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Example sentences for "realizes"

Lexicographically close words:
realizable; realization; realizations; realize; realized; realizing; reall; really; realm; realme
  1. We admit that the desire to represent life at all costs under dramatic conditions still accompanies Mr. Symonds, and that he hardly realizes that what seems romance to us was harsh reality to those who were engaged in it.

  2. He fully realizes that it is by a conflict between our artistic sympathies and our moral judgment that the greatest dramatic effects are produced.

  3. It certainly is her completest expression, and through it she realizes her fullest perfection.

  4. Upon my word," said Mark, "I believe she scarcely realizes what she is doing.

  5. One realizes the fact, yet goes on thinking of them just the same.

  6. It is the strong man above all who knows his own weakness and realizes how incapable he is of doing very great things of himself.

  7. She thus realizes that the Burgundians must have been warned.

  8. The first prophecy is fulfilled, and Hagen now realizes the irretrievable doom that awaits the kings and their followers.

  9. It is to the credit of Mr. Calthrop that he realizes this fact, and sees in the Gospel he proclaims a message for the richest of the rich as well as for the poorest of the poor.

  10. That is a common saying,' remarked Mr. Sylvester, 'but how true a one no one realizes but he who carries the scar.

  11. One realizes he is alive; the unit is part of the multiple.

  12. Now for the first time he realizes the meaning of Democracy, the deep inner meaning of Man and America.

  13. For the earlier Howells was a poet--until one realizes it one fails completely to understand him.

  14. But as one reads on one realizes more and more that this style comes from no mere imitation of a master: it is Creole; it is the style that is the counterpart of the Creole temperament.

  15. Anyone who realizes how much there was to do in the plains, and how impossible it was to do everything at once, recognizes the futility of the suggestion.

  16. Emerging from the defile, we reach the town of Shwegu, whence, gazing on the sunset painting with gorgeous colours the western hills, one realizes "the incomparable pomp of eve.

  17. This wonder disappears, however, when one realizes that the appearance of these thinkers was really a momentous thing.

  18. He who realizes this will not assume that his neighbor is always wrong, and he will come to have that wide, conscientious tolerance, which is not indifference, but which is at the farthest remove from the zeal of mere bigotry.

  19. Unless one realizes how and why ships deteriorate in material, it is surprising to see how many faults develop, when ships in reserve, that are apparently in good condition, are put into active service.

  20. Do you think Armstrong himself realizes the situation?

  21. What agony of spirit he must be passing through if he realizes any of it!

  22. It would seem that the imagination of Mr. Charles Robinson realizes a subject with more delight when the text is suggestive, rather than impressive with definite conceptions.

  23. They know that there is indifference to it among friends and in their social circle; but how real the dispute about the Bible is no one realizes until he comes where new ideas, say ideas of socialism, are in the air.

  24. A few of these lesser names will come to mind, and in the calling of them one realizes the influence, even on them, of the English Bible.

  25. Then one realizes the irritating monotony of the branches of Pines and Spruces, and their sombre, dark green foliage produces a morose depression of spirit.

  26. If one realizes all these dangers from insects, animals, and storms, the height to which some trees grow and the age to which they live become matters for astonishment and surprise.

  27. Too many women act sort of queer just for fun, and the poor male man gets to acting improper before he realizes the enormity of the crime, and then it is everlastingly too late.

  28. But its soul had the inner sense that answers to hearing, and the shaping capacity which through natural organs realizes itself in words.

  29. He will not try to learn unless he realizes his ignorance.

  30. Neither will he turn to God for salvation unless he realizes that he is lost.

  31. Perhaps he realizes how much worse off he and his fellows would be if he had to substitute for them in train operation unions of the sort that are driving him mad in his shop-work.

  32. Who realizes that the common corn, the American maize, is a stately and elegant plant, far more beautiful than many a pampered pet of the greenhouse?

  33. Whoever spends an hour patiently picking off the various seed tramps from his clothes after a walk through the woods and fields in autumn, realizes that the by hook or by crook method of scattering offspring is one of Nature's favorites.

  34. Indeed, in reading the poets ancient and modern for references to this favorite blossom, one realizes as never before the significance of an anthology, literally a flower gathering.

  35. He said:-- "Whoever fights in this war in the front ranks, whoever realizes all the misery and unspeakable wretchedness caused by a modern war .

  36. She realizes that the historical event may have been the convergence of many lines of thinking emanating from widely divergent sources, and this conception serves to make her interest more acute.

  37. She realizes that his behavior was distinctive, and she fain would discover the talisman whose potent influence determined the bent and power of his mind.

  38. When she reads her history she has a keener, deeper, and wider interest than ever before, for she now realizes that every event of history is an effect, whose inciting causes lie back in the years, and is not fortuitous as she once imagined.

  39. Whether he realizes it or not, he reduces the average of humanity and is a burden upon society both in a negative and in a positive sense.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "realizes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.