by thus temporarily turning the tables.

  31. It needs to realize the fact that modern literature and thought in general is full of deceits.

  32. With regard to the act by which the essential term of a being is first actuated, it is necessary fully to realize the fact that this act is neither God's creative power nor God's creative action, but something quite different.

  33. All he inherited was the dull astonishment of that old Frenchman who could never be made to realize that riches would not some day come back as they had gone.

  34. But one must read the book itself to realize how far he carried this idolatry.

  35. But those who are less familiar with philosophy may yet want some tangible illustration of our reasonings before they fully realize the nature of the three principles and of their relations.

  36. Is a student prepared to realize the true nature of the quantity of mass, or of the quantity of volume, who has never yet explored either the mysterious attributes of formal continuity or the intimate constitution of material substance?

  37. May Providence realize one day my secret hopes for his soul's welfare.

  38. And you must realize that they were very large masses indeed.

  39. Very few persons, I am afraid, realize this, which is one of the many stories which science in its higher teachings shows us--one of those fairy tales which are the result of the most careful scientific investigation.

  40. But what I object to is the growling afterward, when each should realize that he is getting exactly what he ought to have expected.

  41. On that first trip around the world Uncle Peabody found one of his ideals, although he did not realize its vast importance until several years later.

  42. Would he ever realize what she had gone through and must still endure for him?

  43. I quite realize that I have asked much of you who can understand so little of what my book means to me.

  44. I realize more than I ever intend to let him know, dear child.

  45. Jack dear," she said, quietly, "do you realize that this is almost the first time we have really been by ourselves since we took that walk to Fiesole?

  46. Jack would realize it soon enough, and then he would know what she had really done to make it easier for him.

  47. But I did not realize how rapidly five weeks could pass.

  48. I did not realize that I had become such poor company, Jack.

  49. You evidently don't realize what a big thing I have undertaken.

  50. You are the only one who does not realize it, unless it be Inez herself.

  51. Do you realize that this is the end of our honeymoon?

  52. I realize how inexplicable all this must sound to you, because I find myself absolutely unable to explain it to myself.

  53. It is hard to realize that this is the city of Ugolino and the Tower of Hunger after this sumptuous repast," remarked Jack, lighting his cigarette with much satisfaction as coffee was being served.

  54. He could not see the sharp pain which showed in her face as she spoke, nor did he realize how her heart wished that it might be so.

  55. Indeed, it's hard to realize at times that I haven't always lived in Homeville.

  56. I think it should hardly be imputed to John as a fault or a shortcoming that he did not for a long time realize his father's failing powers.

  57. I ought to have remembered that you were married, and perhaps--yes, I did remember it in a way, but I could not realize it.

  58. I don't believe even yourself can quite realize what the difference is.

  59. Yes," he said, "I realize the alternative.

  60. His state of mind was like that of an improvident debtor who, while knowing that the note must be paid some time, does not quite realize it for a while after an extension.

  61. It is only after you leave the woods, and ordinary objects of comparison present themselves to the mind, that you can realize in thought the colossal stature of these samples of Montana vegetation.

  62. It took me a moment to realize she was speaking their language; I guessed it was Kekchi Maya.

  63. But seeing her lying there inert, being kept alive with tubes and liquids, wearing pressure pants to help circulate blood through her legs, you'd scarcely realize she'd been a strikingly beautiful woman before the accident.

  64. But I was getting that super energy God gives you when you realize life is no longer a game.

  65. You never realize movies are so complicated till you see a breakdown sheet.

  66. They just want to make sure you realize your presence has not gone unnoticed.

  67. For a second I didn't realize what he meant, but then I saw a fax lying beside the phone.

  68. Do you realize he did things to my body I didn't agree to?

  69. He didn't realize it, but his voice had just gone up an octave.

  70. I'd hoped you'd have to look twice to realize it was actually a storage cabinet in disguise, with drawers along the bottom of the front.

  71. Before I realize what's happening, his thighs press against mine and he knowingly insinuates himself into me.

  72. When I stepped out, the fresh air hit my face and I had a moment of intensity that made me realize what I really wanted to do, first and foremost, was see Tz'ac Tzotz one last time.

  73. As daylight came they saw hands and arms protruding from the snow, but only slowly did they realize that the chief of their foes was killed.

  74. The sudden fall made one realize how slight might be the strength of virtue due merely to the absence of temptation.

  75. After all, can the kind of morality we are advocating of itself enable us to realize all that social perfection which the sympathetic nature of the soul of man and its noble faculties authorize us to look forward to and hope for?

  76. It will be unfortunate if you do not realize a large price J.

  77. And this will realize the ideal of the prohibitive regime.

  78. We know that Aristotle could not even realize the idea of any society existing without slavery.

  79. True; but to realize utility by means of justice, a third thing is needed.

  80. But we do not affirm that they always realize the hopes of those who promote them.

  81. Young lady graduate of high school or college, do you realize what your father has done for you, and the sacrifices he has made that you might have what he has never had--a diploma?

  82. We don't seem to realize that every public man is a teacher, every home is a school, and the education received outside the schoolroom is often more effective than the education inside.

  83. But few persons realize how a public speaker is affected by little influences.

  84. Now I have already thrown the searchlight upon enough problems for you to realize I have given you an incongruous picture.

  85. Whoever would graduate in the highest franchise of being, and realize the royalty that comes of partnership with sovereignty, must have respectfulness of bearing and feeling toward those from whom they differ.

  86. He was a good man and a kind father, but he did not realize the full meaning of the warning, "whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap.

  87. Place behind these utterances the rich voice and magnetic manner of the "Plumed Knight" of the platform, and you can realize what oratory means.

  88. Do you realize what it means when an American home is destroyed by drink?

  89. Roger, now beginning to realize the foolishness of taking that haphazard shot at such a terrible beast, against which he had been warned by others who knew something of its ferocity.

  90. It gave Roger a thrill to realize that he was in the company of savages such as his father and grandfather had fought in the years gone by; but who were now their best of friends.

  91. It was not long, however, before they began to realize that amidst those remarkable cones and thickets and rocky defiles it was a most difficult thing to keep their bearings.

  92. The weak spot in his leadership was that he did not realize the humanity which still burned in their lost souls.

  93. Unfortunately, if you take this risk you will not be in a position later to realize that your judgment was at fault.

  94. We have also yet to realize that Europe, since the Spanish War, has counted us in the concert of great nations far more than we have counted ourselves.

  95. We need to enlarge our colonial possessions; such territorial acquisitions we can only realize at the cost of other states.

  96. I am beginning to realize it," she answered.

  97. Fensden was beginning to realize that it was by no means unpleasant to have a rich and generous friend.

  98. I fancy I can realize what Miss Devereux will be like.

  99. Reckon you will realize it before I have done with you," muttered Gossley.

  100. But he was quick to realize that a chance to escape had come and equally prompt to make the best of it.

  101. The words burst from the major's lips ere he had time to realize the injudiciousness of his remarks.

  102. To tell the truth, I didn't realize what a risk it was until it was too late to turn back.

  103. Do you realize the nasty situation you are in?

  104. But when they did realize their position, they concluded that, for the present, the greater danger lay in front of them, and they scampered to the rear, behind the companies which still kept their formations.

  105. That's why I can't realize your being struck dumb with the surprise of it.

  106. But hearing the words pronounced by his own voice, made him realize that they were true.

  107. If you just would realize that, you couldn't scold me.

  108. You can hardly realize how much pleasure it will give me if you'll say 'yes' to my proposal.

  109. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "realize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    realize that; realize the; realize what; realized that; realized what