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Example sentences for "intelligent"

Lexicographically close words:
intellectus; intelletto; intelligence; intelligencers; intelligences; intelligential; intelligently; intelligentsia; intelligi; intelligibility
  1. Another equally respectable and intelligent Native friend, when I mentioned the fact, threw himself back in his chair to give vent to a hearty laugh.

  2. His crime consisted in being one of the most acute natural philosophers of his day, enjoying high favour with Ptolemy Philadelphus, an intelligent prince, whose preceptor be was.

  3. This is not to say that he was never amused at himself; every intelligent observer is amused at himself pretty often; but he did not doubt merely because he was amused.

  4. If a thoroughly intelligent and most sympathetic woman--" said Stabb.

  5. If we prove, or rather if we see, order and wisdom in the material world, we have all the demonstration of a being, intelligent and wise, that our minds are capable of receiving.

  6. Gilbert turned to examine the groom, who answered his scrutinizing look by a jovial and intelligent smile.

  7. In the more intelligent scheme of the new country life, the economic position of woman is likely to be one of high importance.

  8. Both Irish experience and Continental study have convinced me that neither good husbandry nor a worthy social life can be ensured unless accompanied by intelligent and efficient business methods.

  9. For an intelligent man, these were very stupid thoughts, but the devil is a cunning fellow, he does not seek out the prudent and strong, when he wishes to sow darnel and cockles in the fresh furrow, he takes the foolish and weak.

  10. When the afternoon came, by the help of the old wheelwright and a couple of intelligent old laborers, the wagons and the barns were so far ready that the harvesting could begin; and it began accordingly.

  11. You must take the young man here, he is an intelligent youth,--he is a good fellow.

  12. And I ask any reasonable being, how intelligent must not that poor beast have been, to run into the village pond, to extinguish the fire!

  13. This was not the same woman, the cool, intelligent composure had changed to restless agitation, and before the clear eyes lay a shadow, which hindered her from looking about her.

  14. As we passed the side of the building appropriated to the use of the boys, I suggested the propriety of making a last inquiry of the schoolmaster, whom we might presume to be, in virtue of his office, the most intelligent man in the place.

  15. When the criminal is a resolute, educated, highly-intelligent man, the police in nine cases out of ten lose.

  16. It is the nisus of the intelligent principle to bring itself into ascertained and well-ordered relations with the facts, agencies, and uses of nature, alike in her physical and spiritual domains.

  17. Roman newspapers,' said an intelligent Roman to Caper, 'were invented to conceal the news.

  18. The intelligent parent will understand that I have to go cautiously with Gip.

  19. As every one knows, or at least as all intelligent people know, the special department in which Gibberne has gained so great and deserved a reputation among physiologists is the action of drugs upon the nervous system.

  20. He discussed his dinner with Fanny in an intelligent way.

  21. I took a line of intelligent interest, tinged with a reasonable doubt of the whole story.

  22. No intelligent man has any doubt of the cause.

  23. Some of them were as bright, intelligent young fellows as I ever met in the world, but they were wholly untrained in any business.

  24. This is a question which most Irishmen will naturally look at from a National point of view, but it is one which ought also to claim the sympathies of every intelligent Unionist, and which, as I know, does claim the sympathy of many.

  25. I have known too many of the intelligent and enchanting girls of merry old England, to be so foolish.

  26. The intelligent workmen understand the reasons for the reduction without a wordy explanation, and accept it, feeling confident that it has not been unjustly made.

  27. The proper execution of sanitary laws depends on the free and intelligent co-operation of individuals much more than on the influence of a strong central authority.

  28. To every intelligent mind, this journal affords a constant supply of instructive reading.

  29. He has them arranged in a sort of ascending scale--+the Civilized, the Intelligent and the Polite.

  30. Selecting the most intelligent looking of them.

  31. We have known intelligent men speak as if the apostles laid no stress upon holy baptism, and valued it not one whit as compared with the interior gift of the Holy Ghost.

  32. We have known intelligent members of the Society of Friends who could not see that the apostles taught the necessity for what they call water baptism.

  33. But he was much too intelligent to undertake to bind me to them at that juncture.

  34. With the strain of attention I was already under I could not even make an intelligent guess at his meaning, as O'Farrell, mistaking my hesitation, repeated it with growing peremptoriness.

  35. A very intelligent merchant of the town replied as follows to questions put to him, as to the Chinese and native rulers, and it will be seen that it was especially favourable to the claims of the Chinese as the better masters.

  36. At this period of his life he is described by one who knew him as being of a short but stoutish build, with a keenly intelligent and handsome countenance.

  37. The character of the coolie traffic is but too well understood, and is now believed by all intelligent men to be the slave trade in disguise.

  38. That the colonists were determined, at any sacrifice, to achieve their own liberties, even at the sacrifice of their slave property, seems to have been the opinion of intelligent Englishmen.

  39. There are strong indications that the views presented in the first edition of this work, and reported in the subsequent issues, are rapidly becoming the views of intelligent and unprejudiced men everywhere.

  40. It is surely better for an intelligent and moral being to do right from his own will, than to pay another to force him to do right.

  41. The main argument in favor of the free school system is, that it is a benefit to all to be surrounded by an intelligent and moral community, and for such a benefit every property holder should be glad to contribute his quota.

  42. They have associated much more freely with the cultivated and intelligent white than even with their own color of the same humble station; and on such terms as to enable them to acquire much of his spirit, and knowledge, and valor.

  43. After describing the immense sources of wealth to be found in Jamaica, an intelligent eye-witness says: "Such are some of the natural resources of this dilapidated and poverty-stricken country.

  44. Republicanism can be sustained only where the majority are intelligent and moral.

  45. Even intelligent talk on general subjects by such a one may be a chilling disappointment to some craving heart, which had indulged the hope of getting help, comfort, or instruction in the things of God by listening to the conversation.

  46. These two departures were a hint to less intelligent persons, who now found that they were not wanted.

  47. Catastrophes lead intelligent and strong-minded men to be philosophical.

  48. In 1811 the peasant woman had become a very presentable, skilled, and intelligent forewoman.

  49. He's an intelligent fellow, and I'm sure he appreciates the shows.

  50. They seemed quite another type altogether--not so intelligent or so interesting.

  51. They are honest, simple, and kind, and more intelligent than the Indians living farther north, in the colder regions.

  52. There are pasture-lands where stock will fatten like pigs without any other feeding; there are fertile soils which will raise almost any crops, and there are intelligent Indians who can be taught to work and be useful members of society.

  53. Intelligent observers in the diplomatic world who were in a position to realize the truth knew that neither nation could afford to go on.

  54. In battle," he said once to the graduates of the Naval Academy, "the only shots that count are those that hit, and marksmanship is a matter of long practice and intelligent reasoning.

  55. Reclamation and conservation had this in common: the purpose of both was the intelligent and efficient utilization of the natural resources of the country for the benefit of the people of the country.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intelligent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    intelligent being; intelligent beings; intelligent cause; intelligent creatures; intelligent gentleman; intelligent life