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Example sentences for "sear"

Lexicographically close words:
seances; seaplane; seaplanes; seaport; seaports; searce; search; searche; searched; searcher
  1. Sear spring, the spring which causes the sear to catch in the notches by which the hammer is held.

  2. Cherish veins of good humor, and sear up those of ill.

  3. Note: Sear is allied to scorch in signification; but it is applied primarily to animal flesh, and has special reference to the effect of heat in marking the surface hard.

  4. Half bent, the first notch, for the sear point to enter, in the tumbler of a gunlock; the halfcock notch.

  5. Firearms) Defn: A piece attached to, or forming part of, the hammer of a gunlock, upon which the mainspring acts and in which are the notches for sear point to enter.

  6. Etna, having a dry, sear body, and light, the smoke took him, and whiffed him up into the moon.

  7. His forearm was bare now; the sear of a burn on it was plain to be seen.

  8. But in that instant I had seen, upon the gray flesh, a thin sear turned red.

  9. A black sear now--a trail etched in the quivering flesh.

  10. The trees are clothed in full-grown vegetation, and towering Lookout with its surrounding hills, that a little while ago were sear and brown, are now in living green.

  11. The corn is yellow and the leaves are sear and dead, and everything looks much later than it usually does in Wisconsin.

  12. A man may sophisticate his conscience, or bribe his conscience, or throttle his conscience, or sear his conscience.

  13. Sear a narrow band of tissue, right around the organ and divide the spleen in this situation with a pair of scissors.

  14. If any local lesion is visible, sear its exposed surface and with the platinum loop, remove material from the deeper parts to make tube and surface plate cultivations and cover-slip preparations.

  15. Sear the whole of the exposed surface of the thorax with the searing irons.

  16. Grasp the apex of the heart in the forceps and sear the surface of the right ventricle.

  17. Sear a broad track in the middle line of the abdominal wall; open the peritoneal cavity by an incision in the centre of the seared line.

  18. Sear the surface of the left ventricle with a red-hot iron and remove fluid blood from the heart by means of sterile pipettes (e.

  19. Later, sear the surface of this organ; plunge the spear-headed spatula through the centre of the seared area, twist it round between the finger and thumb, and remove it from the organ.

  20. Sear the surface of the left ventricle with a red-hot iron.

  21. Thus then the Lady to Sear Leaf: 'Has GOD any other temple like this?

  22. Even so, Sear Leaf; And I love to think that the same one who wove the glorious dress to which you refer, to gladden Peter, made this dazzling drapery, and gave us eyes to look upon it.

  23. The way was long; the road ill formed, leading for the most part across a sear and desolate country, with nothing to relieve its barrenness except long stretches of the great spear-headed reeds.

  24. The light was enough to sear his retinas, but even they healed faster than the damage.

  25. It began to sear the skin long before the sun struck the normal atmosphere.

  26. It is clear that were the trigger kept permanently pulled the gun would fire immediately the bolt was locked and the sear (10) depressed, and the action would become automatic.

  27. On the under surface of the piston F, in rear, is a recess or sear (f) in which the nose of the trigger N engages, holding back the piston when it has been driven back by the gases.

  28. As the piston continues to recoil it draws back the striker J and then the breech-block H, and is then caught and retained by the engagement of the sear (f) with the trigger N, and the position assumed is that shown in fig.

  29. They are nearly as large as the English skylark, with conspicuous black markings about the head and throat; shy birds squatting in the sear grass, and probably taken by most country people who see them to be sparrows.

  30. If you happen to be in the woods at the right time in early April, you may see these leaves compactly rolled together, piercing the matted coating of sear leaves that cover the ground like some sharp-pointed instrument.

  31. Through the trees upon the other side of a wide expanse of turf, brown and sear under the summer sun, she caught a glimpse of tall buildings and a flagstaff.

  32. The grasses and wild-oats, sear and yellow, snapped like glass filaments under foot.

  33. A brave suggestion is this flower of the late autumn, blossoming when all else is in the sear and yellow, that it may bear seed in another year.

  34. But how soon they dwindle and wane, despite this sonorous protestation, grow silent and slip into the sear and yellow, and thence into the leafless, the glittering, the sublime aspects of winter!

  35. Smilax turns suddenly green as the sap circulates in its spiny stems, and the brown and sear aspect of the earth is relieved and enlivened.

  36. He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.

  37. Instinctively they avoided Lime Rock and its vicinity, and made toward the north, up over the hog-back hills, now sear and yellow, which climbed in interminable ranks to the snowy peaks.

  38. The air was hot; the grass was sear and yellow; the creek was dry but for a deep pool abreast the cabin.

  39. This road was bordered on each side by grass-plots, now sear in the late October frosts, and flower-beds, from which the flowers had been removed to their winter quarters in the conservatories.

  40. The garden was now dead and sear in the late October frost.

  41. All here was sear under the late autumnal frosts.

  42. And then in its sear and wintry state, the unhappy house came to be inhabited by a series of miserable tenants, who, though they sanguinely engaged to pay the twelve pounds, never paid them.

  43. The cry smote the savage heart of Ralph, smote it with the sear of white-hot iron.

  44. Always the strange, mystic grey twilight; the dazzling sparkle of glinting snow; the biting air which stung the flesh like the sear of a red-hot iron; the steady run of dogs and men.

  45. June sat down on the bed, thin and upright, like a little spirit in the sear and yellow.

  46. The hot butter and suet sear the steak, thus the juice of the meat is retained, making the meat more palatable; season with salt and pepper, place on a hot platter and serve at once.

  47. Evil be on you and the sear of shame-- And haunting memory beyond the tomb!

  48. If it is so, the lightning, that is wrath Within the veins of God, should sink its fang Into thy bosom and sear out thy heart.

  49. He clung to her with strange, nervous tenacity; the paper which he held in one hand seemed to Sear his fingers as with a branding-iron.

  50. Her hands still clutched that paper, which seemed to sear her fingers, the paper which she felt held writ upon its smooth surface the death-sentence of the man she loved.

  51. The effect of his conversation upon your feelings is to chill and sear them, to send you away sour and morose.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    attenuate; attenuated; bake; baked; barbecue; baste; bedaub; besmear; besmirch; blacken; blaze; blister; blot; blur; boil; braise; brand; brew; broil; brown; brush; burn; cast; cauterize; char; coal; coddle; consume; consumed; cook; crack; cure; curry; darken; daub; dehydrated; devil; diminish; dirty; discolor; drain; dried; droop; dry; emaciate; emaciated; evaporate; evaporated; fade; fire; flag; flame; found; fricassee; fry; griddle; grill; gun; heat; kiln; languish; macerate; mark; mummified; oxidize; pan; parch; parched; pine; poach; prepare; roast; rub; saute; scald; scallop; scorch; scorched; sear; seared; sere; shrink; shrivel; shriveled; shrunken; simmer; singe; sizzle; slur; smear; smirch; smoke; soil; solder; sponge; stain; steam; stew; stigmatize; sun; sunbaked; sunburn; swab; taint; tarnish; thin; toast; towel; waste; wasted; weazen; weazened; weld; wilt; wipe; wither; withered; wizen; wizened

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    search after; search for; searching glance; searching look