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Example sentences for "devil"

Lexicographically close words:
devices; devide; devided; deviennent; devient; deviled; devilfish; devilish; devilishly; devill
  1. Fountainhall in writing of the same convention of witches says that the Devil 'adventured to give them the communion or holy sacrament, the bread was like wafers, the drink was sometimes blood sometimes black moss-water.

  2. The first part of the dittay is entirely occupied with her conferences with the devil and her healing the sick by his advice.

  3. This seems likely from the fact that the sacrifice was by fire as in the other places where the Devil used the goat-disguise.

  4. The Devil himself was the usual performer, but other members of the society could also supply the music, and occasionally one person held the position of piper to the Devil.

  5. As the essential point of this class of familiar was that it should be a species of animals and not one special animal, the devil merely appointed to the witch what species she should observe in divining.

  6. At an attempt to wreck a ship in a great storm 'the devil was there present with them all, in the shape of a great horse.

  7. The devil leaped in the hot Scots blood of John Arniston.

  8. The devil takes no care of you, for he is sure of ye!

  9. But there's always the devil to pay at the far end.

  10. Had they not bound themselves by solemn covenant to aid the devil in destroying human souls and afflicting the elect?

  11. The devil tempts all other men, but idle men tempt the devil'; and I hope that you will never consent to verify the proverb.

  12. I'm gonna set up my still come the devil to my doorstep!

  13. Nannie, that devil Ward is running after the Bailey girl!

  14. Was Luther's Picture of the Devil less a Reality, whether it were formed within the bodily eye, or without it?

  15. Well, Death; and say the pangs of Tophet too, and all that the Devil and Man may, will or can do against thee!

  16. Why, if there is no Devil; nay, unless the Devil is your God?

  17. For there is a Devil dwells in man, as well as a Divinity; and too often the bow is but pocketed by the former.

  18. Speak forth what is in thee; what God has given thee, what the Devil shall not take away.

  19. We all hope that the day of the great move forward has now begun to dawn, but there's no doubt it will be a devil of a job, as the Boches are fighting like hell to regain the lost ground.

  20. My mare has developed a devil of a temper of late, and bites and kicks like anything--a sign of exuberant vigour.

  21. I've never seen such a devil of a horse," said Nick.

  22. A few of his provisions might be gone; the poor devil was welcome to that.

  23. What the devil are you doing prowling about on the verandah at this time of night?

  24. These fears are suggestions of the devil whose aim it is to instil bitterness into a sacrament of consolation and love.

  25. This fear is an artifice made use of by the devil to disturb your peace of mind.

  26. Rarely is the desire to imitate certain extraordinary practices of theirs an inspiration of divine grace: rather is it a temptation from the devil inciting us to pride and temerity.

  27. Saint Bernard says there is no need for the devil to tempt those who ignore obedience and permit themselves to be guided by their own light and deterred by their fears, for they act the devil's part towards themselves.

  28. The devil tries to persuade you that it is pride to have exalted aspirations and to wish to imitate the virtues of the saints; but do not permit him to deceive you by this artifice.

  29. St. Augustine says that the devil is a formidable giant to those who fear him, but only a miserable dwarf to those who despise him.

  30. These doubts are but fresh artifices of the devil to rob you of the merit of obedience.

  31. As the sound of a trumpet gives the signal for a combat, so sad thoughts apprise the devil that a favorable moment has come for him to attack us.

  32. It is only the devil who is prowling around your soul, raging and storming, to see if he can find an open door.

  33. Look upon God as an infinitely good and tender father and believe that He only allows the devil to try His children that their merits may increase and their recompense be correspondingly greater.

  34. Therefore I say your temptations are from the devil and hell, but your anxiety and affliction are from God and heaven.

  35. The malice of men, nay of the devil himself, can cause nothing to befall us except what is permitted by God.

  36. And Uncle Bobbie replied slowly as he arose and began dressing, "There's some fellers go to the devil just because they aint got nowheres else to go.

  37. I might as well go to the devil and done with it.

  38. Brave, dare-devil Captain Warley is prisoner, and on the way to Fort Warren, that home of all brave, patriotic men.

  39. The very devil shot in his eye as he exclaimed fiercely, "If any one dares demand it, I'll die before giving it up!

  40. I have been so accustomed to brave, fearless ones, who would beard the Devil himself, that it gives me a great disgust to see any one less daring than father and the boys.

  41. Behind me I discern'd a devil black, That running, up advanc'd along the rock.

  42. He did not seem to regard her proximity as that of a feminine thing which roused the devil in him.

  43. Would Kells be a devil or a man at the end?

  44. He said it enthusiastically, in unstinted admiration, without the slightest subtlety or suggestion; and if he had been the devil himself it would have been no less a compliment, given spontaneously to youth and beauty.

  45. But he'd slap the devil himself in the face.

  46. What the devil difficulty can there be, Sir?

  47. I can't imagine what the devil put such stuff in your head.

  48. It was a mistake, altogether; I'm sorry, but I could not tell there was such a devil on the earth.

  49. A devil in a family now and then is not such a bad thing, when there's work for him.

  50. Here, Reuben, here; where the devil have you been--take him away.

  51. It was a great windfall for a poor devil like me; but, after all, it was only right, for it ought never to have been his at all.

  52. I do not know in the least what had passed before, but Lake said-- 'How the devil did he come in?

  53. The Devil fixed him precisely there for the express purpose of fleecing and watching, and threatening him--perhaps worse.

  54. But he checked the rising devil within him, and changed his tone; he did not want to quarrel--quite the reverse.

  55. He's a pushing fellow, one of the coolest hands I know; but I don't see that I can be of any use to him, or why the devil I should.

  56. I am Uncle Lorne; and when I am not here, a devil goes up and down in the room.

  57. Never was a poor devil so lectured about nothing as I between you.

  58. What the devil can you have been dreaming of.

  59. Why one place is as well as another; and what the devil have I to do with secrets?

  60. That devil of a Tartarin knew everything about this kind of hunt, as about all others!

  61. Bravida, the rearguard, looked back in trepidation: "What the devil is that behind us?

  62. Twas that devil of a man who set fire to ice.

  63. Now the devil "was standing behind her, pen and paper in hand.

  64. According to a Bohemian legend the Devil created the mouse, that it might destroy "God's corn," whereupon the Lord created the cat.

  65. In West-European stories the devil frequently carries off a witch's soul after death.

  66. Methinks if the devil himself would give me a bride, I'd take even her!

  67. Having told him all about the road he was to take, the Devil straightway disappeared, and Petrusha returned home.

  68. Accordingly "the little devil cut him up into small pieces, threw them into a cauldron and set them on to boil.

  69. The soldier wanted to marry one of three princesses, but the elder one and the second one told their father that they'd sooner marry the devil than the soldier.

  70. The chort of this legend is evidently akin to the devil himself, whom traditions frequently connect with blacksmiths; but his prototype, in the original form of this story, was doubtless a demigod or demon.

  71. After the death of a witch her body is liable, says popular tradition, to be tenanted by a devil (as may be seen from No.

  72. When the Lord was about to fashion the face of the earth, he ordered the Devil to dive into the watery depths and bring thence a handful of the soil he found at the bottom.

  73. The next night Satan sends another devil to the palace.

  74. When the devil heard that, "he booked her soul too.

  75. Some voice asked: what the devil were we doing filling the road with our carts at the exact moment that such-and-such a Division wished to move.

  76. This, as it seemed, simply out of the air, dictated by some whispering devil crouching behind a hedge, afraid to appear!

  77. He had much of the dare-devil in his nature, and it seemed as if dangerous adventures agreed with him better than easy success.

  78. His curiosity, joined to a false idea of firmness and courage, had early led him to try and raise the devil and make him speak.

  79. Why, who the devil has been telling you such nonsense?

  80. The same evening she related to the King what had just happened, never doubting it was the devil who had so promptly and so precisely informed Puyguilhem of all that she had said to the King.

  81. And who the devil is he who will dare to do so?

  82. When the day came, he rubbed his eyes, thinking they might have been in fault; but as he found them as clear as usual, began to believe that the devil had carried away his house, garden and all.

  83. He opened the window accordingly, leaped out into the court, and arrived thus at the entrance-door before the Rhingrave, who thought the devil must have carried him there.

  84. A grey hat," replied the King; "where the devil did you learn that?

  85. Shan't we have a devil of a difficulty in knocking him up?

  86. Radmore was surprised at the feeling in her voice, but he asked himself irritably how the devil had Miss Pendarth heard anything of the Croftons and their private affairs?

  87. Drift and dash, and roar and rush, and the devil let loose in the thick of it.

  88. Why, driver, where the devil are you driving us?

  89. No, you have a good deal of the devil in you, and I like a man of your sort.

  90. It is easier to believe in the Devil than to believe in God!

  91. It was here that Tregellas, of Cornish myth, was set by the Devil to scoop out its water by means of a limpet-shell.

  92. There seems a great deal more of the Devil than of God.

  93. And of trouble and of woe, But the devil makes an inning Every time we say it's so.

  94. However mankind may doubt it, It shall listen and hear my creed - That God may ever be found within, That the worship of self is the only sin, And the only devil is greed.

  95. Yes, it is a sort of 'twixt the devil and the deep sea business," rejoined Peter.

  96. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.

  97. Then the devil leaveth Him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto Him.

  98. How did the devil seek to induce Jesus to worship him?

  99. And the devil said unto Him, All this power will I give Thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

  100. Why has the devil been permitted to cast some of God's people into prison?

  101. And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him.

  102. And the devil said unto Him, All this power will I give Thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

  103. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.

  104. Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

  105. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried.

  106. Fear none of those things which thou shall suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; .

  107. The story concluded with the Appeal of Alice to the spectre of Walter Brome; his reply, absolving her from every stain; and the trembling awe with which ghost and devil fled as from the sinless presence of an angel.

  108. At last, with the sane devil in each bosom, they chanced to meet, they two, on a lonely road.

  109. Konah was sure some devil was the animating power, and the uncanny movements of the fiery arms filled even the older ones with a feeling of awe and dread.

  110. The uninitiated men who happened to be in the way, turned aside and buried their faces in their hands, that they might not look upon the dread Purro devil and his followers.


  112. Illustration: Marry the Devil, the Devil to pay.

  113. The feeling still had possession of her that there was something more than natural in the way the fire had raged, and to her mind the supernatural was to be accounted for by multitudinous devil and witch influences.

  114. The evident purpose of the little boy in asking for a "pile" of clothes is to give the devil a task requiring much time, in order to delay his designs against the young woman.

  115. On they came, the devil blowing his awful-sounding instrument, and the Purro boys uttering their terror-inspiring cry.

  116. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adventurer; adventuress; adversary; aggravate; annoy; antagonist; badger; bait; bake; barbecue; bastard; baste; beachcomber; beast; beggar; beldam; beset; blighter; boil; bomber; bother; braise; brew; bristle; broil; brown; brute; buffoon; bug; bugger; bully; bum; bummer; coddle; cook; curry; cutthroat; daredevil; demon; derelict; desperado; devil; discompose; disturb; dog; dragon; drifter; drunkard; elf; enemy; enervated; exasperate; exercise; fiend; fire; firebrand; foe; fricassee; fry; fury; genie; genius; get; ghost; ghoul; goon; gorilla; griddle; grill; gripe; gunman; gyre; harass; harrow; heat; heckle; hobo; hood; hoodlum; hound; incantation; incendiary; incubus; joker; killer; knave; limb; lowlife; madcap; minx; mischief; molest; monkey; monster; nag; needle; nettle; pan; persecute; pester; pick; pique; pixie; plague; poach; pother; prepare; printer; provoke; rapscallion; rascal; revolutionary; ribald; ride; rile; roast; rogue; rough; rowdy; ruffian; ruffle; saute; savage; scalawag; scallop; scamp; scapegrace; scoundrel; sear; shyster; simmer; sirocco; sneak; steam; stew; stiff; sundowner; swagman; tear; tease; termagant; terror; terrorist; thug; tiger; tigress; toast; torment; tough; tramp; truant; vagabond; vagrant; vampire; vex; villain; violent; virago; wag; wastrel; werewolf; witch; wolf; worry; wretch

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    devil take; devilish good