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Example sentences for "fricassee"

Lexicographically close words:
friars; friary; fribble; fribbles; fricandeau; fricasseed; fricassees; fricht; friction; frictional
  1. To prepare fricassee of chicken, clean and cut the bird into pieces according to the directions previously given.

  2. Fricassee of chicken also is a dish that requires a great deal of flavor to be drawn from the meat, and this, of course, cannot be done if a young chicken is used.

  3. Tomatoes at five or ten cents apiece in winter do not supply sufficient nutriment to warrant their cost, nor does capon at forty-five cents a pound nourish the body any better than the fricassee fowl at twenty-eight cents.

  4. To make a brown or white Fricassee of Chickens.

  5. He's no scholar, but he is a match for any French general that ever swallowed the English for fricassee de crapaud.

  6. Mix into it the yolks of two eggs, a glass of port wine, and a spoonful of vinegar: stir it quick, rub the dish with shalot, and turn the fricassee into it.

  7. Serve with a brown fricassee of mushrooms.

  8. An onion or a clove of garlic may be added to the water; or if broth be used instead of water, it will make the fricassee more savoury.

  9. Another way is to boil them, and then heat them up in fricassee sauce.

  10. They may be served plain, or with fricassee sauce.

  11. A fricassee of lambstones and sweetbreads may be prepared another way.

  12. The first dish was a pie made of young pigeons, and the next was a fricassee of the fattest mice.

  13. A tolerable fricassee can be made by warming it up in drawn butter, then adding a beaten egg.

  14. The excellence of the fricassee depends mainly upon care in this respect.

  15. Dilute what gravy you have left from your duck fricassee with water, or make a weak broth of the duck bones, boiled with a little lean ham in a quart of water, until you have less than a pint left.

  16. I believe this is a fricassee of chickens.

  17. I have understated the merits of this admirable fricassee by styling it “fine.

  18. One of my good friends in the far Northwest several years ago sent me a nice recipe for making a fricassee of chicken which I will tell you.

  19. Cover up the sauce pan after the fricassee is seasoned, and cook it until it is tender.

  20. In cooking chicken for fricassee you want to have the pieces about one size, so that they will cook easily.

  21. Cover the pan closely, and let the fricassee stew slowly for an hour, or till the duck, &c.

  22. Return the sweetbreads to the gravy; let it just come to a boil; and then stir in the beaten egg immediately before you take the fricassee from the fire, otherwise it will curdle.

  23. Accompany this fricassee with a dish of asparagus tops, green peas, or lima beans.

  24. To the taste of many persons, this fricassee will be improved by adding to the chicken, while stewing, some small, thin slices of cold boiled ham.

  25. July 19 Cream of Asparagus Soup *Lamb Fricassee with Dumplings Mint Jelly Green Peas Romaine Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Watermelon Coffee *Lamb Fricassee with Dumplings-- Cut up and dice enough cold lamb to make 1 quart.

  26. August 1 Brown Fricassee of Kidneys Summer Squash New Cabbage Salad *Blueberry Pie Coffee *Blueberry Pie--Line a deep perforated tin with Crisco Plain Pastry; brush over with water or white of egg.

  27. On the left is a fricassee of snails, fed, or rather purged, with milk.

  28. Take up the veal into a hot fricassee dish, and pour the gravy over it.

  29. When you dish it up, put about a pint of the liquor and vegetables round the tongue in a fricassee dish.

  30. Lay it in a fricassee dish, thicken the gravy, if not thick enough already, and pour it over the meat.

  31. Aye," said Ulenspiegel, "a fricassee of husbands for which I shall make the sauce with my knife.

  32. The messenger went to look for him in a tavern where he was eating a fricassee of mussels and making a petticoat for a girl with the shells.

  33. In hours when work was slack Claes went shooting with the cross bow; more than one hare was killed by his prowess and turned into a fricassee all through harbouring an inordinate love of cabbages.

  34. With fricassee of hare or rabbit dumplings, chestnuts, or baked squash, and celery or lettuce with salad dressing.

  35. With fricassee of chicken, dumplings or boiled and baked onions.

  36. When it is a good colour cut a square piece out of the top, scoop out the inside, and fill the cavity with fricassee of chickens, or any thing else you please.

  37. RAISE a crust and ornament and bake it, and when it is to be served up have ready some hot macaroni stewed and a white fricassee of chicken in separate stewpans.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fricassee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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